almost 3 years ago - Luxendra - Direct link

Greetings Adventurers,

We will be holding downtime tonight to re-enable all forms of wealth transfers including player to player trading and the trading post across all regions. Due to the importance of wealth transfers and their impact on the experience in-game, we wanted to prioritize re-enabling these mechanics as soon as possible.

In our notice addressing disabling wealth transfers, we mentioned a make-good to ensure that there was no lasting impact due to this change. This make-good will come in a future update so please stay tuned!

Downtime is slated to last approximately 3 hours (~180 minutes).

Please take a look at the table below for the downtime:

Region Restart Time (in your local timezone)
Central Europe 2021-11-03T03:00:00Z
South America 2021-11-03T03:00:00Z
US-East 2021-11-03T03:00:00Z
US-West 2021-11-03T03:00:00Z
Australia 2021-11-03T03:00:00Z

Please note that this is not our regular weekly update. Please stay tuned for information on the status of that update. As soon as we have more information, we will share it with you.

Thank you for your patience and understanding while we addressed these issues.

almost 3 years ago - Kay - Direct link

The following regions have completed maintenance:

US West
AP Southeast
SA East

The remaining regions will follow shortly. Hang tight!

almost 3 years ago - Kay - Direct link

US East is now done with maintenance except one world (Takamagahara) which requires additional maintenance.

Estimated time for completing additional maintenance for Takamagahara is 60 minutes.

almost 3 years ago - Kay - Direct link

Takamagahara ended up only taking about 15 minutes longer than the rest of US East. It is out of maintenance and available now.

EU Central is now done with maintenance as well.

This completes our maintenance for this evening. :vulcan_salute: