over 4 years ago - /u/unknownorigingames - Direct link


I've just uploaded today's new update featuring some cool critters. The build also contains a ton of extra items in addition to a handy entity highlighting tool which outlines all entities and shows their profession icon above them.

Entities should now appear on the map every few days whereas before you'd only get a few early on in the game. Keep in mind they will also leave after a certain amount of time if you don't tame them.

Speaking of taming, you can now tame every animal in the game and all entities can now fight. Want a Crab army? Sounds good to me. Want Rats to be your legion? Rad.

Here are some quick notes on the behaviours/benefits of the five new animals:
Dogs - Will seek out stealthed baddies in your settlement.
Sheep - Produce Wool daily.
Rats - If not tamed, will eat food and seeds in the settlement.
Snoots - Haven't given them anything special yet, but they will apply a poison once I add alchemy as a profession.
Gully - Like their real-life inspiration, they are just useless birds.
Cats - Cats will hunt down rats that have not been tamed.

Here are the patch notes for the build:

-Added Rats.
-Added Rat Hide item.
-Added Rat Remains item.
-Added Rat Raw/Cooked Meat items.
-Added Sheep.
-Added Sheep Raw/Cooked Meat items.
-Added Sheep Remains item.
-Added Gully.
-Added Gully Raw/Cooked Meat items.
-Added Gully Remains item.
-Added Snoot.
-Added Snoot Raw/Cooked Meat items.
-Added Snoot Remains item.
-Added Snoot Skin item.
-Added Dog.
-Added Dog Remains item.
-All critters can now be tamed.
-Added melee attack anims for remaining critters.
-Added Wool Cloth item.
-Added Wool Hat item.
-Added Wool Boots item.
-New rooms will now use unpurified water instead of purified water as the default beverage designation.
-Added global highlight hotkey which highlights all entities and show's their professions.
-Added hotkey for camera zoom toggle. i.e., holding left-alt to change camera zoom.
-Entity indicators will now not be obscured by lighting.
-Stoneleaf blueprints now require clothwork instead of metalwork.
-Fixed a bug where settlers would wait 1 frame before doing the pathing calculation.
-Settlers issued a move order will now stay at the target location for a brief amount of time.
-Entities will now pop up instead of down when they fill a block they stand in. This should help some issues where settlers could bury themselves in graves.
-Brightened up unlit blocks so they aren't so dark.
-Hold position is now designated much like an attack or tame order so that you can specify the exact position.
-Added additional text prediction for entity spawn command.
-Added 'migration' command for migration tests.
-Updated bird behaviour to fly around the sky more often.
-Animals will now migrate into the player's map at various intervals.
-Fixed a bug where settlers weren't properly dying of old age.
-Tuned entity health to be higher.

Thanks, friends. Have a fantastic day.


External link ā†’
over 4 years ago - /u/unknownorigingames - Direct link

Originally posted by RushVoidStaff

Iā€™m sorry grandma, I have to do this. The patch notes told me to.