IGN Hands on video - No Man’s Sky VR
“No Man’s Sky in VR is, without question, poised to immediately become the largest and most expansive VR game to date once the Beyond update releases.” 🤫
More press 🤯
"Where many other VR games (with rare, excellent exceptions) have felt limited, the grandness inherent to No Man’s Sky rips those limitations apart"
@lizaledwards 😍
"This is VR at its most compelling, putting me in fantastical places and giving me viewpoints that I can never expect to attain in real life." 😎
"if the goal of No Man's Sky is to make players feel, full-stop -- then VR is the best way to play. This sense of scale and immersion simply can't translate on a 2D screen." 🤗
@conspiracyhu ❤️
"Whatever voodoo is required to make a game feel just right in VR, Hello Games seems to have nailed it."
"there's that thrilling sense of being there, feet planted on some alien planet, scanning the horizons and getting drunk on the endless possibilities out there." 🙏
@JessConditt: The developers of Fortnite, Rainbow Six Siege, Warframe and @NoMansSky walk into a bar
Talking to press is really nerve wracking. Showing NMS in VR for the first time was something we've been super stressed about. Very almost cancelled at the last minute but decided to let some folks play at GDC... first articles coming in now...💩👖
@NoMansSky: No Man’s Sky BEYOND, a major free chapter, coming Summer 2019.
With three updates in one: 1) No Man's Sky Online 2) No Man'…
this tweet is doing better than some of our announcements. stop retweeting immediately 🙈
@corybarlog: This was a great talk. Thank you @NoMansSky for the candid and heartfelt insights into making and shipping games. ❤️🍻
@PlayStation: Slide on your #PSVR headset and slip into hyperspace. Learn more about VR play in No Man's Sky Beyond, revealed earlier th…
@corybarlog @nads_valentine 😭😭😭
@corybarlog 🙏🙏🙏 Oh man, let’s please share a beer sometime 🍻
@entropy432 They have a hydrant. A HYDRANT!