over 4 years ago - Sleipnir - Direct link
Hello from the frozen northern wasteland of Canada.

Version has been pushed to the production branch and you can get all the goodies from the last several beta updates. Warning that, unfortunately, the new version is NOT backwards compatible. So you will lose saved progress. There was no way for me to avoid this as I had to re-write some core systems for the game to make improvements. I'm hoping this is a rare case and apologize for the loss of your progress.

Here is a list of all the stuff that's in this build since - New Props and New Lighting - Zone Priorities and Tons of Bug Fixes - New Font, Performance Improvements, and New Currency - New 'Starting Settlement' Window Upgrades

Hope you like all the things that have been added. I'll be uploading the next beta build tomorrow. This one includes two new professions and two new rooms that I'll reveal then. :)

Talk to you later!


over 4 years ago - /u/unknownorigingames - Direct link

Hello from the frozen northern wasteland of Canada.

Version has been pushed to the production branch and you can get all the goodies from the last several beta updates. Warning that, unfortunately, the new version is NOT backwards compatible. So you will lose saved progress. There was no way for me to avoid this as I had to re-write some core systems for the game to make improvements. I'm hoping this is a rare case and apologize for the loss of your progress.

Here is a list of all the stuff that's in this build since - New Props and New Lighting - Zone Priorities and Tons of Bug Fixes - New Font, Performance Improvements, and New Currency - New 'Starting Settlement' Window Upgrades

Hope you like all the things that have been added. I'll be uploading the next beta build tomorrow. This one includes two new professions and two new rooms that I'll reveal then. :)

Talk to you later!


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