3 months ago - Play New World - Direct link

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0s wh why why no why no M3 no work good
5s yeah uh that's paraphrase yeah of course
8s uh it it's a it's a very fair
14s question hey everybody Welcome to forged
17s andum where we talk about all things new
20s world uh today we are here to talk about
23s a uh kind of a set of features uh called
26s crossworld Expeditions and improved
28s group finder and I'm joined with a few
31s folks here from the team uh first up
34s suive sarmad that's right software
37s engineer uh we got Kenny
39s Doyle software engineer on the services
42s team on the services team social team
44s Services team and then finally we have e
47s Petrus producer of the social team hello
51s and uh we just Dive Right In so first
53s we'll have a kind of a we want to talk
55s about the the features and kind of give
56s you a sense of what they are and then
58s hot off the presses we have some
59s Community questions on the future and
62s we're going to we're going to answer
63s them for you as best we can so with that
66s um e what is crossworld Expedition and
70s improved group
72s finder uh crossworld Expeditions is
74s obviously the ability to make an
77s expedition group across server right
79s which allows uh more players to
81s congregate together and then improve
83s groupfinder is this idea that we want to
86s reduce the friction with the old group
88s finder system right there was Lobby
91s it was uh more difficult than we
93s intended for players to meet up and run
94s these Expeditions so reducing that
97s friction adding some uh you know quality
100s of life to actually be able to just
101s click a button get in a group run the
103s content absolutely uh and there's
106s there's a lot of details around it
108s obviously um luckily the the questions
110s that we gathered kind of kind of will
112s will be a great place to dive into more
113s detail on those um I guess for now
117s Expeditions so we have we have normal
119s Expeditions in mutated Expeditions so
121s where does this fit in with that uh It
123s ultimately encompasses both so players
125s will be able to uh you know run uh what
129s we call normal or vanilla Expeditions
131s right so obviously I think the first one
133s starts at around level 30 and they'll be
135s able to run all of those all the way up
137s to the endgame contents which ultimately
139s then will move players into the mutated
141s Expedition group will they be able to
143s run you know m1's m2s Etc yeah and to
146s skip the line a little bit uh so M3s not
149s being part of the feature um we we'll
152s talk more about it uh when we get there
153s but um this is really more you can think
156s of this as a as a kind of entry point so
160s you know it's it's hard to find groups
162s across the board I mean it's especially
164s hard to find groups for ascending the
165s ladder so like you know I need to find
167s an M2 so this system will will hopefully
170s kind of make it make it easier at least
172s to get to M3 being unlocked right um so
176s then you know this this has been you
178s know you you and me have been been kind
180s of working on some variation of group
182s finder for a while um it all started
184s with Lobby finder which shipped we just
187s looked it up
189s 2022 I think summer of 2022 is when it
192s initially came out yeah both longer and
194s shorter than we I know right so yeah I
197s mean you've been you've been kind of at
199s the Forefront and obviously like Kenny
201s Ken's working with us now on the
202s services side now that we have that but
203s like tell us about the history yeah so
205s we started off designing groupfinder
207s which was supposed to be this tool to
209s kind of help make it easier for players
211s to uh get grouped up and and run through
215s Expeditions um on their own world but
219s you know feedback that we got from the
220s players was that it was still kind of
222s difficult it's still quite a manual
224s process uh you had to kind of inspect
226s the players who wanted to join your
228s lobbies um see if you wanted them in
231s your group or not and then you were
234s limited to the players on your world mhm
237s so I think from there we were trying to
239s see
240s how can we improve that system yeah yeah
243s and we I mean I think we've always kind
245s of you know know that we wanted a
247s crossworld system yeah that was that was
250s originally what we wanted groupfinder to
252s be able to do but we just didn't have
254s the tech at that time we still wanted to
256s get something out there for players to
258s to kind of improve their experience and
259s make it easier for them we just didn't
261s have the tech to build it all the way we
263s wanted to and I think it's fair I mean
265s it's especially for like the top level
267s mutation dungeons it's like I think it's
270s find system yeah it it did help a lot
273s yeah um and then luckily we finally did
275s get to do crossworld yes with oppr at
278s first um which we got a lot of help with
281s the services team uh so yeah we got
284s cross working sorry we got opr working
287s cross World MH uh which made it so that
291s players from different servers on our
293s region could all come together and play
296s uh this game mode which players have
298s really enjoyed we it it wasn't easy to
302s get cross World working at all uh it's
305s really foundational level Tech that
307s we've then kind of trying to build the
309s whole Suite of modes on top of now yeah
311s right yeah it I mean so so then that
314s that kind of you know brings us to now
316s that we are here we have crossworld Tech
318s working um so then to to kind of you
322s know continue to to build out what we
324s originally wanted for expeditions now we
325s have crossworld Expeditions and then in
327s order to make that work like obviously
329s you have to you know it's challenging
331s because now the the groups you play with
334s across world to so then that's where the
336s matchmaking system came in yeah it's a
339s almost uh new set of challenges that
342s came into play for uh crossworld
344s Expeditions uh because with opr we had
347s the challenges of uh you know laying the
351s infrastructure and all like you said all
353s the foundational Tech to um allow us to
357s to look at player requests coming from
359s different different worlds and and just
361s form them into uh groups or teams for
364s opr and that was its own set of
365s challenges but now building upon that to
369s to get the whole feature set that we
371s needed for expeditions so um allowing
374s players to select different Dungeons and
377s getting that into play and then um
378s allowing now or taking into account
381s their role selection So like um healer
383s tank
384s DPS um and yeah just being able to uh
388s account for all of that and in an
390s efficient man manner uh get getting
393s players with these different uh
395s attributes or groups with these
396s different attributes uh into matches um
400s it's been really uh fun and exciting to
402s build that over the over the past few
404s months we yeah we um you know obviously
408s like it with with Game Dev and and you
411s all have heard about this in various
413s episodes but like it's always this push
415s and pull between what can we do by the
417s date versus like what we know sets us up
418s for the future um you know I I have to
421s compend you commend you both for like
423s doing a really good job fighting for
425s what would ultimately pay off for us in
427s the long run and this this rule-based
429s system is is an example of that um yeah
433s yeah it it's definitely um it's
436s definitely getting us there and I think
439s um you know we have a lot more
440s flexibility now than we did with the
442s initial opr system uh right so now that
445s we're actually able to uh more easily
448s Define like team sizes team compositions
451s um Maps um and other attributes too uh
455s the system's pretty flexible that um we
458s we could take other attributes or other
460s dimensions as far as you know what uh is
463s relevant to a player or group and and
464s use that in matchmaking so we're
466s definitely um on the way uh I think one
470s of the interesting quirks or interesting
473s outcomes that came from planning and
475s working through this whole feature was
477s uh originally we wanted to do like even
478s more on the service for like that kind
480s of initial criteria evaluation like uh
484s checking gear scores and other
486s requirements like that but that was
488s something um you know scheduling wise
491s made sense to have server or social uh
494s pickup um but you know potentially
496s that's something uh we look at in the
499s future and uh you know what gives us the
501s greatest flexibility and kind of uh
503s great a speed and iterating on these
505s rules but we're we're definitely making
507s progress in the right direction yeah
509s absolutely working with the services
510s team uh has been pretty awesome like you
514s you built a system which is flexible
515s enough for us on the server side to do
517s all the checks that we need to do to
518s make sure that players um qualify for
522s all the activities that they want to
524s Quee for during the
526s matchmaking uh so working with you and
529s uh having you build the tools for our
532s designers to be able to use the the
534s attributes that the game sends out to
537s the server and then use that for
539s matching these players together it's
541s been pretty cool kind of like a
542s handshake between best friends right
544s like you want the client you want the
546s the service just to kind of like you
548s know hug it out yeah just to see those
550s two very different very separate systems
553s working together has been really cool
555s yeah definitely I still remember the
556s first time we got all of the pieces just
560s about working we had all the team
562s together uh running this play test are
564s you talking about for this or for opr no
566s for this yeah because we had the tech
568s for opr we knew that cross world would
571s work right but we didn't know if queuing
575s for an expedition with the rules and
577s everything would work right uh
579s especially since we were sending up a
581s list of different dungeons that you were
584s queuing up for so yeah that first time
587s that we all got into the dungeon that we
590s expected to get into yeah with players
592s from different worlds that was that was
594s really exciting and the correct roll
595s comp exactly yeah yeah that was that was
599s was awesome a lot of uh uh joyful
601s swearing going on once that happened
604s that was really good yeah really good
605s feeling yeah we can't throw to that
608s clip s sadly sadly no but um kind of
612s along the line of Joyful swearing too
614s just getting to that process right like
616s um it's kind of been interesting just
617s like uh uh organizationally and
620s logistically from the development side
622s like when we were planning this back
623s over um you know July going into August
627s of 2023 right uh
630s services and the way we had planned
631s things out at first it didn't quite
633s align with like social and like the
635s larger group and team effort so you know
637s like Dan and E here they spent a lot of
640s effort um I wouldn't say like yelling at
644s at me or my team but there was a a
646s gentle uh uh a suggestion to like hey
649s kind of like reorganize I'd like to call
651s it a passionate plea a passionate plea
654s but it was so awesome because like yeah
656s you know um spend like an hour you know
659s looking that uh what you've planned out
661s reorganize it and then we had like so
662s much better alignment between what
664s services was doing and what social was
666s doing and I think it actually made
668s getting to that first point where like
670s oh we had that first like crossworld
671s dungeon formed it made that possible and
674s like that was really really awesome to
676s have happen yeah and I think as a team
677s we've been we've been kind of improving
679s our design and uh development process so
683s learning from the lessons we had for opr
686s and taking those into building Crossroad
688s expeditions I think uh yeah there's been
691s I mean you know a lot of credit goes to
693s you credit goes to you credit goes to
694s you for sure uh there's I mean I think
696s seven teams in all across the across a
699s lot of coordination pitched into this
701s thing um so you know everybody who
703s couldn't be here with us because the
704s table's only so big thanks thanks PEX
707s thanks weex thanks ux uh yeah uh server
711s server Services social oh crap now I
714s forgotten somebody whoever forgot I'm
717s sorry yeah but yeah now it's uh we'll
720s put in the notes f i I've just I've just
723s it's been amazing to watch uh everybody
724s has done such amazing job and there's
726s been a lot of a lot of pieces a lot of
729s Tetris bricks falling that had to get
731s spun around uh but we didn't end up with
733s any sideways long ones right not yet
739s anyway actually maybe that's a pretty
741s good segue because now uh we do have a
743s couple of questions um you know we're
745s we're happen to be going out to PTR um
748s so you know people are learning about
749s the feature for the first time and they
750s got some questions for us so um without
753s further Ado uh we got three we wanted to
755s read first one
757s being wh why why no why no M3 no work
762s good yeah uh that's paraphrase yeah of
765s course uh it's it's a very fair question
767s so ultimately you know
770s um uh for you know the M3 content is
774s some of the most challenging in the
775s entire game right and it's uh to do to
779s set a group up to succeed you need to be
782s set up correctly gear wise and Gem wise
785s and all your loadouts right so you know
787s uh with the way it's set up currently um
790s there are challenges with kind of doing
792s the oneclick kind of uh functionality
795s with that particular setup so ultimately
798s you know for kind of uh the first
800s release we wanted to kind of reduce
802s Simplicity utilize kind of the Legacy
804s group finder uh and ultimately just make
806s sure that we have a A system that can
809s you know grow into that and the Hope
811s though is that since we are able to use
813s you know vanela Expeditions and mutated
816s we can help get more players through to
818s M1 and then M2 and ultimately get into
820s that M3 bucket and you know we are going
823s to of course listen to players so you
825s know if that's something that players
826s want us to solve for you know I I I
828s think they can expect something at some
830s point to address that well said yeah the
833s like we and like we talked about like we
834s we still do have the the lobby Finder
837s right actually some of some of the cool
838s stuff about the new new screen that
839s houses all this stuff is a new like uh
842s activities menu as we call it and uh you
845s know we've done some things to improve
846s the visibility of how many lobbies are
848s in which mutation level uh vanilla as
851s well um but yeah I mean you know we I
854s think we definitely hear you it it'd be
856s it'd be wonderful to have crossworld
857s here as well but um you know for now I
861s think more players are going to get to
862s M3 to be able to
865s play uh question number two is the group
868s finder going to to particular
870s compositions for groups and gear
871s requirements for roles
874s Su so
876s the crossroad Expeditions and improved
880s groupfinder is going to adhere to uh our
883s new uh role requirements and role system
886s so when you queue up for an expedition
889s or mutation you're going to have to
892s select a role and you have to qualify
895s for that role um so we have a bunch of
897s checks in place to make sure that not
899s only the experience for you but for your
902s your group as a whole is as good as it
904s can be now that said you know we're not
908s locking you into that role quite yet uh
912s we want to see how the players uh
916s interact with the system and we are you
919s know listening to feedback if we see any
921s issues with that we'll we'll see what we
924s can do to address it yeah this is one
926s where you know even the Legacy
928s groupfinder system couldn't you know you
930s couldn't guarantee that you're going to
931s stay within the role so um you know it
933s is something we looked at and we respect
935s out to make the coverer V1 we'll see
937s we'll see how it goes um and then
940s there's one last bit of this are there
942s any systems in place to punish bad
944s actors uh we've got our uh penalty for
949s deserter penalty that's right so if you
951s if you leave an
952s expedition uh prematurely if you leave
956s on your own yeah you will receive a
958s penal you won't be able to rejoin for
961s that type of activity for a certain
963s amount of time still tuning all the
964s values yep um if you are
969s misbehaving in an expedition your group
972s can also kick you out and that will also
974s trigger a penalty MH uh that said if
978s players get into a state where they
980s either don't want to or can't finish an
982s expedition we have added a way for
984s players to abandon cleanly the
987s Expedition y so that they can get back
989s out and queue again without any that's
991s group penalties right y right and we do
993s have the the back fill system so that
995s way if uh we do need to exit left a
998s particular player uh we are able to
1001s hopefully uh find a replacement without
1002s having to disperse that group not
1005s hopefully we do we will find them if
1007s they're there if they're in the queue
1008s we're going to find them and back fill
1010s them into the match that's right it
1012s works it works great yeah right K that's
1015s right it's never it it was one of the
1016s first things to work and it's just been
1018s Sol ever
1020s since uh last question disable trade
1023s inside any game mode of cross server
1025s easy abusable and exploitable if can
1027s trade between
1029s servers fair enough yeah I mean I think
1031s this is something we've had in
1033s crossworld since or you know we released
1036s opr so that whole kind of design has
1038s been carried over and you know players
1041s cannot utilize that so you'll see kind
1042s of within the you know the H menu when
1045s you try to trigger that there's
1046s basically a popup that says this is
1047s disabled yeah I mean you were I mean
1050s while server was was kind of going and
1052s services were were kind of making
1053s Crossroad instances even possible that's
1056s when you were kind of hard at work in a
1057s lot of this stuff right that's right
1059s yeah we just we wanted to make sure that
1061s while players were cross World there
1062s wasn't any way for people to kind of
1065s exploit um the fact that they were cross
1067s world and and uh mess with different
1070s world's economies yeah so trading and
1073s then inviting and right yeah so while
1075s you're across world you cannot trade you
1077s cannot interact with that world economy
1080s um and we've had that teex since
1082s Crossroad oppr and because we're
1083s building off of that that shouldn't be
1086s anything we have to worry about but
1088s again you know we're watching and if you
1090s do anything weird we're gonna we're
1092s going to come for you Kenny's going to
1094s come for
1096s you and speaking of community questions
1099s here's one for you what mode would you
1101s like to see go cross world
1104s next if you liked watching uh be sure to
1107s like And subscribe and and we'll see you
1110s in a
1112s tourn one we're looking at the menus
1114s with crafting we're making sure that
1116s there's uh a smaller amount in that so I
1118s can visually look at that menu and say
1120s okay you know these are the things that
1121s I want instead of trying to parse
1123s through and figure out what's going on
1125s uh two we're just cutting a lot of the
1126s food there's a lot of food that just
1127s doesn't have as much
1137s value
1140s oh