over 5 years ago - /u/ - Direct link
: You can find the details for this event on the announcement page [url=https://steamcommunity.com/ogg/275850/announcements/detail/1593635108392250907]here[/url].
over 5 years ago - Hello Games - Direct link
Hello Everyone! It has been a few weeks since our last development update[www.nomanssky.com], and we wanted to share a little more news from the studio. You can read the full post here[www.nomanssky.com].

The team here are still working intensely to address high-priority issues, as well as to improve the overall polish and quality of life of the game. Update 2.12 has been released today, with the long list of fixes and improvements available at the end of this post. However, we also have a larger feature to announce…

Community Research Today, we will be launching a community event, with new content available to earn from the Space Anomaly. Each mission completed at the Nexus will contribute to a cross-reality target for all Travellers. Universal progress will unlock a series of exotic items synthesised by Polo’s robotic companion, available to purchase with Quicksilver.

As with every update, all this new content is completely free for all existing players – there are no microtransactions in No Man’s Sky.

The event commences today, and has no set deadline for completion. Progress may be tracked from the Galactic Atlas website[galacticatlas.nomanssky.com], or from the Quicksilver Robot itself.

Nexus Mission Rewards Quicksilver Reward Missions

Once each day, a mission rewarding Quicksilver will become available at the Nexus. These Quicksilver missions can queue up, to a maximum stack of 3 (so you won’t miss out even if you don’t have the opportunity to play every day).

Encrypted Missions

These rare, high-priority missions offer especially interesting and lucrative rewards. Mysterious in nature, their requirements are secret until the moment the mission commences.

From the Quicksilver Synthesis Bot Specialist Polo’s robotic companion is busy developing a set of 5 new customisation items, which together form a complete armoured suit. This practical fashion choice is favoured by the Vy’keen, but is wearable by explorers of any race.

Each customisation item will become available for synthesis as all Traveller iterations complete missions at the Nexus.

Tier 1 – Armoured Boots

Reinforced foot protection system with integrated tread-balancing gyroscopes. Hundreds of years of high-tech research, as applied to footwear.

Tier 2 – Armoured ExoGloves

Armoured gloves, perfect for wielding weapons, impressing martial cultures, and picking really spiky plants.

Tier 3 – Armoured Leggings

Carefully woven nano-fibres make these leggings both flexible and resistant to small-arms fire. Washing requires specialist equipment.

Tier 4 – Armoured Chestpiece

Reinforced yet stylish, this Exosuit chest armour provides excellent abdominal protection without compromising on looks.

Tier 5 – Armoured Shoulderpads

Powerful shoulder armour, this Exosuit augmentation comes with high-voltage connections into the user’s skeletal system. This current jolts the user’s body as required, manipulating the muscles into their optimal defensive posture.

Development Update Patch 2.12 is live today, with the notes available below. There is much more coming very soon. Thank you, so much, for playing.


2.12 Patch Notes
  • Added new events to the Nexus:
  • Occasionally, ‘Encrypted Missions’ will appear on the Nexus mission list. The objectives for these missions are hidden until the mission is in progress, but the rewards are far higher.
  • Each day, every player also has the chance to complete a Nexus mission to earn Quicksilver.
  • Added new customisation items to the Quicksilver shop: a full suit of Vy’keen-style armour.
  • Progress towards unlocking these items is achieved by community-wide completion of Nexus missions.
  • Fixed a number of mission flow issues in standard Nexus missions.
  • Increased the reward from standard Nexus missions.
  • Improved the visuals of the mission start UI in Nexus missions.
  • Introduced a number of PC VR rendering optimisations.
  • Introduced a number of general PC optimisations.
  • Introduced an optimisation to region decoration.
  • Increased the stack multiplier on a significant number of products.
  • Fixed an issue that prevented Larval Cores and Hypnotic Eyes from being used as cooking ingredients.
  • Fixed bad data in the Nutrient Refiner recipes for various cheeses and cheese-based products.
  • Fixed an issue that prevented ships/Multi-Tools/etc being rotated in the inventory.
  • Fixed an issue that caused the Blaze Javelin not to work in VR.
  • Fixed an issue that caused players with Rocket Boots to jump when selecting things in the Quick Menu.
  • Rebalanced NPC language encounters so that attempts at using alien words are viewed more positively.
  • Fixed an issue that caused creature bait stored in the cargo inventory to be unavailable.
  • Fixed an issue that caused double inputs on some UI screens.
  • Fixed an issue that caused incorrect unit costs to be used when purchasing Exosuit slot upgrades.
  • Improved the audio balance in a number of places, as well as fixing some missing sounds and some incorrectly looping sounds.
  • Fixed an issue that caused NPCs to sometimes face the wrong way on the Nexus.
  • Fixed a number of incorrect and missing control icons.
  • Fixed a number of control conflict issues when plugging multiple gamepads into one PC.
  • Added validation to prevent invalid actions being bound.
  • Fixed a number of stuttering issues when using mouselook on the Steam controller.
  • Fixed repeated triggering of a warning noise when registering specific actions with Steam.
  • Fixed a number of issues where weapons would interfere with Quick Menu use on PC.
  • Fixed a PC controller issue that caused Discovery Page subsections to be incorrectly closed.
  • Fixed a number of colour and texture issues in a specific exotic biome variant.
  • Fixed a number of collision issues on the Space Anomaly.
  • Added audio to Cronos’ barbeque on the Space Anomaly.
  • Made landing bay seats sittable on the Space Anomaly.
  • Fixed some specific LODing issues on the Space Anomaly.
  • Fixed a number of LODing issues with specific fighter-style starship variants.
  • Fixed a number of collision and visual issues with freighter hangers.
  • Fixed an issue that caused faecium deposits to have an incorrect icon when viewed through the Analysis Visor.
  • Fixed a number of issues with the graphics settings descriptions in the PC options pages.
  • Improved the visuals of a number of mission icons.
  • Removed some erroneous automatic chat messages.
  • Added automatic chat messages when transferring items to players not in your current group.
  • Added automatic chat messages when starting missions.
  • Added automatic chat messages when short of ingredients to build a pinned item.
  • Fixed a soft lock that could occur when answering the Communicator after swapping ships or summoning ships.
  • Fixed a camera issue that could occur when answering the Communicator when playing in third person.
  • Added a workaround to prevent a permanent black screen when using older AMD drivers.
  • Added a workaround to prevent a crash bug in older AMD drivers.
  • Added a workaround for driver issues with AMD laptops.
  • Fixed a number of rare crashes when testing collision.
  • Fixed a number of inventory-related crashes.
  • Fixed a rare threading crash.
  • Fixed a softlock that could occur when opening the Nexus mission list with the chat window open.
  • Fixed a crash that could occur when loading very large bases.
  • Fixed a rare networking crash.
  • Fixed a rare memory corruption.
  • Fixed a Linux driver issue.
  • Various localised text improvements.