your presence has been felt...
you are not welcome...
the invasion of Aeternum begins Saturday...
the long night is coming... and the corrupted come with it...
...will you make it through?
night gathers... and now your watch begins...
⚗️ Be prepared for combat with this #NewWorldPreview 💡Protip! Use weapon coatings to get bonus damage based on enemy types!
☠️ For example, use an angry earth mixture for a bonus while fighting dryads-- or a coating of the lost for a bonus against the undead!
📺 Streaming the #NewWorldPreview?
👀 Drop your Twitch channel link + the date and time you will be going live in the comments!
(2/2) If you are not eligible, you can join immediately by pre-purchasing via Steam:
You can also pre-order on Amazon but there is at least a 48-hour delay to receive your Steam code. Pre-ordering after 9/2 will result in not receiving Preview access!
(1/2) All Preview invites have been sent out to eligible Alpha Testers and Beta Sign Ups!
If you feel you should have received an invite, but did not, please visit here:
😚 70 pls?
Looking to level your Trade Skills quickly? Here is a #NewWorldPreview 💡Protip!
⚒️ Even after acquiring higher level recipes, crafting lower grade items will still earn you EXP + serve as a cheaper/easier way to level your profession!
❗ So stock up on lower grade materials!
Aeternum is huge! Here are some #NewWorldPreview 💡Protips for fast traveling:
🏨Visit innkeepers & outposts to bind yourself to that location.
🏠Use your house as a respawn point.
🏕️Place campfires near any location you are farming.
[UPDATE] Servers are open! Aeternum awaits you!
[UPDATE] Some worlds will be available in approximately 30 minutes. We are still in the process of completing the patching process for the rest of the worlds. Thank you for your patience!
@MattStrongarm89 @ImCastlehead
meanwhile... @ImCastlehead
These are great! Thank you!
The @playnewworld servers are down for now but here’s some pretty screenies to tie you over🙂
⚠️Attention Adventurers!⚠️
Today, August 27th at 10 AM PT (1 PM ET), there will be a patch update for approximately 1 hour of downtime for all servers and worlds.
💡#NewWorldPreview Protip
✔️ For fast track leveling, take on Corrupted Breaches with more experienced groups.
✔️ Be sure to acquire an Azoth staff through the questline to seal breaches.
🐻 world's first grizzly kill -- gratz @Asmongold on the title of bear destroyer
✔️ Level up quickly by completing Faction Missions!
✔️ PvP Faction Missions will help earn you even more experience.
You can complete these missions in any Territory, not just in the location your Faction resides in.
As you explore Aeternum, we encourage you to share your gameplay experience on the official New World forums!
Create a forum account: 📜
Leave feedback: ✒️