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My dearest Acorn, would a platinum token reward for deadman be possible?

The community could have an opportunity to contribute towards the reward.

Could be taxed for a gold sink and split among the top three contestants.

A well could be put near the grand exchange and a broadcast system implemented similar to the pvm loot broadcast for contributions over 1m in the local area.

It would make the reward more enticing and it would potentially draw in a lot more newcomers to the esport scene.

Cheers ~ Roost

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almost 5 years ago - /u/JagexAcorn - Direct link

Hi there! Prizes were set up by Mod Rogue so I will need to bring the idea to her. I don't know if it's something that is possible for this tournament, as it might be too late, but it is something she can take on board as a suggestion for the future if we were to run another one.

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