over 3 years ago - Tosch - Direct link

Hey all, first I want to apologize that the issues are still not solved. The devs are still looking into this and I will update you once I have more details.

over 3 years ago - Tosch - Direct link

We are still working on the problem. Our current plan is to make the world available again (as soon as possible), so that you can either continue playing on your created characters or, alternatively, delete them and then start over on another world with your character names.

I’ll be back, once I have more news.

over 3 years ago - Tosch - Direct link

The world should be back online and available, including the characters you already created there. As I wrote before you can continue playing on the world or, if you choose to do so, delete your character and start fresh on a new world.

We apologize for the issues with the world and that it took so long to have a solution ready. Please let us know if you experience any other issues with it.

over 3 years ago - Tosch - Direct link

Yes :slight_smile: