over 2 years ago - HelloGamesTube - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

2s [slow rhythmic music] This is No Man's Sky version 4.0, the Waypoint update
10s An overhaul of design and balance across the universe
16s Custom game modes allow players to tailor every aspect of the game to their unique playstyle
23s including survival, crafting, combat, accessibility and controls
30s Meanwhile a new milestone system, new collectibles and improved mission content
36s brings new long-term goals and challenge
40s Inventories have been overhauled and streamlined
45s Ships, weapons and players have their level cap greatly increased
52s Returning players are welcomed by a new information portal
57s with a summary of their goals and progress
61s Introducing hundreds of quality of life improvements, macro and micro
67s Relaxed mode brings a new focus on sandbox exploration for travellers old and new
75s Our journey continues
79s [Pulsating sting]