I suppose the 0 hit change does not apply to enemies? And neither to thralls?
Only to damage dealt directly by the player, nothing else!
I suppose the 0 hit change does not apply to enemies? And neither to thralls?
Only to damage dealt directly by the player, nothing else!
Does skeletons include vetion/calv and does giant spiders include ven/spindel?
It doesn't, just the NPCs named as-written!
Great to see many of these changes. Also the one about removing the tick delay when autocasting. This was however one of the big perks of Harmonised staff untill today. Could you offer another perk to harm staff? For instance being able to autocast all elemental spells even when not in the correct spellbook?
I feel in any way that the different tomes should allow to autocast their respective spells even if not on the correct spellbook.
I think the delay still applied to the Harm. This refers to clicking 'Attack' on an NPC while your staff is set to 'autocast' delaying you by a tick compared to manually casting the spell on the NPC, and then letting autocast take the wheel - which is no longer a thing. Harm still boasts the insanely strong faster attack rate over other Elemental autocast spells.
The way it's calculated is in the post: Base * (Weakness% + MagicDmg%)
So in this case, 19 * 1.6 = 30.4, which we round down. The additive approach means it doesnt scale up to insane amounts as you accumulate more Magic Damage%.
So, Pre tormented Bracelet, I have blue moon for mage gear. I should instead bring elite void? Glove slot switch makes it too cumbersome?
EDIT: to make it clearer. Full blue moon + barrows gloves vs Elite void. should be 3% vs 5%
Depends what you're fighting - best thing to do is to get comfy with DPS calcing if you're unsure, OSRS Wiki has a fab tool for it that you can even just pull a setup straight into from the in-game equipment interface via RuneLite. Generally speaking, if something has Magic defence or a higher Magic level you'll be better off with 'actual' robes, if something has no or negative Magic defence, Void can be pretty solid but it varies so much with context.
where does the hunter & sunlight crossbow fit within the new ranged weakness changes? do they sit against the "heavy" weakness since they're technically bolts, or are they an outlier due to the fast attack speed.
Bolts so heavy! Ammo type is what determines the weakness, regardless of the attack rate, same as Tbow and an MSB sharing an ammo type.
u/JagexGoblin could a member of staff please check if anything about nightmare fight changed. Scythe seems to be hitting strangely low and the magic damage bonuses from prayers seem to not be applying to totems. My two kills took ~50sec longer with the exact same setup I had before, only with elder maul specs added + augury enabled (which should have been a significantly faster kill)
Have asked the team to take a look. On the Prayer point, are you using a Shadow (which doesn't triple bonuses from Prayer) or something else?
What happened to the to no delay kodai auto cast ?
There shouldn't be any delays on autocasting - are you saying that autocasting with the Kodai still incurs an extra tick delay?
What does the Atlatl dart fall under? I can see an argument for any of the 3 types but haven't seen anything saying what they actually are.
Thrown weapon so should be Light!
Elder maul doesn't make chest in CoX.
Aware of this one, will likely implement a change here (though I'm not sure how delicately you'd be able to use an Elder Maul during construction).
For this reason, your max hit with elemental spells (Strike, Bolt, Blast, Wave, and Surge) will now scale to the highest level spell you have unlocked.
Is it based on the player’s base magic level? Or would I be able to boost magic levels to unlock spells and in turn, temporarily boost my max hit?
Temporary boosts do work - same kind of behaviour as being able to use Magic boosts to cast spells you couldn't otherwise cast.
Any chance you could introduce an ingame "beastiary", which would show monster stats, unlocking details through killing a number of them and through using monster examine?
We actually chatted a lot about this and made a mock up towards the end of our most recent Game Jam, hopefully something we'll be able to share a little more about soon and see if it's something players want us to flesh out further!
Mage thralls have bugged out since this update. They now need to walk up to melee range to start attacking their target, and can't attack the Olm mage hand or Zulrah at all.
Team are aware of both of these cases and looking into them!
u/JagexGoblin seems to be a problem with the soulreaper axe in ToB during soteseg. When it teleports you for maze, you lose your stacks and dont get any health back
Raised this one with the team!
“I’m not really sure” seems to be the default response for a lot of the decisions LOL
In this case we'd designed this stuff first, I'm not as close to the WGS rewards since it's not a project I'm actively working on so my uncertainty stems from not knowing their reasoning for the 'fiery' thematics since I've not been privy to those specific conversations!