about 6 years ago - Hello Games - Direct link
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Hello Everyone!

It's already been a very busy month for us! Today we are releasing a new update for No Man's Sky, which includes a new Community Research mission, more customisable flora for your base, a terrarium, a striking new Gek-inspired helmet, and a number of minor gameplay fixes and improvements. More on that below.

You may also have heard that last week we announced The Last Campfire[thelastcampfiregame.com] - an adventure about a search for meaning and a way home, developed by a tiny subset of our small team. We're yet to announce platforms, but the game is available to wishlist on Steam now.

Community Research Update
Earlier this month, many thousands of Specialist Polo's friends worked together, across multiple realities, to contribute floral discoveries to a mass data pool. Biological information about alien plants was funneled into the Space Anomaly, and ultimately into the Quicksilver Synthesis Bot, where the data was processed into generating additional items to reward dedicated researchers.

While Polo has concluded their current investigations into the changes rippling through the universe, this boundary-defying data has had another, unexpected result. Polo's synthetic companion, inhabiting the back room of the Space Anomaly, has autonomously tapped into the broadcast system. Independently of their Gek master, they are reaching out for explorers to carry on expanding the Anomaly's databanks with new research data, via a variety of means: participants may choose to collect rare materials, explore the universe, or eliminate threats.

As before, universal progress may be tracked from the Galactic Atlas[galacticatlas.nomanssky.com] website, and submitted data will power the synthesis of further collectable items.

From the Quicksilver Synthesis Bot
Tier 1 Items

Three customisable base plants will unlock at tier 1...

The large-leafed Sail Palm, native to hot climates and naturally impervious to intense sunlight.

The slender Globe Tree, so named for its spherical reservoir root bulb.

The Rock Garden features a neat arrangement of flora and minerals, both luminous and matte.

Tier 2 Item

The terrarium is a small observatory unit designed to house a small alien specimen for study and companionship. Specimen is included with domicile. To avoid undesirable specimen-to-specimen interactions, a limit of one terrarium per base is recommended.

Tier 3 Item

The Helmet of the First Spawn, inspired in form by the war helms of ancient Gek, lends a battle-hardened appearance to Anomaly explorers.

Development Update
The patch notes for Update 1.77 are below, with these fixes available on Steam now.

Thanks for reading all these updates - we hope you've been enjoying the increased communication and update frequency over the past six months. There is still so much more to come in the new year, with a large portion of our team working towards further major updates for No Man's Sky. We look forward to seeing you out there.

Thank you so much,

Patch 1.77
  • Fixed an issue where Big Ball would get stuck in the refiner output (any previously broken refiners will now be clear)
  • Fixed an issue where all crystals would be called 'Unknown'
  • Fixed an issue where the tutorial mission would not advance if the player collected a Hermetic Seal too early
  • Fixed an issue where the mission flow would halt when instructed to build a base for Apollo's contact if the base already had an Overseer but no large-scale rooms
  • Fixed some crash issues in exocraft races
  • Fixed a hang issue when accessing a mission dialogue at the same time as the mission deadline
  • Fixed a hang issue when accessing the Starship Communicator at the same time as exiting the c*ckpit
  • Fixed an issue where ancient ruins and crashed freighters could sometimes spawn floating above the surface of planets
  • Adjusted the health of corrupted Sentinels to make them more tough than regular Sentinels
  • Fixed an issue where the advanced mining laser was not required to mine advanced substances
  • Fixed an issue where killing another player with melee attacks would result in an incorrect chat message
  • Addressed a number of photosensitivity issues around the Portal and the enter/exit ship effects
  • Fixed an issue where the terrain manipulator beam would not render on Multi-Tools with one pre-installed at purchase
  • Fixed an issue where resource names could appear multiple times on the planetary readout from space
  • Fixed an issue with collision on some medium-sized rocks
  • Fixed an issue with the Pocket Reality Generator not being buildable indoors
  • Disabled the Analysis Visor while on ladders