@PCGamesN: The Last Campfire arrives this very week, @hellogames has announced
@PlayStation: We've got a trio of exciting indie announcements this morning!
Let's kick off with The Last Campfire, where lost souls wo…
🙏 https://twitter.com/PlayStation/status/1298652379584356361
We've got a trio of exciting indie announcements this morning! Let's kick off with The Last Campfire, where lost souls work together to move down a puzzling path, out tomorrow on PS4: https://t.co/DRz5zLGhBu https://t.co/CGEnHH0RuR
@hellogames: 🥳
@hellogames: 😭
😭 https://t.co/3p01oT3yEq
@hellogames: 😍
😍 https://t.co/do275HiLMJ
@NoMansSky: The community always celebrates the anniversary of No Man’s Sky in ways I can never predict. This time last year they put up…
@RazorMouse: @NoMansSky Hi! I did this book, along with 205 other fans. If you see this and want to take a closer look, or even want a c…
We always wanted to make a game where people could have their own sci-fi adventures, to be explorers, and there are just so many varied and exciting screenshots here 😍
This thing is huge, hundreds of pages, and each one has text and screenshots from folks who the game touched in some way... it’s honestly hard to take in
@IndieWorldNA: Take a look at some upcoming indie games headed to #NintendoSwitch this year and beyond, including those announced in the…
The community always celebrates the anniversary of No Man’s Sky in ways I can never predict. This time last year they put up a billboard, travelled to Guildford and... delivered a book 🤯
Patch 2.62 is now live on all platforms 👌 Lots of nice fixes and improvements, including new base building parts 🚀
@paperghost: @cam_sf @NoMansSky had it since launch, love that i can come back after months away and whole chunks of the game have chang…
@GOGcom: @NoMansSky And what a wonderful journey it is! 💜
@NoMansSky: Four years ago today No Man's Sky came out, and started a journey we feel lucky to be a part of with you all ❤️
@paperghost: @NoMansSky 4 years of additional content and not a single penny paid beyond purchase price. pretty amazing tbh, congrats