over 5 years ago - Sleipnir - Direct link
Oh heeeey!

Just upload to the beta branch.

Bet you didn't expect a Thursday update from yours truly. I'm going to start doing builds on Thursdays instead of Fridays in order to give me Friday to react to any potential issues users have. Whereas sometimes I'm not available on the weekend.

For today's patch, the main focus is around quality of life improvements and bug fixes. As well, I've changed the duration of the in game minute to be 1 real world second instead of 0.5. My reasoning for doing so is that I want settlers to be able to accomplish more in a day. This will be especially important when I implement settler scheduling so you can divide the day into work chunks. i.e., sleep 12am-8am, work 8am-6pm, other 6pm-12pm. What you may notice as a result is that settlers take much longer to get hungry, food takes way longer to grow, and things seem to slow down. Maybe it's not an issue, but please voice your thoughts. I can easily tune hunger and plant growth to happen at a faster rate to balance this. Curious to see how different it feels for you folks.

Anywhoozle. Here are today's patch notes:
-Re-wrote a lot of the settler reservation code for blocks and jobs. This should fix a bunch of problems where settlers would not start a job. Not to be confused with them simply relaxing and gathering energy. ;)
-Added a 'is reserved' menu option to utilities. This will show things that settlers have reserved.
-Added a 'is path open' option to utilities. This will show whether a settler can path through a block.
-Added the name of the settler equipping an item in the inventory menu.
-Fixed a bug where the lure of the fishing line would clip through platforms.
-Fixed a bug where you could deconstruct items.
-Added the ability for settlers to be able to build over plants/items. Items will be moved out of the way and plants will be cut.
-Fixed a bug where items would be destroyed by growing wild plants. This is likely the cause of the bug where people would lose seeds.
-Companions will now take the last name of the prime companion. The prime companion is the one with the higher UID in code.
-Building is no longer allowed on the edge of the map. This is to ensure entities can still spawn in the world.
-Added a subtle icon to the job overlay to indicate where a room is. This is helpful when placing props in a room. i.e., planting in a farm.
-Fixed a bug where removing a platform wouldn't immediately update the block's state and settlers would end up being able to path through that block.
-Changed the in-game minute to be 1 real world second instead of 0.5 a second.
-Fixed a bug where resetting the tutorial would have tutorial arrows not appear if the tutorial had previously been disabled.
-Fixed a bug where ambient audio would not play when a new game is started.

This upcoming week, I'm going to focus on combat and event tuning to prepare for work on the overworld map.

Hope you are all having a wonderful week.

