3 months ago - HelloGamesTube - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

3s who never heard of them
6s oh that game you got way too angry
9s playing that that game turned you into a
11s psychopath what you threw a right
13s tantrum no I didn't you said if I tried
16s to pass you one more onion you I told
18s you a thousand times we didn't need any
19s more
20s onions okay yeah things did get a little
23s heated oh sorry excuse me what did I
27s miss shh it's started
31s hey you're blocking the screen rude what
35s is going on back
42s there this looks PR good oh this looks
45s Wicked oh my oh it's a two
49s player and they're showing so much game
53s play oh oh no no no what's happening
75s Drew what was that did you feel
78s that I don't understand what's
81s happening this would never have happened
83s at
84s E3 what the heck is that huh
93s run
95s [Music]
104s [Music]