5 months ago - Play New World - Direct link

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0s and in fact we're going to be buffing
1s both the bow and the musket I think
4s these weapons are starting to get
5s competitive and we're we're going to try
7s to keep pushing their
10s [Applause]
13s competitiveness welcome to forged in
15s eternum where we talk about all things
17s new world today we have an episode of
19s balance of power we're going to talk
21s about balance after the season 4 Eternal
23s Frost release and uh potentially some
26s changes coming out of that uh let's get
28s started and Michael with the question
31s okay so how do you feel about the
33s overall balance for
35s PVP uh I think balance is progressing
38s nicely I think we are getting closer to
41s where we were uh I like to think of like
44s just before season 3 the expansion
46s dropped as probably the best balance
48s we've had uh in New World PVP and then
51s we we sort of intentionally broke it
52s right like we increased the gear score
54s we did a perk rebalance we did a lot of
56s artifacts uh introduced them to the game
58s so a lot of changes that sort of created
60s upheaval and balance uh but I think
63s we've been working through that a little
64s bit we've made three rounds of changes
67s uh We've sort of Let The Meta solidify I
69s think players have also found some
70s counters uh to some things that were
72s strong so uh listen I I don't think
75s we're anywhere near done yet but I do
77s think we're getting better uh and I
79s think just to be frank some of our main
81s problems right now are actually more
83s systemic problems uh than problems with
86s actual weapon balance uh for instance
89s things like pre-mades and opr are you
91s know a big issue uh the lack of you know
94s sort of uh the way teams are sometimes
98s balanced and the lack of matchmaking is
100s an issue uh and you know how role
103s distribution especially healers aren't
104s equal between teams so those sort of
107s things you know we're aware of them
108s they're big problems and I think in a
110s lot of ways they're you know leading to
112s more of this feeling of you know
114s inbalance in the actual weapons uh and
116s we may have some exciting news coming
118s about that you know in May in the future
121s uh but speaking about actual weapon
123s balance uh let's start with Arena you
126s know on a positive side I think Arena
128s has uh really good build diversity still
130s I think we're seeing a lot of variety in
132s builds and everything being somewhat
134s competitive uh we are still seeing a lot
136s of strength in blunderbus it's one of
138s the outliners uh so we are looking at
140s that uh otherwise uh you know LIF staff
144s uh remains strong sword and shield has
146s crept up and remains strong uh and our
149s favorite fire staff and Ice gaunlet
151s combo all remain strong
153s so uh in terms of opr uh we're
157s continuing to see sort of a big
159s Divergence between uh you know what wins
162s matches and what gets lots of uh points
165s via damage and kills uh with range doing
168s that and melee being more on The Winning
169s Side so uh that Divergence continues and
173s and on The Winning Side you know we're
174s seeing uh the bruisers and the sword and
177s shield combos really performing well in
179s terms of winds there
181s uh in terms of diversity in opr we are
183s seeing sort of an outweighted usage of
185s range I think you know we've talked
187s about this in the past I think it's
188s because of you know it's it's more solo
191s friendly it's easier to get your points
193s uh and I think that you know sort of
194s outsize usage of ranged is also leading
197s to a bit of a feeling of of
199s oppressiveness uh because there's just
200s so much ranged in
202s there all right um how do you feel about
204s the overall balance for PVE uh in terms
207s of PVE I think you know we're feeling
209s pretty good I think
210s uh melee still continues to dominate a
213s little bit I think you know just with
215s its ability to cleave enemies and how
217s it's easier to sort of heal and buff uh
220s in tighter AOE circles we are seeing you
222s know melees still sort of at the top of
223s the leaderboards uh especially at the
225s higher levels I think you know uh we are
227s seeing more fire staff uh and even some
230s ice gaunlet offhand usage uh and a
233s little better build diversity sort of in
234s the lower uh you know levels of
236s mutations but higher level melee still
239s dominates a little bit uh that's
240s something we're looking at in terms of
242s diversity I think you know mainhand uh
245s you know is a little bit still dominated
247s by great sworded is definitely the most
249s used uh sort of mainhand DPS weapon in
251s terms of offhand we're seeing a little
253s bit better diversity there with all the
255s weapons sort of offering something
257s whether it's Ren weeken uh we're seeing
259s a little more diversity
261s there okay um well let's move on to like
264s the actual changes that are coming um
267s any changes to artifacts coming uh
270s there's two artifacts changes coming uh
272s one is a change to pestilence uh this is
274s the blunderbus artifact as we talked
276s about blunderbus is pretty strong in PvP
280s uh so we are going to be making a change
281s here where the outgoing healing is
283s reduced by half uh this sort of puts it
285s in line with other uh sort of disease
288s type weapons so we think it's an
289s appropriate change uh and we'll continue
291s to monitor after that uh Second coya's
295s KNE guards is getting a buff uh I think
297s it was not strong enough against against
300s ranged relative to some other options
302s and I think you know our vision here is
304s that coas is the best option if you're
308s specifically sort of gearing against
310s range damage uh and then we want to
313s create you know other areas for instance
315s uh you know the feather light will
316s probably be your best sort of generic uh
319s ability to get resistances and then
321s we'll look maybe in the future for a
322s melee specific one and sort of try to
324s build out other niches
326s there all right what about the bow well
329s the bow is getting a buff in damage but
331s don't worry uh it's only in PVE and in
333s fact we're going to be buffing both the
335s bow and the musket I think these weapons
338s are starting to get competitive and
339s we're we're going to try to keep pushing
341s their competitiveness in PVE uh so we
343s will be buffing that uh we will be
346s reducing the PVP damage by a commiserate
348s amount so that they remain neutral in uh
352s PVP uh additionally we're going to be
354s making one fix uh uh the empowering
357s explosive Arrow perk uh a couple people
359s had found found ways to not have it
362s reset so they were able to keep that
363s empowering uh it's supposed to go away
366s after the first attack so a fix is
367s coming to do that which should uh sort
370s of reduce a little bit of the power of
372s people who were able to exploit that
375s okay all right uh what about fire staff
378s uh two changes coming for fire staff uh
381s the first is we're going to be slightly
382s reducing the speed while in flamethrower
385s uh I think you know the goal here is to
387s give a little bit more of counterplay
389s against this will can feel like an
391s oppressive ability at times especially
393s with some of the new uh heavy fire staff
395s builds going on so we like that change
397s in it's coming uh the second change is
399s we're going to be doing a very minor
401s Nerf to empowering Fireball pork uh I
404s think this is the most used perk uh and
406s it is pretty strong so a little bit of a
407s Nerf there all right how about um void
411s Gauntlet any love for that yeah so I
414s think you know we we recently made some
415s changes to void Gauntlet especially with
417s the void blade I think that's an ability
420s that you know is sort of a crowd
421s favorite a fun fun ability so uh we like
425s the changes but feel like it still isn't
427s quite strong enough so we're going to be
428s increasing both the light attack and
430s heavy attack damage uh out of void blade
434s okay uh last but not least what about
437s equip loads how are you feeling about
439s the balance there uh equip loads so
442s let's start out with generally uh how we
445s feel they they're sort of balance right
447s now uh in general I think uh the light
450s equip load is in a very good place for
452s ranged at the moment uh I think it
454s offers some Mobility some damage uh it
457s really matches well with sort of the
458s range play style uh I don't think it's
461s too strong or too weak I think that's in
462s a really good place at the moment uh
465s light Builds on the melee side for those
467s assassin builds though there I do think
469s there is some weakness uh and that is
471s something we would like to improve uh I
474s will say we want to find a way to
475s improve the light melee builds without
478s further buffing range which we think
479s think is in a good spot uh so we need a
482s little Tech to do that uh that won't be
484s an immediate change but expect something
486s you know uh to address that like in
488s season
490s five uh second medium uh we think medium
494s equip load just to be frank is in a
495s weird place uh since losing its its
498s lower stamina Dodge it's it's now sort
500s of being dominated by heavy uh because
503s heavy offers a lot more protection for
505s just a little bit less uh damage uh and
509s we're seeing that play out in PvP right
511s like especially with void dark plate I
512s think that's helped the shift uh we're
514s seeing a lot more usage of uh heavy
517s equip loads uh than medium uh this is
521s something we are taking a look at we're
522s going to make a change coming up in the
524s minor uh I think the change we're going
526s to do is we're going to increase the
528s cost of dodging in heavy to
531s 55 uh we like this change because I
533s think it will reduce the effectiveness
535s of the build a little bit it will give
537s medium uh you know sort of new Niche uh
540s for melee that offers you know better
543s dodging but still good uh protection uh
546s and we sort of like this change better
548s than reducing the medium stamina because
550s we sort of wanted to avoid uh you know
553s too much Dodge spam so uh that is a
555s change that's coming and I think you
557s know we are continuing to look at equip
559s loads I think uh we'll make more changes
561s uh to them in season five also we have a
563s little more time to test make larger
565s changes uh and get some tech
568s in uh that's all I got for now awesome
572s well thanks for joining us uh all these
574s changes we talked about should be coming
576s in an early January minor patch uh as a
579s reminder these are minor so we try to
580s keep the changes to a minimum and and
582s sort of safe changes and we'll make
584s bigger changes with the season five
586s release uh and with that we do have a
588s community question we were just talking
590s about equip Bulls uh I'd love to hear
592s your thoughts what do you want to see in
594s the future for equip loads uh let us
596s know uh in the comments uh and as always
599s like And subscribe subscribe let us know
600s you're enjoying the program and see you
602s in a
606s [Music]
607s [Applause]
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617s Turner