over 2 years ago - Sleipnir - Direct link
Hey friends!

I hope you are all well and having a nice weekend so far.

A few moments ago, I uploaded version to the beta branch. I'm thrilled to get this update out to you all. The focus for this one was performance but I was able to get in a lot of other fun things too. Alongside the performance improvements, I re-enabled the 64 world depth option. The RAM usage should be much less, so playing those bigger maps should be much easier. However, those maps do require more from your computer. Be aware of that if you're playing on a potato, and re-size your world accordingly. I think most machines should handle the biggest maps ok, though. I'll continue to improve performance as I go. There are still a few UI things I want to improve.

Caves I added in some procedural cave generation for players to discover while mining underground. These may or may not spawn with mushrooms, water, and treasure. I'm going to add many events to these in the future.

Water 'Physics' I've made it so water now has a mass. This gives players the ability to drain ponds and fixes a bug that caused worlds to flood if a player placed a water block on the surface. The only time water isn't finite is if it's touching the world border. The idea here is that it's connected to a water source outside the map.

Draining a lake into a cave below.

Temperature 'Physics' I did a bit of work improving how heat spreads in the game. You should now be able to make greenhouses much better. Especially because I fixed the issue where glass roofs didn't stop snow and heat should keep the roof from being covered by it. If you build a torch or fire pit inside that is.

Patch Notes -Made several CPU performance improvements related to UI and world rendering.
-Reduced the RAM footprint of the game.
-Decreased load times.
-Fixed a bug where selections were deselected in the paint debug window when SHIFT is released.
-Lowered the save game audio clip volume.
-Fixed a lag spike that would occur when new ambient clips were played.
-Reduced the save game time.
-Fixed a bug where 'Friendly' was shown on a hostile or neutral entity tooltip.
-Fixed an issue where some overlays (i.e., room placement) would indicate a point as being not permitted by desaturating a texture.
-Fixed a visual bug where crates showed they could be locked.
-Single water blocks will now dissipate instead of flood a map.
-Fixed a visual bug where interior temperature was being displayed instead of surface
-Fixed another bug that causes floating trees. Hopefully that's the last one...
-Fixed a bug where bedrock wasn't generating correctly.
-Fixed a bug where entities wouldn't start the nearest job after it becomes newly reachable. This was most apparent when mining.
-Fixed a bug where snow could get through glass roofing.
-Fixed a bug where weather effects would show below glass roofing.
-Fixed a bug where Ancient tombs weren't generating.
-The free job now requires the survival skill instead of tame skill.
-Added missing icon for Stasis Crystals.
-Fixed a bug where the Unworthy Ancient's scenario wasn't activating properly.
-Added caves and lakes to find underground.
-Tuned some item merchant values. Merchants will now favour crafted goods and rare items, offering to buy these items for a higher value.
-Added web block.
-Re-enabled 64 z depth option.
-Void Woken will now have the laborer profession by default.
-Void Imps will now have the miner profession by default.
-Fixed a bug where the Human research would cost '0 Wood Logs' to unlock.
-Added warnings to the Home and Immortality Tomb to let players know when they are missing beds/voidweave sarcophagi.
-Fixed a bug where fire wasn't spreading or spawning correctly.
-Fixed a bug where the lightning strike scenario wasn't activating.
-Added the Wyrm event. Tiles will show if Wyrms have been sighted.
-Fixed a bug where hitting ESC with the overworld map open didn't close it.
-Fixed a bug where fire wasn't creating a light aura.
-Entities can now use unpurified or purified water to put out a fire.
-Added an expand tooltip btn to block tooltips.
-Fixed a bug where, sometimes, entity selection wasn't properly prioritizing closest-to-cursor entities.
-Fixed a bug where you can select entities on any z level when the Select Single Layer option was enabled.
-Fixed a bug where camera dragging could get stuck when an event started while dragging the camera.
-Fixed a bug where entities weren't joining rooms.
-Entities should now snap to a proper standing point instead of fall after finishing a job.
-Added platforms to the block tooltip.
-Re-added overlay visual to indicate when a solid block is above.
-Fixed a bug where all ren was being cleared in the custom loadout screen after Clear All was clicked.
-Fixed a bug where entities wouldn't train at the Barracks, Range, and Arcane Study.
-Tuned the Saga Arcana skill tree so that Thaumaturgy I needs to be unlocked first. This is because all the following unlocks, such as Summoning Chamber, require props from that initial research node.
-Ancients now start with The Basics research unlocked.
-Fixed a bug where blueprints to convert waste, plant fiber, stone chunks, and wood logs, into void shards were missing.
-Added the stone buckler item and blueprint.
-Fixed a bug where players couldn't build over a Lectern of Knowledge.
-Attacks no longer show a dice value such as, "1d2." Instead, they will show a damage range similar to, "1-2."
-Fixed a bug where leaves weren't being removed by the clear/remove job.
-Fixed a bug where entities would occasionally choose a point on a different z level to work from.
-Fixed a bug where the drowning notification wasn't showing.
-Fixed a bug where incorrect notifications were being shown.
-Added some better water 'physics.' Water now has a mass and lakes can be emptied. However, water blocks on the map edge are still treated as a water source and will never empty.
-Fixed a bug where fish notifications would show up blank sometimes.
-Fixed a bug where Ancients were joining homes and Humans joining immortality tombs.
-Fixed a bug where neutral entities couldn't leave the map.
-Fixed a bug where speed buffs weren't applied when climbing ladders/stairs.
-Made a change to room auto-jobs so that they will not be placed unless the required items are available.

Next Up My next goal is to add a proper tutorial back into the game. This shouldn't take me too long. Once that's done, and if there aren't too many more issues to fix, I should be able to move the beta version to production. After that, I'll start work on the Ardyn update and a ton of new content. Very excited!

Thanks everyone for the support.
