Bytebeat is an audio toy, with a focus on random generation, that everyone can make music and have fun with. Here’s a tutorial from creator @deverbandrelay
@NoMansSky: As a neat festive easter egg, a full audio application in No Man’s Sky 🎄
🎵Melody Sequencer ✉️Envelope editor 🌊Waveform edit…
@NoMansSky: "Hello Games having gone from being labelled a bunch of space cowboys to becoming one of the industry’s most celebrated stud…
@NoMansSky: Our own audio guru @earcom has been making some lovely things with ByteBeat
ByteBeat has been a hobby project of one of our coders @deverbandrelay for the last few weeks. It’s weird, it’s fun and now Blue Monday plays forever on a distant moon
@NoMansSky: Really lovely overview of some of the unexpected things folks are doing in NMS
@NoMansSky: Oh nothing, just an awesome city with a nightclub playing it’s own music on an alien planet
@danthat Zelda is the monster’s creator actually
Thoughts and prayers with all the folks working in cinemas right now trying to resist the urge to swap Star Wars for Cats
Oh nothing, just an awesome city with a nightclub playing it’s own music on an alien planet
Really lovely overview of some of the unexpected things folks are doing in NMS
Best PSVR Game and 🥉 Best Ongoing Game
Thank you 🙏🙏🙏
@rje: I love this because it might encourage some folks to be creative in a way they haven't been before. Put creative tools everywhere…
@RayReynoldsNMS: @NoMansSky @earcom Oh my, I made these Cinemagraphs and they work so perfectly with the amazing music by @earcom
Our own audio guru @earcom has been making some lovely things with ByteBeat
@hellogames: ByteBeat is out now on PS4, XBox and PC.
A fun audio creation Easter Egg in No Man’s Sky 🥁🎷🎺🎸🎻
Quite happy to be called a Space Cowboy tbh
"Hello Games having gone from being labelled a bunch of space cowboys to becoming one of the industry’s most celebrated studios."