10 months ago - Play New World - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

0s a barbershop feature is on your plans is
3s there any plan for the character rename
4s feature are you aware of the time it
7s takes to accumulate azov's salt in the
9s game more to come yes
15s [Applause]
19s hi everybody Welcome to forge at eternum
22s where we talk about all things new world
24s today I'm here with Dave and Katie and
26s we're going to do our monthly Community
27s Q a this is where uh once a month we
31s take questions from all of our social
32s media networks uh you know YouTube
34s Discord Twitter Reddit
38s and any other one uh threads probably
41s literally everywhere everywhere we can
42s think of uh
44s so with that in mind let's just dive in
46s and start answering some questions
48s are you happy with how many people
49s attempted the sand worm and beat the
51s sand worm will you tune future raid
53s content so that it is more likely to be
55s able to be completed by random groups uh
58s yes we are very happy I think the win
60s rates are you know difficult that's what
63s we wanted and I think also want to just
65s say thank you for the PTR feedback I
66s think it helped us tune this we got a
68s lot of value out of that uh and it is
70s bounds to be hard that's a goal we had
72s we've achieved that I think what we're
75s counting on is that in the future gear
77s score will increase and that as players
79s get more powerful that will allow a
81s larger segment of the players to play it
83s so we want it to be sort of challenging
84s Elite content at first and then open up
86s to more players over time yeah and
88s something pretty cool like that we got a
90s metric when we had the first uh the
92s first Dev on uh on I forget which world
95s it was on but we've got our first win it
98s had been attempted over 14 000 times so
101s that's pretty cool and since then we've
102s had a pretty good role one for fourteen
104s thousand yeah that's a crazy ratio but
107s since then we've obviously a role of
109s other people who have been able to make
111s it through the sand worm
112s is there any plan for the character
114s rename feature
116s uh it's something that we are talking
118s about but no plans to share yet with the
123s what do you think about adding suggested
125s open world PVP elements such as hot
127s zones and a caravan trading system
130s conceptually I love it um we've talked
133s about both of those a lot I think that
136s we're not ready to go into any specifics
138s on where how you know time frames we're
140s thinking about those but at a high level
142s like I think both of them the open world
145s PVP is just it's fun it's cool and if we
147s can find more ways to make that engaging
150s for players and to give them cool things
151s to do I think it'll pay off yeah and
154s season three is gonna bring the same
156s thing that's going to bring a new way
158s that uh people are going to be able to
159s push influence so
161s um that's going to hopefully
163s um bring a lot of open world PVP moments
167s because we're going to try to get as
168s many folks into certain areas at the
170s same time as possible so stay tuned for
172s more information on that as we start
173s talking about season three and the
175s expansion yeah super cool but we are
177s going to push like in the long term we
179s have plans to push well past yeah yeah
180s that's just the first step
182s I was just saying I actually I saw a
185s Reddit thread last night about like oh
186s my God pushes take too long and this is
189s this change not only is going to make it
191s way more fun it's also going to make it
192s way more compact which I think players
194s are going to love definitely directly I
196s saw that once you directly addresses
197s that
198s someday we might be able to talk on
200s Reddit
201s we're talking to Reddit right now
204s what's up guys
206s are you aware of the time it takes to
209s accumulate azoth salt in the game it
212s feels rather lengthy are there plans to
214s increase the Asos salt awarded from
216s activities thank you
218s well first you're welcome for I think we
221s made a great change on the PVP track I
224s think the I think what's happened here
226s is that there's just some so much good
228s stuff now right like we've really buffed
230s the PVP reward track and I think players
232s want to spend more uh and we haven't
234s sort of adjusted the salt uh rates to
237s account for that so it's something we're
238s looking at I think players who played
240s for a while Katie you were saying you've
241s accumulated yeah uh for a long time I
244s did too like there just wasn't enough to
246s spend on so we were thinking salt was
248s too abundant uh but now that there's a
250s lot of good things we are seeing this
251s more uh and it's something we're looking
253s at
254s any plans for Fresh Start servers this
257s year they really helped boost the player
259s population last year yeah they
261s definitely did
263s um but we have no no plans at this point
266s um that doesn't mean that we definitely
267s won't it just means that at this point
269s it's not something that's on our radar
271s for 2023. you know and I think last year
273s they had that impact because we made
276s so many Corrections and changes to the
279s game that I think it warranted it now
280s we've been doing a lot of changes and a
283s lot of tuning but I don't think that
284s they've uh been as substantial
286s especially in the in the economy yeah
288s and you know part of that is we want to
290s make these Fresh Start experience to
293s feel brand new like what you're saying
295s um and a good chunk of that is finishing
297s the revamp of the main story questline
299s and that will be throughout this year so
302s if we were going to talk about Fresh
304s Start servers most likely they would be
306s next year yeah
307s can you explain your point of view on
310s the desire to add seasonal content
312s instead of real definitive contents
314s because it is not the temporary quests
316s that will attract new players
317s unfortunately
319s yeah I don't think you know I I consider
321s seasonal content real definitive content
324s I think it's engaging for the players
325s and it gives
326s the best thing about seasonal content is
329s the lapse player can come back and have
330s some engaging content something to
332s participate in and it get it gives you
334s that reason to come back and check in
335s we're also looking at ways to reuse or
339s to keep seasonal content around longer
341s so if you remember like season one
343s uh that whole story didn't go away we
345s actually kept part of it for new players
347s who would come in after the fact and
350s we're looking at more ways to do that
351s more and more into the future so I guess
353s my view is I think it's really cool
355s I personally as a player like and
358s appreciate it because it makes the game
359s and my goals change every quarter or so
363s so I I think it's good well we also have
365s more than than just content that's
368s related to Seasons too like we have real
370s definitive content like for instance in
373s season two we had the sand worm Elite
374s trial come out and that was a pretty big
376s hit um with players in addition to the
379s seasonal content which keeps things kind
381s of fresh and new and as Scott said we
383s keep part of those quest lines so that
384s people can still get the rewards
387s um they can still get the the band
389s together for the silver crows so
392s um I I understand where this person's
394s coming from but I think that we have a
396s pretty good mixture and we're still
397s working on what that fuel mixture looks
399s like but I think we have a good mixture
400s yeah and in some cases it even amplifies
402s like when the expansion comes out the
404s reward track is going to be in it's
405s going to amplify everything you do which
407s I think is you know if there's a good
408s compliment there yeah
410s and I think you hit the nail like the I
412s love the seasonal content too I think
414s it's thematic it sort of provides fun
416s activities but I think finding a way to
418s get continued value out of that is
420s something we're looking into and I think
421s something we'll we'll invest in more
423s well you know and I didn't even think of
425s this when I first answered is I love the
426s idea of an overarching story on top of
429s the main story that continues and keeps
431s pushing forward I think that is also
432s really fun yeah there's like the whole
434s reason you're on eternum and then
436s there's your day-to-day activities and
438s getting silver crows together and
440s helping out other folks in the
441s tournament a barbershop feature is on
443s your plans can we expect it to be coming
445s next year
448s um
448s it is in our plans it's something we
450s talk about a lot so
452s right now we're talking about the Q a
455s from season two our next communication
457s like that's kind of forward thinking is
459s going to be more about the expansion and
461s then after that at some point we'll do a
463s road map that goes into a lot more
465s specifics next year
467s um so with that in mind we are thinking
469s about Barbershop but we're really not
470s ready to talk about it yet more to come
472s yes
476s I know it's pretty embarrassing all
478s right let's move on
481s can we expect any update to address team
484s imbalances in Outpost rush and solo
486s Arenas in the near future uh so I think
489s you know we've seen a lot of opr matches
492s especially with crossworld happening
493s which has been great just to see the
495s amount of matches uh dramatically
497s increase and and Q times come down I
499s think that's been great what we have
501s seen with this also though now is a
503s little more polarity in the results uh
506s there's you know there have been some
508s matches where there are stops we're
510s definitely seeing you know in terms of
511s heat Maps the the spawn camping in terms
513s of score distribution some lopsided
515s matches so uh we we know it's an issue
518s uh we are starting to look at it uh with
521s that said you know matchmaking is a a
523s huge and complex problem and it will
524s take us a while to sort of get a
525s solution that we're we're happy with but
527s we are aware of it we're looking into it
529s and we're beginning to work on but I
531s mean the data shows that there's a lot
532s more parity than we expected it's just
534s what happens is you get stomped and then
536s you remember that a lot more than you
538s remember all the you know semi-close
540s matches yeah yeah I think especially you
542s know we'll talk more about this balance
543s of power the weapon parody I think is is
545s very strong but the match parody you
547s know there's some good matches and there
548s are definitely some outliners
550s have you ever thought about reworking
552s the debuff bar in its current state it
554s easily gets filled up and is generally
556s hard to read for example multiple
558s fortify effects from different sources
560s all show up as separate Shield icons
563s what's the point also things like
564s berserk cooldown should show up on the
567s weapon icon and not in the buff bar in
569s my opinion yeah this is something that
571s we are looking at I know that also
574s um you know if you have a lot of con and
577s your health your HP is really high
579s sometimes that doesn't show up on your
581s bar
582s um and so it looks like you're not
583s taking damage even when you are so this
585s is something that we are we're actively
587s looking at I don't have an ETA on when
589s things are going to change because
590s that's a pretty complex ux system
593s um but it is something that we're
594s looking at so stay tuned will there be
596s the addition of the other Siege weapons
598s in opr like will we be able to swap
600s repeaters on outposts for cannons Etc
604s uh we're thinking about that no
606s definitive plans I think we made some
608s changes to the balance of Siege weapons
610s in Siege in season two I think we're
612s going to continue to look at sort of the
614s impact they're having and I think that's
615s a good way to to shake up the mode a
617s little bit so no definitive plans yet
619s but definitely something we're
621s considering yeah
623s and that is it those are all the
624s questions I have here cool cool well
627s thanks for all the questions keep them
628s coming
629s um
631s there's no Community question on the Q a
633s so other otherwise I'll just say if you
635s like what you saw subscribe like and do
637s all those cool things and we'll see you
639s uh next week
642s and see you in the turn
645s and see you in a Toronto
649s there are some new combos that uh
652s experts uh in quotations if you know
654s what I mean are pulling off here with uh
656s with the Blunderbuss uh those are things
659s we did not anticipate as a part of the
660s design and uh it would not surprise me
663s uh when you load up the monthly patch if
666s those combos are no longer possible
667s [Music]
668s [Applause]
674s [Music]
678s thank you