over 2 years ago - Aenwyn - Direct link

Greetings Adventurers!

As we go live, there going to be issues that pop up while we are actively developing and breaking things within New World. These are some of the Known Issues that we are currently aware of and actively working on resolving.

Looking for our Release notes? Click here!
If we have any workarounds for a known issue, it will be posted here!


  • Certain items upgraded with Umbral Shards from Epic to Legendary uses the attributes from the item as extra item buff until the player leaves the world

  • Tempest Heart Replica Gear is crafting guaranteed Legendary GS 600 items

  • If you have ever deleted a character in the region you want to merge to before Feb 11 2022, you will likely not be able to merge into that same region you deleted that character in. This is a known issue we’re working to address in a future update.

  • Player can sometime lose their face after teleporting

  • Azoth Tree area lights flickering

  • Green Quest Markers seem to Disappear and Reappear Inconsistently.

  • Lighting flickers/flashes sporadically throughout Lazarus Instrumentality

  • Arena objective disappears from player HUD after reaching 2nd stage of Siren Boss in Reekwater.

  • Umlaut are not displayed correctly on names

  • Boss music does not play after death

  • Stun effect is not removed if a cleansing ability is activated immediately after getting stunned.

  • Trade Invites can not be sent through the Trade Chat command.

  • Housing scores are displaying incorrectly.

  • 200 focus fishing line tension bonus is nonfunctional

  • Players sometimes experience stuttering when using ‘Sticky Bomb’ from Musket at high RTT.

  • Players sometimes experience stuttering when using Ice Gauntlet Ice Shower at high RTT.

  • RTT spike during rolls can sometimes result in unnatural player movement.

  • AI will occassionally break off midcombat to start attacking the air.

  • Void Gauntlet Leeching Blade and Leeching Agony Floating Numbers do not Appear when Receiving Health

  • Players cannot deposit items in the storage shed if they have hit the unique item limit in their inventory.

  • Players do not receive rewards from war/OPR/Invasion when they have 500 unique items.

  • Status Effect UI shows unscaled value on modifiers that scale to the player’s level

All things combat

  • Positional Desyncs occur for players using Spear Light Attacks, Skewer, or Vault Kick while moving camera.

  • Positional Desyncs occur for players using Rapier Light and Heavy Attacks while moving camera.

  • Positional Desyncs occur for players using Hatchet Heavy Attacks while moving camera.

  • Positional Desyncs occur for players using Great Axe Whirlwind while moving camera.

  • Positional Desyncs occur for players using Great Axe Light Attacks while moving camera.

  • Positional Desyncs occur for players using Sword Light & Heavy Attacks while moving camera.

  • Positional Desyncs occur for players using War Hammer Light Attacks while moving camera.

  • Positional Desyncs occur for players using Maelstrom vs Cyclone.

  • Players encounter a desync when being hit by heavy reactions during Reverse Stab.

  • PvP Healing does not scale in a similar way to damage.

  • Players petting an animal can bypass the collision and get pushed into it by using Weapon Masteries such as ‘Incinerate’ or "Wind Chill’.

  • Mining speed bonuses have minimal impact on gathering

  • Players can’t be backstab while in their inventory.

  • Cannot Respec While on Cooldown Notification is Missing in Weapon Mastery Menu.

  • Player is stuck in a attack state when being hit while using Stopping Power on Musket.

  • Player enters a restricted state when going prone and aiming down sights at the same time with a Blunderbuss.

  • Allied players still have collision when light attacking other players with some melee weapons.

  • Ranged weapon crosshair UI elements do not properly update while close range reticle is active.

  • Post Block Stamina goes up then back down

  • Character is visually responsive to player’s input while stunned.

  • Pylon Burst AoE cannot be blocked by players with shields

  • Player performs basic attack when exiting a turret immediately after firing.

  • Fire Staff is playing Life Staff sheathing audio.

  • When Activate Void Blade + Oblivion, Sometimes Doesn’t Activate Void Blade, Shoots Light Instead

  • Mutator Fire Staff has a 60 plus attribute boost

  • VoidBlade when activation/deactivation during migration, can cause stutter and desync

  • Weapon Mastery page UI does not work as intended when an ability is on cooldown

  • Using Greataxe Charge ability before falling can cause desync and doesn’t put ability on CD.

  • No indication which Shrine player will respawn at

  • Void Gauntlet Tethered Focus status effect is not removed from player if active during migration.

  • Splinter Shot hits the enemy an inconsistent amount of times based on distance, making its damage hard to predict.

  • Certain situations cause some weapon abilities to feel as though their end lag has greatly increased

  • Weapon Mastery ability hotkeys appear to assign while on cooldown.

  • Blunderbuss passive, Future Planning, can be triggered repeatedly by starting and cancelling Mortar Charge

  • Swapping Weapons input is lost sometimes when UpperBodyReaction is initiated shortly after.

  • Players falling through ground and die when respawning when server is under load.

  • Weapon perk Attunements don’t apply their additional damage to certain abilities.

  • When on/next to uneven ground and using Voidblade to attack, causes player to snap afterwards

  • Players sometimes experience stuttering when using Great Axe Whirlwind followed by Maelstrom at high RTT.

  • Players sometimes experience stuttering when using Blunderbuss Splitting Grenade at high RTT.

  • Players sometimes experience stuttering when using Fire Staff Burn Out at high RTT.

  • Arrows from Rapid Shot can land behind you at certain camera angles

  • Heal over time effects are not automatically reapplied if cancelled by Nullifying Oblivion

  • INT and FOC gems not scaling properly with abilities/attacks

  • Elemental Conversion behaves inconsistently with damage over time abilities

  • Some players reporting being unable to respawn during war.

  • Attacks that are dealt from spawned slices doesn’t scale properly when under geared in Mutator 10.

  • Void Gauntlet: Empower from the Empowering Proximity passive ability may not be gained after using some active abilities.

  • Using Potion with Ice gauntlet equipped and attacking causes player body to flicker and model corruption after weapon swap

  • Void Blade model is not properly appearing for remote clients

  • Void Blade impact effects sometimes trigger incorrectly.

  • Blunderbuss Splitting Grenade Visually Shows Extra Splits Upon Multiple Hitboxes

  • On Occasion Player Will Animate Oddly After Reloading Blunderbuss While Moving

  • Players have a hard time seeing Fireball hitbox due to VFX on ability.

  • Blunderbuss Mortar Charge and Swapping Weapons Provides Extra Basic Attack

  • One-Shotting an enemy with Spawned attacks does not grant weapon mastery

  • PvP Enemy Health Bar doesn’t update if player has over 100% maximum hp through buffs and they have not taken enough damage to put them below the normal 100% threshold.

  • 250 Focus attributes Perk does not give any mana for self or group kills.

  • Light attacking a player that is sheathed with a rapier, causes you to spin in a circle around them.

  • Ice Gauntlet: Attacking the same target as “Ice Pylon” ability prevents mana regeneration being granted by “Gathering Storm” ability.

  • Animation Canceling Void Blade Heavy Attack causes movement snapping.

  • The bow shoots 2 arrows in one animation

  • Maelstrom Absorb upgrade can eat/stop friendly projectiles

  • Damage values from Blunderbuss are not clearly indicated by the tool tips.

  • Using elemental gem on weapons that spawn damaging slices lowers their attack damage

  • “Repulsing Clear Out” Perk contains calculation bug in text when gear score is 373 or 374

  • Musket Sticky Bomb plays awkward animation after canceling with RMB.

  • Players shown that they have infinite ammo after a duel ends

  • Shockwave VFX appear to jump around on the ground.

  • Healing Config True and Group Mode disabled, Scroll wheel targeting would stutter or unlock aim permanently till cancelled

  • If character strafes during 2 handed weapon unsheathing animation after closing inventory, animation is interrupted and repeats.

  • Higher latency values cause a stutter while using magic weapon light attacks while running

  • Blunderbuss is not capitalized in all of the Weapon Mastery skills.

  • War Hammer Wrecking Ball passive, Breathing Room has an unclear tooltip

  • Blunderbuss will fire a second shot when ending ADS while inside a settlement

  • Azoth vial is small when respecing mastery

  • Some Hatchets don’t spin along with the VFX angle.

  • Leaping Strike gives a burst of movement speed after when the player starts moving.

  • Blunderbuss Net Shot can hit enemies on the other side of Fort Gates.

  • Player’s body turn unnaturally if they are weapon swapping while sliding.

  • Void Blade animations and vfx sometimes appear out of sync when activated while running.

  • Claw Shot chain VFX do not disappear properly if the ability is immediately cancelled

  • The “Unyielding” buff can be applied to a duel participant without interrupting the duel.

  • Ice Pylon projectiles do not hit crawlers

  • Ice Spikes will sometimes not load the VFX for the large ice spike if the caster uses LMB at a specific time.

  • Ice Pylon targets/shoots at friendly quest giving NPC ‘Barkimedes’

  • Targeted Healing Group Member Hotkeys Still Trigger Casts when Not in a Group and with Group Mode Off.

  • Player can loop pulling out and putting away their musket while prone.

  • Whirlwind does an additional attack when facing an enemy.

  • Mortar Charge consumes an extra charge when low on ammo

  • Blunderbuss Claw Shot’s Chain Disappears When Pulling to a Target

  • Targeted Healing Group Mode still Targets Last Active Target when Toggled from Off to On.

  • Freeform Camera Locks onto Player with specific settings in Targeted Healing Group Mode.

  • Several Void Gauntlet assets have issues with the ring when using “Void Blade”.

  • Incorrect impact VFX is played when a spear hits objects with the Javelin ability.

  • Weapon Elemental Chain Perk Does Not Explain Incompatibility With Gems

  • Description of Essence Rupture Void Gauntlet Weapon Mastery does not clarify if it works on all targets or only living creatures.

  • Outpost Rush Summons will Target Allied Player Ice Pylons.

  • Going prone while firing Penetrating Shot can consume the arrow without using the ability

  • Camera behaves unusually when going prone after firing Poison Shot

  • With good timing, cancelling Tondo with Evade will cause the ability to hit without playing VFX.

  • AOE targeted area can go through Fort Gates and damage enemies.

  • Blunderbuss - Mortar Charge ability VFX disappear too early

  • Sturdy Shield passive doesn’t properly reflect max HP when sword/shield is unsheathed and accessing inventory afterwards.

All Things Crafting, Gathering and Items

  • Visual bug where some equipped items appear have their rarity downgraded. The items are still the same rarity.

  • Heavy Smyhle set cape & skirt have visual issues

  • Orb of Protection does not heal for the stated 10% weapon damage.

  • Challenge hover tooltip is displayed in the middle of the screen after “Claiming” a reward

  • Two items share the name ‘Ancient Mandible’

  • Some void gauntlet and blunderbuss weapon charms share the same item name

  • Parts of certain chestpieces with cloth physics enabled are covered with placeholder texture.

  • Various clipping and stretching issues with the Mixer’s Set.

  • Alkahests not properly calculating bonus percentage

  • Placing campsite while doing other actions with animations breaks the character and some abilities.

  • Forest Warden’s Chestpiece has texture and clipping issues

  • Work Orders for Quest/ Missions still have weight.

  • Crafting Station: Results screen button is missing a hover state and doesn’t act like a button

  • Blunderbusses from Gypsum Casts do not salvage into gold and repair parts.

  • OPR Named Items Not Getting Third Perk On 600+ Upgrade

  • Legendary refining recipes do not grant tradeskill XP

  • Flint Axe does not have 1000 durability like other flint tools

  • Heir’s Domain spear is T4, should be T5

  • Tier 2 and Tier 3 fishing poles have lower durability than similarly tiered tools

  • Most Void Gauntlet icons do not match the gauntlets color variation.

  • Roll Bonus from cooking trophy isn’t reflected on cooking menu

  • Trade skill EXP circle freezes after leveling up any gathering skill.

  • Various clipping and stretching issues with the Alchemist Set.

  • Material not consumed properly on refining T5 material

  • Shields downgrading in rarity all across the game.

  • Fix jitter during gathering start

  • Powerful corruption coating can erroneously apply multiple times

  • Exp bar for Tradeskill Aptitude is inaccurate

  • Overlapping UI element in Progression ticker of crafting results UI

  • Some equipped items have their rarity downgraded after build push.

  • Male characters are missing part of their chest piece when wearing the Skinner shirt.

  • Young Marsh Tree Stumps Have Replace Me Texture

  • Logging Efficiency Perk provides insignificant bonus that doesn’t even help with Tier1 material

  • Obelisk Priest’s Robe shows clipping

  • The Voracious Blade tool tip in the Trading Post is difficult for players to understand.

  • Great Axe Weapon Perk Insatiable Gravity Well Does Not Indicate Range

  • The tooltip for Splitting Grenade is potentially confusing/is partially inaccurate when compared to its functionality

  • Descriptions of the Infused Corruption Tincture and Infused Blight Tincture do not match up with their actual effects.

  • Light headwear from Tempests’ Heart clips into character model chests.

  • Forest Warden Hood has misaligned item image.

  • Isabella’s Gaze has wrong icon

  • Starbound Rememberence Earring has duplicated Refreshing perk

  • Tempest Guard Hat icon is off centered.

  • Heavy Isabella helm icon clips into the bottom of the frame.

  • Arcana crafting station contains inconsistent sorting categories

  • Progression ticker is not displayed in the Results UI

  • Small dot appears in center of void gauntlet when viewed at certain angles.

  • Gloves overlap with other armor in the dye menu

  • Earthshell Turtle SFX is too quiet and unnoticeable compared to other magical critters.

  • Expedition tower shields stats are the same as kite shields

  • Defiled Longsword of the Soldier item icon differs from equipped model.

  • The back of the Moonborne chest piece detailing is not symmetrical on female models.

  • Starstone Expedition weapons(Tier3) can be salvaged into Tier4 material

  • Unusual behavior when salvaging schematics, when player has more than one of the same schematic.

  • Floating fur collar on front of model chest with Forest Warden’s Chestpiece equipped

  • Blighted Growth’s Pants has localized text that spills words onto multiple lines.

  • Flamewake Fire Staff item icon does not match the equipped model.

  • Players are unable to interact with objects necessary for objective completion in expeditions or the open world if at unique item capacity.

  • Storage Chests contain wrong weight description in tooltip

  • The Wooden Fishing Pole does not have 1000 durability like other tier 1 tools

  • Invasion Tower Shield icon does not match in game look

  • Resources can be obstructed by camps when they are placed near, or on top of, the entity nodes.

  • Sometimes the rewards for the Aptitude progression are doubled on reward notification pop-up when receiving more than one reward.

  • Medium Smyhle set has multiple visual errors

  • All Oakflesh balm has an effect duration that says 2m but the duration of the consumables is 20seconds.

  • The Player is told that skinning a hound requires Skinning Skill 0 when trying to do it with Skinning below 200.

  • War Hammer’s inventory icons are warped.

  • Dead trees that are still standing use the incorrect chopping animation.

  • Tooltip of the equipped weapon appears when clicking on right third of the “craft” button in workshop.

  • All pieces of the Ficus armor set read “Ficus Breastplate of the…” in the title.

  • Replace Dye message displays when player clicks on the same color dye.

  • Hatchet projectile model has a white spike coming from the handle on the right side after using Aimed Throw.

All Things Quests and Missions

  • Invasion Gates when destroyed, will have 1/8 of health restored and flicker.

  • No rewards given from daily or weekly challenges

  • To Be Free tasks regress in between opening cages.

  • Empty space appears when MSQ objectives are pinned with other objectives

  • Players not receiving rewards for completed missions after a Build Push.

  • Players cannot progress MSQ past introtosettlement quest if javelin.red-button-disable-town-board-projects is active.

  • No translation for some daily/weekly challenge text

  • No progress can be earned towards corrupted breach weekly challenges

  • Cannot complete Armed and Dangerous.

  • A daily challenge does not inform players how to complete it.

  • No objectives associated with some daily challenge quests

  • Players report becoming stuck in place after interacting with NPCs.

  • Pins for Event Quests are not numbered like other objective pins.

  • Dr. Theophrastus speaks his post game dialogue before beating Heart of the Tempest.

  • Debug text in the topics column of the journal.

  • In the quest “Handcrafted to Perfection” there is inconsistent objectives shown and different formatting for both the HUD and Journal.

  • Father Russo presents clipping issue with his armor in Tempest’s Heart.

  • Typo in Housing Guide of the Journal.

  • Yonas Alazar’s VO doesn’t match end of Quest text

  • Heretic does not have VO during Death of the Heretic.

  • Artificer Estebanita Gomes is missing VO for the Traitorous Weaponry quest.

  • There is a slight typo in the dialogue to accept the quest “The Wagon” in Ebonscale Reach.

  • In the quest “Into the Depths” there is inconsistent objective formatting for both the HUD and Journal.

  • A blank objective appears when the player reaches Thunder Harbor for the quest “Sins of the Brothers.”

  • The minimum and suggested levels are different for the quest “Sins of the Brothers.”

  • Initial watchtower quests lack the pin location icon.

  • Border persists around challenges when clicked

  • Father Russo does not have VO during The Possession of Russo.

  • A few issues during picking up Answer The Call quest.

  • Ancient Map asset loses textures after interaction during Hope Springs Eternal quest.

  • The player is unable to extinguish fires when water is equipped to the hot bar during the quest “Triumphant Return.”

  • NPC conversations can be interrupted via trade request

  • Soulwarden Meredith’s VO is different from the dialogue text.

  • Aulus Fulvius is missing VO when going to accept The Original Guardian quest.

  • Edith Perchal NPC is missing Voice Over when accepting The Giant Ones Quest

  • The wrong AI family is referenced in the “Marauder Initiation: Fallowhill Farms” Journal Entry.

  • Activity Report is Floating and gathering all the reports shows player on knees regardless of Report height in The Lost Scarecrow Quest.

  • Myrkgard Cathedral has a strangely placed Thorpe after completing The Heart of The Tempest.

  • The Corrupted Hounds and Corruption Swarmers are not tagged for “Covenant Initiation: Merrill’s Place.”

  • Quest “Closing Cost” has placeholder interactable

  • IOs in The Last Scarecrow still glow after player completes tasks.

  • Closing Cost quest marker on Mourningdale Settlement not showing on higher zoom levels.

  • Turning In the quest “Into the Depths” the Warden Scout Titus mouth doesn’t move during the second part of his dialogue.


  • Enemy spawns in expeditions are delayed

  • Named AI in Lazarus Expedition respawn

  • Extremely dimmed lighting is placed on certain areas of most expedition

  • Mobs that spawn during Alluvium Marl fight do not initially de-spawn instantly after his death

  • Torso Boss doesn’t switch targets

  • Wall in The Depths lacks collision

  • Some of Commander Chen’s attacks lack audio that would be expected with the VFX.

  • Character shadow performance drastically drop around the Basilica Tempest’s Heart.

  • Damage number colors do not take mutation into account.

  • Overcharged Void, Fire, and Nature are not causing the described curses.

  • Pause menu tooltips do not repopulate immediately after players leave to main menu and return to the game.

  • Overcharged fire as part of the Frenzied curse does little damage to players.

  • Reticles show infinite ammo on cannons inside of Admiral Brute’s arena

  • The perks listed in the elemental tooltip are not ordered.

  • Overcharged Fire and Overcharged Nature have no VFX.

  • Isabella can sometime get stuck in collision during her Swoop Attack in Tempest’s Heart.

  • Player is unable to join Expeditions after exiting a different one until world was rebooted

  • Boss music does not play after death.

  • All Area and Standard Battle Music stops playing after player enters the Bathe Chambers in Lazarus Instrumentality.

  • Two Isabella Fights drop boss loot and can roll on the Isabella1 loot tag in Tempest’s Heart.

  • Running and going prone into a corner prevents Chardis beam from doing damage.

  • Players while actively casting meteor shower as Combustible/Shrivelled is applied lose the casting effects and stay in animation.

  • Invisible wall in the basillica blocks player and enemy projectiles.

  • Rank UI for level 10 mutators disappear upon force quitting the game

  • Purifying Flame interact points in Garden of genesis are inconsistently displaying “Requires a purifying flame”

  • Invisible collision protrudes from the floor in the Basilica in Tempest’s Heart.

  • Azoth Staff cleansing audio is persisting for players who join the Expedition after the Corrupted Monoliths have been destroyed in Tempest’s Heart.

  • Players are not refunded their Orbs if maintenance mode is set during their 1 minute entrance window

  • Placed powder kegs visually reverse back to blueprints after leaving their aoi in Dynasty Shipyard.

  • Isabella’s attack “Pistol Blast” sometimes shoots in a different direction than she faces.

  • Some Swarmers can get through the gate in Tempest’s Heart.

  • Corruption noticably changes color based on player location and camera.

  • VO at the start of Isabella 1 can fail to play in any language if player change language during VO playing, and dies afterwards in Tempest’s Heart.

  • Isabella will wipe Players if they are currently interacting with the Azoth Staff UI in Tempest’s Heart.

  • Lazarus AI sometimes trigger Battle Music inconsistently.

  • The Censored curses list the major curse before the minor.

  • Hit marker displays when hitting Isabella’s Pylons in Tempest’s Heart.

  • Floating assets in the Sea of Corruption in Tempest’s Heart.

  • Battle music ends abruptly after defeating one enemy in a group in Amrine Excavation Expedition

  • Isabella does not lip-sync her dialogue during the boss intro in Dynasty Shipyard.

  • Overworld music plays during Amrine

  • Greenskeeper AOE attack’s VFX can remain on the ground if players immediately give up after being downed in Garden of Genesis.

  • Mutator Map Icon doesn’t update for the client if the mutator scheduler updates while a player is online.

  • Missing collision on floating corruption in Tempest’s Heart.

  • Isabella’s cannons are not affected by Gear Score Scaling in Dynasty Shipyard.

  • Battle music plays while Cilla is dormant in Lazarus Instrumentality Expedition

  • Perk is duplicated in Mutation Drop Information menu

  • Player can Clip through Ground during “A Selfless Nature” Quest

  • Dynasty Shipyard mutator icons are doubled on the map

  • Azoth Door can be unlocked from the wrong side during “Unseal the Gate” Task within Into the Depths.

  • Isabella’s model unnaturally reset after wiping party during the chandelier encounter in Tempest’s Heart.

  • Touch of Corruption tooltip does not accurately describe the status effect in Tempest’s Heart.

  • Players can get out of bounds and become stuck in Tempest’s Heart.

  • Players climb out of bounds above the Sea of Corruption entrance in Tempest’s Heart.

  • Mutators difficulty banner displays twice when entering an expedition with mutators enabled.

  • Combustible can target Dynasty Shipyard Summoner’s spinning blade attack.


  • Unified Tools Framework Chat Log search cannot filter to trade chat

  • Hovering over names in chat doesn’t show company info

  • Speech to Text does not function consistently when players leave a group.

  • Help chat channel does not work inside expeditions.

  • Area chat messages from the last 15 minutes are shown all at once to players entering the area.

  • Sometimes player chat messages fail to appear in client chat log.

  • Linking too many items into chat causes it not to send

  • Items linked in chat can be cut off when increasing text font size

  • Character persistence - Player’s name may not display properly when using special text characters

  • All Food and Potions linked to chat yield LUA errors when hovered over

  • Chat becomes inactive after hovering over the Navbar until directly accessed again.

  • Chat channel tags not always appearing on chat messages

  • Switching Factions Displays The Wrong Icon in Chat

  • Linking too many items to chat causes them to not be viewable

Companies, Factions, Groups (oh my!)

  • Items cannot be bought from the faction shop

  • Probationed characters receive incorrect message when depositing into company treasury while in Account age probation

  • Player Not Notified to Why Company Name was Moderated

  • Ghost companies (0 members) can still own territories.

  • Sometimes when cursor is moved slowly to the next MTX company crest option, tooltip will not show.

  • Player Pronoun: Company ranks need gendered pronoun support

  • “Invite to company” button available to players with the rank of settler in a company.

  • When selecting a Faction to join, the pages are inconsistent with information given.

  • PvP missions appear in the wrong slot when a mission is abandoned or turned in from the faction mission board.

  • Player gets nonspecific player facing message after being kicked from group.

  • Ambiguous Error Message When Not Fulfilling Requirements for Company Transactions

  • Old Group Members remain on the Map, if user leaves while outside of the Group’s Instance.


  • Major Corrupted Portal and Minor Festering Hive darkness events do not have audio when spawning.

  • Corrupted Portal doesn’t allow you to use the Azoth Staff on it.

  • The Carapaces used in Corrupted Monolith darkness events don’t take damage for certain abilities.

  • NVIDIA Min experiences hitching at the start of Darkness Events after a fresh client launch

  • The game screen blacks out during Darkness events in rainy areas

  • Impact VFX is displayed on bow when shooting a Darkness Veil

  • Darkness event music does not play when player moves from one darkness event to another before abandon event timer expires.

  • Moonlight flickering rapidly near Rattlevine Ridge


  • You can’t leave invasion via the game menu tab.

Player to Player Trading and Trading Post

  • Contract commits are processed even if the trading post is disabled

  • Several March Perk items are not buyable in the Trading Post.

  • Completed & Expired Orders are not sorted in order

  • Trading post orders throttled

  • When filtering all settlements at any trading post UI states there are None orders when orders are present

  • Cancel button can be selected in trading post after purchasing an item

  • Trades do not work after a Transfer until the player relogs.

  • Trading post does not take expertise scaling of items into account

  • Transactions can fail across hub borders

  • Trade Window while Running camera operates as normal camera

  • Equipment UI can be selected behind Trading Post UI

  • There is no messaging about coin not being exchanged in a trade when both players are at coin cap if any items were exchanged.

  • Inconsistency: The [LMB + Shift] shortcut cannot be used during the P2P Tradings.

  • AFK Warning asking the player to move appears when in trading post for long enough

  • Player cannot send coin to someone in another trade

  • When only one trading post is selected, the count of orders for any trading post category is not shown.

  • Inconsistency on Event Consumables category

over 2 years ago - Aenwyn - Direct link

Outpost Rush

  • Invisible player in OPR

  • Reward screen is too short in War, Outpost Rush, and Invasion

  • Accepting the Outpost Rush invite while being in the guest registration window causes the camera to be permanently stuck in one position until the game is restarted.

  • Outpost Rush point markers flicker when moving

  • Fast travel icons might show over the map in outpost rush.

  • Viewing contents of dropped AI loot bags and closing UI causes bags to disappear in Outpost Rush.

  • Player is banned for 20 minutes from Outpost Rush when server restart occurs during the Outpost Rush match.

  • In Outpost Rush, Protection Wards prevent claims from returning to a non-conflict state if built while the point is contested.

  • Players who are queued for Outpost Rush before a server crash will remain in a bugged queue after rejoining the game.

  • Live Reports of Players sometimes unable to respawn after dying in Outpost Rush.

  • Gates in Outpost Rush can have separate interacts on each side of the door if they are being simultaneously upgraded and repaired.

  • Outpost Rush Protection ward icon starts at less than 100% health

  • Protection ward marker has no icon

  • Players are able to destroy turret blueprints in the Outpost Rush.

  • Players can teleport through destroyed gates in Outpost Rush.

  • Powder Kegs are not auto-added to a quick slot after purchase at the Armory during Outpost Rush with the config enabling it.

  • Explosive Turrets in Outpost Rush lack messaging that explains how to control them and can be killed while unclaimed.

  • Attempting Placing Camp in Outpost Rush gives incorrect error message

  • Upgraded Command Post clips into fort walkways.


  • War Repeater Turrets Aim has a slight offset - Shots hit lower than center of reticle.

  • War points can have their aoe indicators disappear when many aoe vfx are nearby.

  • In War, Purchased Ammunition can Stack Past 500 if Purchased all at Once

  • Demoted/Kick Company Members can confirm Fortress defense building

  • Reload bar does not show any progress on the turret HUD.

  • Siege Supply Generators never pass 300 and do not stop generating resources.

  • Protection ward marker has no icon

  • Players are able to destroy turret blueprints in the Outpost Rush.

  • Players can teleport through destroyed gates in Outpost Rush.

  • Powder Kegs are not auto-added to a quick slot after purchase at the Armory during Outpost Rush with the config enabling it.

  • Explosive Turrets in Outpost Rush lack messaging that explains how to control them and can be killed while unclaimed.

  • Attempting Placing Camp in Outpost Rush gives incorrect error message

  • Upgraded Command Post clips into fort walkways.

  • War Repeater Turrets Aim has a slight offset - Shots hit lower than center of reticle.

  • War points can have their aoe indicators disappear when many aoe vfx are nearby.

  • In War, Purchased Ammunition can Stack Past 500 if Purchased all at Once

  • Demoted/Kick Company Members can confirm Fortress defense building

  • Reload bar does not show any progress on the turret HUD.

  • Siege Supply Generators never pass 300 and do not stop generating resources.