almost 4 years ago - Hello Games - Direct link
Hello Everyone,
First of all, thanks so much to everyone who has already spent time playing No Man's Sky and letting us know about any issues you've experienced.

Steam users are able to opt-in to the Experimental Branch, where we have pushed a patch to address some problems. We'll be rolling out these fixes to other platforms as soon as possible.

To play in Experimental, right-click on No Man's Sky from the Steam library page and select "Properties". Among the available tabs will be the "BETAS" tab. Enter "3xperimental" in the textbox and press "CHECK CODE", then select it from the dropdown menu.

The patch notes are as follows:

Experimental Branch Update 15/04
  • Fixed a number of issues where Nexus missions would warp players to an incorrect system.
  • Fixed an issue that could cause reported bases to respawn.
  • Fixed an issue that caused the Mission Control milestone to award invalid technology.

Experimental Branch Update 14/04
  • Fixed an issue that could lead to too many derelict freighters spawning in busy systems, leading to crashes and/or poor performance.

Experimental Branch Update 13/04
  • Communications Stations have a smaller message display radius in protected locations.
  • Fixed an issue that could cause clipped text in the Target Sweep UI.
  • Fixed a PS4 Pro and PS4 on PS5 specific crash.
  • Fixed a crash that could occur when renaming.
  • Fixed a crashed related to terrain textures.

Experimental Branch Update 12/04
  • Save beacon markers are now hidden when placed within a base.
  • In protected UAs, save beacon markers are not shown for players outside your group.
  • Fixed an issue that obfuscated information important to modders.
  • Fixed a crash related to creature navigation.
  • Fixed a PS4/Xbox One specific crash.
  • Fixed a crash that could occur while warping or browsing the galaxy map.
  • Fixed a crash that could occur if the creature you are interacting with dies during the interaction.

Experimental Branch 09/04
  • Rendezvous Points are now labelled as such when viewed in the space station and Space Anomaly teleport lists.
  • Fixed an issue that could prevented all alien language being translated in some interactions.
  • Fixed an issue that could prevent some standing-based titles from unlocking.
  • Fixed an issue that could prevent the Atlas Path title from unlocking.
  • Fixed an issue that could prevent the Nada and Polo story title from unlocking.
  • Fixed an issue that incorrectly show jetpack trails for items that had not been unlocked.
  • Restored Expedition save games that had previously been ended prematurely.
  • Fixed an issue that caused the Cluster Horde and Moneybags milestones to track your current highest currency, rather than the total currency earned.
  • Fixed an issue that caused the Portable Refiner and Nutrient Processors to use the wrong in-world icon.
  • Reduced the pulse engine lock-on strength for some multiplayer-related markers.
  • Decreased the cooldown on the starship scanner when used to scan planets from space.
  • Fixed a number of issues that could cause flickering markers when flying in a busy system.
  • Fixed an issue that caused too many save beacon/player base markers to be displayed in busy systems.
  • Fixed an issue where players were unable to reselect the custom jetpack trails their Traveller had begun an expedition with.
  • Fixed an issue that could prevent the Horrific Flesh Helmet and another special scrap items from being successfully purchased.
  • Optimised several requests made to the Discovery Servers to reduce server load.
  • Fixed an issue that caused the Catalogue to be clipped when viewed on particular platforms or at some specific resolutions.
  • Fixed a number of issues that allowed players to pin inappropriate recipes in the catalogue.
  • Fixed an issue that prevented delivery missions from registering the delivery as complete.
  • Fixed an issue that prevented players from being correctly awarded the Lost Bathysphere as a reward for completing Dreams of the Deep.
  • Fixed a number of issues with Nexus delivery missions.
  • Fixed an exploit that allowed players to attack other players with Exocraft weapons while themselves being immune to PvP damage.
  • Fixed an issue that caused the Summon Ship interaction point to overlap on some planetary archives.
  • Fixed an issue that caused a small subset of Explorer-class starships to be a different colour than before the Expeditions update.
  • Fixed a crash related to texture rendering.
  • Fixed an issue that caused the alien pods on derelict freighters to be overly bright.
  • Fixed an issue that could cause players to be teleported to an incorrect derelict freighter, if several freighters were present in the same system.
  • Fixed a number of issues that could prevent players from being able to place refiners and other similar objects near to protected seasonal locations.
  • Improved a number of protections designed to prevent players from building on top of protected areas.
  • Players may now recolour their base markers by recolouring the base computer itself, in a similar fashion to Save Beacons.
  • Fixed an issue that credited all players in the system with the rewards and/or reputation damage when another player attacked a NPC or pirate ship.
  • Fixed an issue that prevented players being immediately awarded the Golden First Spawn helmet, Streamlined Jetpack or Expedition Flag when claiming rewards from the expedition page.
  • Fixed a crash related to NPC animation.
  • Fixed an animation glitch that could occur while melee boosting.

As always, thank you to all players who use Experimental and take the time to report any issues you encounter.

Please note there is the possibility that experimental builds may introduce new issues that haven't been caught in test. We'd like to recommend that all players back up their save files, by making a local copy of the st_[userid] folder found here: %appdata%\HelloGames\NMS\

Note that we don't anticipate any issues here. However, performing your own backups could mean the difference between resuming play immediately, or waiting for the next patch.

If you decide to opt out of experimental and return to the main branch, we strongly recommend resuming from a backed-up save from the main branch, rather than taking an experimental branch save back to main, which may cause unexpected behaviour.

Feedback and reports of new bugs/issues being found on Experimental are welcome, so please reply to this thread or submit a ticket to with the phrase "Steam Experimental" in the ticket title. If you are running any mods for the game, please list them along with your bug report.