over 5 years ago - Hello Games - Direct link
Hello everyone,

First of all, thanks so much to everyone who has already spent time playing BEYOND and letting us know about any issues you’ve experienced. It’s overwhelming to watch thousands of players begin or continue their journey across the universe.

Steam users are able to opt-in to the Experimental Branch, where we have pushed a rapid patch to fix a number of crashes and other problems seen since release. We’ll be rolling out these fixes to other platforms as soon as possible.

To play in Experimental, right-click on No Man’s Sky from the Steam library page and select “Properties”. Among the available tabs will be the “BETAS” tab. Enter “3xperimental” in the textbox and press “CHECK CODE”, then select it from the dropdown menu.

The patch notes are as follows:

Update to Experimental Branch 08/10
  • Fixed an issue that caused glyphs to be missing from the Portal input UI.
  • Fixed a crash that could occur when using the teleporter aboard the Space Anomaly.
  • Fixed an issue that caused 3D models shown on inventory page to be incorrectly offset.
  • Fixed a number of issues with the inventory sub menu UI.
  • Fixed a number of scaling issues with the Analysis Visor and Survey Device UIs.
  • Fixed an incorrect offset in compass distance labels.
  • Fixed the scaling of creature icons when using the Analysis Visor.
  • Fixed an incorrectly scaled UI element in the base power UI.
  • Fixed a scaling issue in the Journey Milestone black bar screen effect.
  • Fixed a rare issue that prevented players from seeing Quicksilver mission on the Nexus even when successfully connected to Discovery Services.
  • Fixed an issue where encrypted missions would always pick the same reward.
  • Fixed a rare crash in the lodding system.

As always, thank you to all players who use Experimental and take the time to report any issues you encounter.

Please note there is the possibility that experimental builds may introduce new issues that haven't been caught in test. We'd like to recommend that all players back up their save files, by making a local copy of the st_[userid] folder found here: %appdata%\HelloGames\NMS\

Note that we don't anticipate any issues here. However, performing your own backups could mean the difference between resuming play immediately, or waiting for the next patch.

If you decide to opt out of experimental and return to the main branch, we strongly recommend resuming from a backed-up save from the main branch, rather than taking an experimental branch save back to main, which may cause unexpected behaviour.

Feedback and reports of new bugs/issues being found on Experimental are welcome, so please reply to this thread or submit a ticket to https://hellogames.zendesk.com/ with the phrase "Steam Experimental" in the ticket title. If you are running any mods for the game, please list them along with your bug report.