5 months ago - Play New World - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

0s if you like the show let us know by
2s subscribing and we'll keep doing
5s it
7s bye
12s bye one one one more can I have all of
15s you wave goodbye at this
18s one
21s nerds welcome to
25s forg don't use that one either I'm
27s swearing for sure you just start with
29s the thing that you're excited
31s about why don't you like love and direct
33s this well yeah well that's where he said
36s in you know
37s tomorrow no this is on the
40s msq we talking about things we're
42s excited about msq msq sh Wait a minute
46s that's why I'm like love and take over
48s is there already a timetable for with
50s all
51s quests get it together L you're the
55s F can you please be professional I'll
58s answer the I'll start with the answer
59s again and then won go from there I'd be
61s happy to shoot that all again if you
63s don't think that oh no no no that was no
65s no no I thought that was great this is
68s what we're
69s release this is an outward facing video
72s do you need help bringing that down
73s safely no no no I got is it real heavy
75s or no no I mean it's heavy but it's not
78s like oh my God oh my goodness no no no
80s it's oh my God oh my
82s goodness oh my God oh my
86s goodness okay let's we so concerned this
89s so hey Chuck just hold on to it till DV
91s gets
93s here thanks for
95s coming we get that get that again thanks
98s for coming what do you got oh
103s man that's good perfect that's great all
107s right and
109s um uh will you guys ever do for PVP
113s content God I get this question all the
115s damn time yes I'm gonna go create a
117s video on
119s it
121s those are that may have been
122s award-winning acting right there folks
124s you have no idea like that was that was
128s brilliant welcome
130s forun welcome to
133s etum you should totally
138s ble oh I forgot to introduce
141s everybody oh we don't matter we're just
144s here for your ego boss no that's
146s definitely not true let's do a new I
148s don't have one I I'm not an appearance
150s guy at all okay all right he's a pay for
154s power guy I'm a pay for power guy for
156s sure I mean yes
160s yeah you said one time I appreciate it
163s that that helps me sync everything oh
165s got it yeah no that got
167s it now it's going to get a little more
169s confusing sorry about that no it's okay
171s I'm going to hand it to my other editor
173s so his problem sorry Stephen you're
176s screwed um thank you Stephen don't think
180s about that guy you're the real hero we
181s all know it yeah welcome to forged in a
184s turna where we talk about all things new
186s world uh today I'm desined joined by a
189s very cool you know how I said we're not
192s going to start over we're going to start
195s over that was a good clap that was a
197s really good clap all right CL thanks did
200s you just review this clap okay I've
202s heard
203s better here to clap one time
207s wait wow really uh good job thank you
211s um so basically this camera give me a
215s clap please thank oh right in my face
221s better than mine we have fun
223s here Scott going through all of his
225s known social media I was like tracking
228s them in my didn't mention AOL
230s M that would yaho front page MN
236s Napster that bye new world see you later
240s how about a see you in a tum see you in
242s a
243s tum thank you for joining us
247s today see you in the turn oh see you in
251s a
252s tum otherwise see you
255s later see you in a
257s tum see you in a tum thank you thank you
260s for
261s watching see you in a turn see you in a
264s tum and uh we'll see you next time
267s thanks again see turn see you in turn
271s him bye