6 months ago - Play New World - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

0s think yeah it's a crazy crazy fight like
3s there's there's so many things going on
5s I was
6s like have your head on a
8s swivel absolutely I I could even Beat It
12s honestly there was just so like the all
14s these different casters and like you
15s know like the you know that you're
17s having to deal with while the
18s environment stuff is happening while
20s Loth is like wailing on you it's just
23s like the ring outs the icy breath yeah
27s like okay give
29s up
33s welcome to for and aternum uh the show
36s where we talk about all things new world
38s uh I'm your host today my name is Chad
40s redwitz I'm the AI design lead on New
43s World here I'm joined by
46s Darren James hey everyone and Paul how
49s you doing and today we are talking about
53s our newest Expedition glacial Tarn so
56s it's coming out with our next season's
58s content and uh James why don't you uh
61s Kick It Off by talking about kind of how
63s we got here what's the lower behind it
64s yeah sure absolutely so um the
67s Expedition uh we are still chasing uh if
70s you remember the imperian forge
71s Expedition um shayin uh sorceress who is
75s part of King artorius is court has
77s tasked us to sort of chase after um sir
80s Loth who is after this sort of
83s primordial power that I think Paul can
85s talk more about a bit but um and you
88s know in his mind doing good
91s to like once he has all this power he's
93s captured the power of fire in the
94s imperian Forge and he's ventured even
97s further into those Subterranean
98s structures in search of another power of
101s frost um and once he has this he'll
103s basically be unstoppable like he thinks
105s he's going to do all this great stuff
107s with it but like in the meantime it's
108s very Moy villain because he's got this
110s vangan horde that he's recruited and
113s allied with uh to you know means to an
115s end kind of a thing um and I think one
118s of one of the interesting things uh that
120s I'd like to hear more about from you
121s Paul is like you know that you've got
124s the fire and ice power um that he's
126s after but there's also like I think
129s miran's Powers have also gotten
131s intermingled into yeah this is one of
133s the places where Miran did some of his
135s experiments um we're going to find like
138s some really cool like ancient just again
141s like like you said like
143s primordial uh like at one point we come
146s across if I can talk about this one of
147s the ice Elementals and it's like
151s like like I feel like this is a power
153s different than what players have
154s experienced so far and it'll be exciting
156s to go in there and sort of like find
159s these these pieces of lore on what mean
161s was doing down there and kind of get
163s more insight into what he was doing like
166s we get some of it through like the msq
167s and through the storyline but this is
169s just another layer on top of that I
170s think yeah speaking of that we have some
173s uh some really cool new uh not to put a
175s punt on it but uh some really cool new
178s uh icy ancient Guardians and ice
180s varangians uh some really cool atics and
183s new moves and everything uh it's a
185s really really cool interesting uh
187s development on our on our enemy set
189s there Darren you want to talk to us a
191s little bit about kind of the the level
193s setup and the enemies and the the
195s mechanics from the the level side of
197s things yeah so um this is the sister
201s dungeon to Imperium Forge we really like
204s looked at it as you're going in the back
207s door here so shaylen's pointing out the
210s um secret entrance and because of that
214s you're fighting ancient enemy ancient
216s Guardians on the way in um and we cap it
220s off with um a boss fight which Chad can
224s talk about a little bit later um and
227s then you break into the main area with
230s um which you've seen already in the
232s Imperium
233s Forge as U Paul was talking about
236s there's the Fire magic and the ice magic
240s um you actually release the ice seal so
242s there's a trick where
244s you've been able to go before it's like
246s a gigantic switch puzzle that you have
250s solved in the Imperium Forge and now you
252s get to solve completely in this
254s Expedition um to make it to the final
256s boss fight with Loth nice I love the
259s call back it's awesome cool yeah and
262s then the the other side of it do we've
264s got hazards falling on the player all
267s over the all over the place with the the
269s icy FL ties and everything yeah
272s environment is part of your antagonist
274s through your story like it's the
276s dungeons coming to get you sure and uh
279s and those kind of tie into the bosses a
281s little bit too and that uh with the ice
283s troll uh we've got two major bosses with
285s this one so the ice troll is kind of
287s your your introductory boss a little bit
289s and uh he's this raging kind of
291s Elemental creature like you're talking
293s about he's great and uh and he's banging
296s around and every time he's slamming the
297s floor you've got more sets of icicles Dr
300s dropping
300s onag tis coming down uh which is super
304s fun and then uh and then our ultimate
307s boss is this encounter with Loth and the
310s uh the ice Elemental giant ice Elemental
313s things massive um so this is a little
316s bit of a Duo fight uh which is super
319s fun and uh he's now that fight is kind
322s of crazy because it takes place at the
325s end of Imperium
327s Forge um you cross the bridge that you
331s weren't able to cross before you're
333s inside of a gigantic pyramid
336s and um there's a lot of intricacies to
339s the fight a lot of different mechanics
341s do you want to talk a little bit about
342s the mechanics in that fight yeah totally
344s and this was a really cool interaction
346s that we had with our level design team
348s was building out this this Boss Arena uh
351s it it spans across four different
354s platforms that uh that have these ice
356s bridges spanning in between them and uh
359s and lock is pulling energy from this
361s giant ice Elemental and uh and
364s commanding it to uh to attack the player
367s and smash the bridges uh and if players
369s want to survive they have to rebuild the
372s bridges and uh and run for safety away
375s from these these attacks from the G
377s Elemental um so I I I really like the
380s the interaction that we've done this
381s time with like the level design and the
384s the character design and the art and the
386s lore and everything I think it all came
387s together great yeah that kind of like Sy
390s between the level and the and the actual
392s fight itself is going to be cool like
393s just interacting with the world while
395s you're trying to fight this oppressive
398s power is going to be a lot of fun I
399s think yeah it's a crazy crazy fight like
402s there's there's so many things going on
404s I was
405s like have your head on a swivel like
408s absolutely I I could even Beat It
410s honestly there's just so like the all
413s these different casters and like you
414s know like the you know that you're
416s having to deal with while the
417s environment stuff is happening while
419s Loth is like wailing on you it's just
421s like the ring outs the icy
424s breath like okay give
427s up that was a great one I'm really
429s excited to see uh what the what the
431s community thinks about it I'm really
433s happy with how it turned out so
435s hopefully everybody else loves it too
436s yeah it'll be great all right so I think
439s that uh brings us to our community
442s question um let's see for this one how
445s about uh the community's favorite boss
447s mechanic which one do you love which one
449s you hate which one do you love to hate
452s uh love to hear from everybody and help
454s us inform us for the next boss that we
457s make uh that'll do it like and sub
460s subscribe if you like what you're seeing
462s and uh we'll see you next time thanks
465s again see you in a
468s turnam
470s bye I think the the battle at the end
473s with um oh shoot
476s oh I just like the
478s the guy at the end
481s yeah I really like how that turned out
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485s [Applause]
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