about 15 hours ago - Sleipnir - Direct link
Hey friends!

I've just uploaded Patch, packed with fixes, UI improvements, new features, and QoL changes. After receiving tons of feedback post-1.0, I took my time to address as much as possible. Thanks for your patience—it’s been a long wait! There's still plenty more to add, but I hope this update makes a big difference in your experience.

Let's take a look!

UI Improvements
I made extensive UI improvements, separating elements into distinct functions for better organization. This includes new window tabs and entirely separate windows, such as the Market, which now has its own dedicated window (K) for easier use and clarity. I also added more tooltips and missing data.

You can now navigate the UI with arrow keys:

UP/DOWN for vertical lists
LEFT/RIGHT for window tabs

Here is a peak at some of the windows with their updated UI:

You'll notice I've cleaned up the population/tracking entries in the HUD. That is the top-left panel with entities, groups, rooms (added this!), etc.

I cleaned up the settler overview window a bunch. Added in sorting.

Added entity overlay again, and moved uniforms into that.

Did a lot of work overhauling uniforms to get it working correctly and have more of a visual element to indicate how entities get items. Also, entities now start with default uniforms. i.e., Builders start with Hammers set in their uniform.

New merchant window with (hopefully!) an easier to use and read buy/sell experience.

Kingdom Level and Points

I've replaced the time-based Saga progression with XP/Level unlocking. I felt the time unlocks for research wasn't terribly satisfying. It didn't feel like it was you and your actions moving the progression forward. Now, all your actions earn XP that goes towards your kingdom level. The kingdom level also determines the max level of your settlers.

Also did a bunch of UI clean up, organizing things into tabs and such.

Plus, you'll see a few more nodes in there. There's a new unlockable Global Stat that applies to your whole settlement. i.e., +25% Xp gained from jobs.

Game Over State

I've added a new Game Over screen! It lets you reload or quit the game, but also restart your settlement with a special event. I'm really excited about this feature—I plan to add many events to help revive a dead settlement.

Right now, restarting triggers a settler wave, but more options are coming soon! Restarting also advances time by one year, so you'll notice plants taking over. I’m also working on prop and block decay, so over time, you'll see erosion as the world changes.

Ok, there's a lot of other stuff in here, but I'll let you read the patch notes:

Bug Fixes
[x] Fixed a small memory leak.
[x] Fixed an issue where merchant AI would continue despite them being captured.
[x] Fixed an issue where entities weren’t being removed after dying.
[x] Fixed an issue where entities weren’t eating, drinking, or sleeping after changing faction.
[x] Fixed an issue where entities were holding on to inventory items, which would also cause them not to eat or drink because they couldn’t pick up more items.
[x] Fixed an issue where entities would dump all their items at a stockpile, and some items could spill out of the room.
[x] Fixed an issue where entities were not carrying their max inventory capacity when stockpiling rooms.
[x] Fixed an issue where plants weren’t regaining health.
[x] Fixed an issue where entities would move extra slow when walking and possessing a move speed debug.
[x] Fixed several issues with tooltip text not lining up correctly.
[x] Fixed an issue where merchant trade tooltips weren’t displaying for items.
[x] Fixed an issue with pathfinding when trying to build a multi-level ladder.
[x] Fixed several issues related to entities standing around idling.
[x] Fixed an issue where the invert scroll wheel setting wasn’t changing the camera scroll direction.
[x] Fixed an issue where water would fill blocks extremely slowly.
[x] Fixed an issue where simulations weren’t accurately processing at time scale speed.
[x] Fixed an issue where building a block of water on plants instantly killed them.
[x] Fixed an issue where sfx were playing rapidly. This was most apparent when entities picked up lots of items.
[x] Fixed issue where summons showed “New settler born!” notification.
[x] Fixed an issue where the starting storage room boundaries could be larger than the container positions.
[x] Fixed an issue where starting level wasn’t increasing skill level.
[x] Fixed an issue where the leader health was half full when first becoming leader.
[x] Fixed an issue where “unknown” blocks were appearing on the surface.
[x] Fixed an issue where rooms weren’t being displayed when searching.
[x] Fixed an issue where room jobs weren’t starting if another job existed at the workstation location. i.e., wood plank blueprint underneath the workbench.
[x] Fixed an issue where leadership statuses weren’t visible to the player.
[x] Fixed an issue where the nax hedge lantern wasn’t producing light or heat.
[x] Fixed an issue where one could get stuck in the loading screen rarely because of a rounding error.
[x] Fixed an issue where some steel weapons were worse than iron weapons.
[x] Fixed an issue where butchering certain animal remains would not drop hides.
[x] Fixed an issue where the loading screen would not align to the window after the resolution is changed.
[x] Fixed an issue where pathing wasn’t updated correctly and it would keep entities getting to certain locations.
[x] Fixed an issue with eat/drink not prioritizing over build jobs.
[x] Fixed an issue where VFX on the overworld were clamping to the bottom of the map.
[x] Fixed a couple issues where the capture mechanic wasn't working.
[x] Fixed an issue where using out-of-date mods would lock the game.
[x] Fixed a typo. Sheer is now Shear.
[x] Fixed an issue where boil used other props besides cauldrons.
[x] Fixed an issue where lists weren't updated. Notably on entity death.
[x] Fixed an issue where items weren't being equipped properly.
[x] Fixed an issue where uniform items weren't equipping by priority properly.
[x] Fixed an issue where Saga unlock FX wasn't playing.
[x] Fixed an issue where entity xp requirement to lvl wasn't scaling correctly.
[x] Fixed an issue where sleeping in a bed was increasing energy at the same rate as sleeping on the ground.
[x] Fixed an issue where cows wouldn’t produce milk.
[x] Fixed an issue where not all idle animations were playing.
[x] Fixed an issue where settler overview lists weren’t updating when professions changed.
[x] Fixed an issue where the seed input would take letters and numbers.
[x] Fixed an issue where room default stockpiles weren’t setting their preset item permissions.
[x] Fixed an issue where unclaimed items tooltip showed entries that were 0.
[x] Fixed an issue where the rooms and blueprints weren’t updating after a new room or blueprint was created/discovered.
[x] Fixed an issue where an entity would equip the wrong item from their inventory.
[x] Fixed an issue where entities weren’t being removed from control groups after dying.
[x] Fixed an issue where XP was awarded for killing a friendly entity.
[x] Fixed an issue where room props were displaying as missing when they aren’t.
[x] Fixed an issue where thatch roofing wasn’t appearing in the research window.
[x] Fixed an issue where death reason was showing the tooltip id.
[x] Fixed an issue where move orders would be ignored if the entity was in combat.
[x] Fixed an issue where hold position would be ignored if the entity was in combat. The entity will still enter combat if the target is directly adjacent to them.
[x] Fixed an issue where control groups and world markers could not be created with the hotkey “Ctrl+#”.
[x] Fixed an issue where dead entities were not showing up in entity family lists.
[x] Fixed a bug where Ancient last names didn’t have “The” between the first and last name.
[x] Fixed an issue where some items would be consumed for jobs instead of emptied. i.e., watering plants was using the item instead of producing an empty glass container.
[x] Fixed an issue where hostile entities would build wood platforms while out in the ocean.
[x] Improved rendering performance.
[x] Added toggle to show/hide inventory entries at zero.
[x] Added toggle to add/remove world item count to item total count in inventory window.
[x] Added toggle to add/remove carried item count to item total count in inventory window.
[x] Added toggle to add/remove equipped item count to item total count in inventory window.
[x] Added set faction “-f” option to the set command to change selected entity faction.
[x] Added separate hotkey to lock current tooltip (left-ctrl). This allows you to lock the tooltip without having to click the block (though you can still do it through this method).
[x] Cleaned up tooltips: Moved extra entity info to entity overlay window, added tooltip for hovering over statuses on several other UI elements.
[x] Added entity overlay window.
[x] Added more info to indicate plant is not getting enough light on tooltip.
[x] Polished room production screen.
[x] Polished notifications and tracking top bar.
[x] Added rooms to tracking bar.
[x] Saga research is now unlocked with kingdom points instead of time.
[x] Entity starting level is now determined by kingdom level.
[x] All profession skills are now increased on level up instead of randomly.
[x] Settlers now start out with basic tools.
[x] Entities now start with three default uniforms (individual, race, and profession) with default items preset.
[x] Added some more entity names.
[x] Added animal profession to help organize animals better.
[x] Re-added visual to grid to indicate when block has obstruction above it.
[x] New room names are now suffixed with A, B, C→AB, AC, AD instead of 0, 1, 2, 3…
[x] Added Global Buffs which are unlocked in the research window. These affect all entities of the settlement.
[x] Added several new research nodes to unlock.
[x] Integrating citizens is now unlocked in the town hall. This is intended to be an ability unique to humans.
[x] Integrating citizens now requires writing instead of hauling.
[x] Separated market into its own window.
[x] Entities can now earn XP from skills outside their core skillset (skills associated to the profession). However, the amount of XP earned is much lower.
[x] Added item discovery requirements to some of the research nodes.
[x] Performance improvements.
[x] Added notif to indicate entity caught in cage.
[x] Re-enabled item decay.
[x] Entities without a default generated or given name will show up as ???.
[x] Only additionally show entity name in label (when holding Shift) if the search text has min one letter. Otherwise, show the level and profession icon.
[x] Thirst and hunger will now be removed at 50% instead of 80% after eating/drinking.
[x] Neutral and hostile entities no longer start with the metabolism status. They should get it if captured!
[x] Added extra tooltip info for items to indicate why uniform item cannot be equipped.
[x] Improved room performance when many rooms are designated.
[x] Added common props to room tooltip.
[x] Added action text to show XP earned from killing an entity.
[x] Added looted inventory to entity died notification for neutral and hostile entities.
[x] Tuned some entities to have children less often.
[x] Children will now not enter combat unless told to attack a target.
[x] Animals now start with combat skills off by default.
[x] When forcing entities to attack a target and if no combat skills are enabled, all combat skills will be enabled.
[x] Reduced sight range from 128 to 32 so entities don’t get into combat across the map.
[x] Tuned combat threat sighting to be more accurate and reliable.
[x] Room permission lists are now ordered alphabetically.
[x] Tuned animal migration into settlement to be more common.
[x] Improved performance for when hostile entities are on screen trying to reach player.

Concluding Thoughts
I have a lot of exciting content in the works! With much of the UI overhaul done based on feedback, I can now focus on adding long-awaited features and content.

I'm diving into story development, including lore-based items, characters, random events, and new character traits. I also plan to expand kingdom interactions to make the world feel more alive. The next update will bring a lot of this to life! :)

Thanks for your patience—I hope you enjoy the update!


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