3 months ago - HelloGamesTube - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

1s introducing no man's Sky version
6s 5.0 a complete refresh of the
9s universe with new technology new flora
13s and fauna and new
19s gameplay Planet variety is far beyond
23s what was possible
29s before oceans have waves Reflections and
33s more
36s variety planets have wind patterns waves
40s are Dynamic and react to weather on the
44s surface of the planet there are new
46s volumetrics and
52s atmospherics new Cloud Tech allows
55s detailed clouds and weather conditions
62s in storms waves winds and clouds
65s interact for incredible
67s [Music]
69s immersion new creatures are out there to
74s [Applause]
76s discover with a combat focused
84s Expedition our journey continues
90s a