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Please Please PLEASE put a small limit on company size, at most 50-100 players or so. If you don't put STRONG limitation on company numbers, it will go down the same route as games like EVE online, Albion online, Planetside 2, and crowfall, where one group so massively out-pops other groups that they get complete control over resources, regions on the map, and fights.

The games I mentioned above (save for crowfall which i've followed for a year and i'm still pretty sure is gonna be DOA) are excellent, but my main complaint about sandbox mmo's is always that people will simply create a guild/company/clan that is continually funnelling so many players into it that other, smaller groups cannot physically compete.

I think it's fair if the company of five friends in a company together can't take on a large company of 20-50, but if even 20-50s can't compete to company sizes upwards of 500+, the game will inevitably have 2 or 3 of these groups fighting for control, and everyone else is left feeling like they have no impact on the world.

Thank you.

P.S. Please don't stress about the delay. We know you're working your asses off, and people will say you used corona as an excuse or whatever, but please, take your time, take care of yourselves, and focus on the quality of the game over anything else. You do that, and it will be worth it to you without question.

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almost 5 years ago - /u/LegionCM - Direct link

Hey everyone

I just want to set expectations on the development teams involvement and contributions here on this and other subreddits. While the game remains under NDA you can expect the team to not engage here. We stood up official forums for Alpha testers to give their direct feedback on the current feel and mechanics of the game. That is where we will be spending most of our time engaging with players who can speak openly about the game.

As the Community Manager for New World right now, I go where the players are. I keep my finger on the pulse of the conversations that are happening around the internet in regards to New World. This is one of the many places that I check in on daily. I look for hot button topics that it's clear there is confusion on and try and work them into future pieces of content like Dev Blogs. You won't see us weighing into or expanding on anything that hasn't been directly talked about outside of official channels.

This will all change once the game is no longer under NDA and everyone on here has all the information they can handle because they are in the game, interacting with the features, and providing open feedback.

I will continue to check out these pages to help gauge what the community wants to hear more about next. We now have a new road to launch and will continue to fill it with Dev Blogs and Videos, Alpha key giveaways on social, we're talking about how we might do gameplay livestreams from home, and other ways to keep the content and information flowing during this new time frame we have found ourselves in.

I hope this clears up any questions you might have about our involvement here on Reddit during the current stage of life the game is in.