almost 7 years
ago -
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0s | last month hello games shocked the |
3s | community when they announced that no |
5s | man's sky was making its way to Xbox one |
7s | including an Xbox 1x enhanced version of |
11s | this ambitious space exploration and |
13s | survival game and now I'm joined by Sean |
16s | from holo games to tell us what we've |
18s | been missing and what we should expect |
19s | from the games arrival on Xbox one Sean |
22s | welcome I think it's fair to say that I |
24s | never expected to be talking to you on |
26s | an Xbox stage like this yeah I snuck in |
29s | I dug a tunnel to get here yeah well |
31s | you're very welcome |
32s | no listen I'm just gonna be cheeky and |
34s | open up with when is no man sky coming |
37s | to Xbox one oh yeah we haven't told |
40s | anyone yet and so July 24th is when |
43s | we're releasing no man's sky next |
45s | amazing brilliant there you go July 24th |
48s | and and my next potentially cheeky |
51s | question is what's the story on |
52s | multiplayer for no man's sky yes this is |
55s | exciting and when no man's sky launches |
59s | July 24th and you're gonna be able to |
62s | play with your friends and it kind of a |
64s | full multiplayer experience right and |
67s | this is something that like I I wish we |
71s | could have done sooner but I'm so glad |
73s | it's happening right we've been play |
75s | testing it in the studio for like the |
79s | last six months it's really different |
80s | experience you know no man's sky can be |
83s | kind of I guess a bit mysterious a bit |
87s | weird at times right and but like and |
92s | also sometimes a little bit lonely right |
94s | because it's it's sci-fi and I kind of |
96s | love that side of it but this is very |
99s | different it's more Battlestar it's like |
102s | Star Trek or waiting right it's fun and |
105s | funny and emergent and kind of intense |
109s | right so you can play with a bunch of |
113s | your friends like a small group of your |
114s | friends can go exploring right or you |
117s | can just come across random strangers |
120s | and other travelers you can pair up |
123s | together in a team and like just work |
126s | together to survive and or if you're |
129s | that guy you can go and kind of prey on |
133s | other people |
133s | right if that's your thing yeah yeah |
135s | yeah yeah so like we've got base |
139s | building as well so you can build bases |
141s | together you can build everything from |
143s | like tiny little shelters to like |
146s | complex colonies right spread across |
148s | like multiple planets and because it's |
150s | all online and those are shared other |
152s | people can come and visit and find them |
155s | we've got like this guy's very broad |
158s | Gabe so we've got space as well so |
161s | dogfighting you and your friends can be |
164s | involved in kind of like big space |
165s | battles so you can be a pirate or a |
167s | wingman and then there's something which |
169s | I really love which is the thing we |
171s | added in one of our updates which is XO |
174s | craft and vehicles right and so you can |
176s | race those against your friends you can |
178s | build race tracks on like alien planets |
180s | or even just lay down a little trail of |
182s | like your favorite path that you're kind |
184s | of scenic route right and so I think |
186s | this is like potential that everyone's |
190s | always seen in no man's sky right it's |
192s | something that I don't know it's a kind |
195s | of game that myself and a lot of other |
199s | people have always wanted to play in a |
202s | multiplayer world I think and I'm just |
204s | really excited to be able to do that |
205s | right yeah yep it all through a lot with |
207s | this game right I mean does it feel know |
209s | that you're getting to the point where |
210s | you're really realizing the vision of |
211s | what you always wanted from this |
213s | experience yeah it's it's interesting |
216s | like I think when we you know when we |
219s | come to Xbox which is fun thing where |
222s | we've got a whole bunch of like updates |
228s | over the last two years that we've been |
230s | working on including next and and they |
233s | really expand the game right no man sky |
236s | was always huge right it was crazily |
239s | ambitious right for like when when I |
243s | look at it those updates have really |
246s | kind of expanded and deepened every part |
249s | of the game yeah thing yeah and I think |
251s | that's a really important point right |
252s | because it's especially Xbox fans in the |
255s | Xbox community they may not know a no |
257s | man's sky as well as some other |
259s | communities right so tell us about what |
261s | is exactly going to be in the Xbox |
263s | version of the game that might be |
264s | different from what people heard about |
265s | in the past right so |
268s | when you play on xbox I mean and I think |
272s | this is an exciting thing for us as a |
273s | developer you always like you know |
276s | sharing this thing that you've worked |
278s | really hard on with other people but for |
280s | us in particular it's interesting with |
282s | Xbox because we get to make that first |
284s | impression with people and we have a |
287s | much broader and more expanded game so |
290s | when you play it day one you're playing |
293s | that that base like stupidly ambitious |
296s | gave the small T was baking but you're |
298s | also playing like for kind of pretty |
301s | major updates like Pathfinder Atlas |
305s | Rises foundation and now next right so |
309s | tell us about next well actually let's |
310s | first of all let's talk about some of |
312s | the key things that are in those other |
313s | four expansions and then let's move on |
315s | to next so what are like the biggest |
316s | things that you've added since the game |
318s | initially released yeah I mean Nolan sky |
322s | it's something that we've been kind of |
325s | working on and developing over the last |
329s | while with these major updates and the |
331s | thing that's been really fun it's kind |
333s | of working with the community and we |
334s | want to do that more kind of listening |
336s | intently so you've got like foundation |
340s | which was our first update and that |
341s | broad base building it brought kind of |
344s | survival mode creative mode suddenly you |
347s | could buy freighters and things of that |
349s | you could start farming and and so that |
351s | was like already Nomad sky was something |
355s | that people played for a long time and |
357s | like our average flight I was really |
360s | long but Foundation kind of massively |
362s | improved that right and went through the |
365s | roofs then we had Pathfinder which |
367s | brought vehicles and it also brought |
370s | permadeath you could expand Base |
373s | building a lot more you could share them |
374s | online and stuff like that and and that |
377s | for me actually was loads of little |
380s | things that we added in that update that |
382s | made the game kind of much more fun |
385s | actually just a lot slicker and things |
388s | of that and then most recently we had |
390s | Atlas Rises Atlas Rises was a huge |
392s | update and it brought a mission and |
395s | quest system aid process like 30 hours |
398s | of story really change |
401s | the game and got a really nice reception |
403s | and a lot of people playing and and so |
406s | that actually was the reason we kind of |
408s | took a step back after that and just |
410s | kind of went alright let's start working |
413s | on next which is what we've been working |
414s | on let's take a year and let's make it |
416s | the game we want it to be right let's |
419s | just you know do the things we want so |
421s | when you come to Xbox one and you ship |
423s | no man's sky next as well does it kind |
426s | of feel like a bit of a reboot for the |
428s | game for for you and the team at hello |
429s | yeah it's interesting we've been working |
433s | on this for two years in a way like a |
434s | year on next and a year on updates |
436s | previously that this all builds on top |
438s | of right and that's a really cool thing |
441s | and we're lucky that we have a community |
444s | that cares really deeply about the game |
447s | you know and so I get a real kick out of |
450s | like working on updates and kind of |
453s | feeding them doing things that I know |
454s | they'll enjoy but like I don't know you |
458s | know maybe one day I will feel that |
460s | nervous guy has been rebooted or it's |
463s | it's kind of done and I can't think of |
465s | anything else I want to do to it but I |
467s | don't feel like that right at the moment |
469s | I'm really enjoying what we're doing |
471s | right now and there's so many things |
473s | that I can kind of get excited about in |
476s | the future ya know this is it tell us |
478s | more about that I mean what's the vision |
479s | like after you come to Xbox you know |
481s | what's what's down the road for know |
482s | months ago well I think that is that's |
486s | an interesting thing right we I think |
490s | we're good at like oh we good we're good |
494s | at making games right we're definitely |
496s | better at that than talking about it |
498s | right and I think you know there's a |
500s | real hunger in the community to know |
502s | everything that we're doing and have a |
503s | complete roadmap and stuff like that and |
505s | but hopefully you know we will reward |
509s | their patience of not having much info |
512s | with just good solid content right and |
515s | we only like to talk about things when |
517s | they are right when we are super happy |
520s | with them right when we know they can't |
522s | possibly change so you know I really |
526s | like making games I don't necessarily |
529s | love talking about me you know |
535s | as a varied I say me seriously thank you |
539s | so much for being on the show I welcome |
540s | to the Xbox community is wonderful to |
542s | have you here and will you come back and |
543s | talk to us more about no man's sky down |
545s | the line oh sure |
547s | maybe yeah great I'll take that as a |
550s | firm yes thank you me pleasure as always |
553s | [Music] |