@NoMansSky: why have I never thought of this before
@stevendeknight its not one of those vids where you can skip to the end - just make sure you follow each step
PC Experimental has been updated with a new build featuring more VR optimisations and improvements
2.09.3 has released on PC with a large number of changes, including base building + milking improvements, and a whole bunch of fixes.
PS4 and XBox updates are in progress and will be released once through Cert with Microsoft and Sony.
@DemonPerv @ROMEOREYES @AjaRaden @RichardElm @john_sipher @Petrit exactly
Large list of fixes and improvements pushed to experimental on PC 👍
These will follow on all platforms once testing has completed
@Baxayaun @BlasphemousGame much love ❤️
@john_sipher @Petrit you use them to pack around the egg plant in the wall
@IAmJohnAles @ChuckWendig takes a few more watches before you get it
@Zizpa it was
@justkelly_ok @merrittk keep watching
@Skellytm the rabbit hole goes deeper
@grillick @saramikaila common sense really
@Gothalion actually pretty much
@Baxayaun 🙏 Making games is *hard*, you pour so much into it that it’s incredibly difficult to see your baby out there in the world. Releasing is the destination, but it’s the journey that matters.
@BlasphemousGame looks incredible, been excited for it since you announced 😍
why have I never thought of this before
@gnomeslair @SuperRetroid @Peteuplink ❤️ Captain Blood - what a gem