

18 Apr


Originally posted by Lonely_Beer

Now that we've acknowledge Blue Moon Armor exists can we please, please lower its weight?

A magical tank top should not weigh more than a Torva Platebody and that's a hill I'm willing to die on.

Team's already aware of this feedback, I'm not sure where they're at with it but will ask again to see if changes are on the books.


Originally posted by osrslmao

Mystic/Enchanted all 20 defence robes are now completely useless and worse than 1 def Elder chaos robes.

feels a shame to include elder chaos, infinity, bloodbark etc and leave out one of the most iconic oldschool armour sets

We spoke about Mystic a little as part of it but given that it's purchaseable from shops for many accounts, felt it might make progression more impactful to have the stuff granting Magic Damage not be so 'deterministic'.

EDIT: That being said, we could for sure throw Enchanted into the mix!

16 Apr


Just as a heads-up because there are a lot of comments flying in. We're reading posts/comments as they come in and talking through them - we anticipated this blog would drum up a lot of discussion and didn't expect that our first go out would be without issue.

We're going to keep reading and talking things over and look to put together an updated blog tomorrow or Thursday, focusing in particular at the moment on the conversations around Magic in both the mid-game and in PvP across brackets.

Please keep sharing your thoughts with us - positive or negative, it's what these kinds of conversations are for!


Originally posted by Economy_Ad_1016

is Virtus any different when casting ancients or just the same as ancestral now?

Virtus retains its existing boost to Ancient Magicks yeah.


Originally posted by Undercorpse

u/JagexGoblin To clarify, does the elder maul still need to pass an accuracy check to apply defence reduction? Normally I would think the obvious answer would be yes, but it is a megarare after all. Not ridiculous to think it could have 100% accuracy or maybe have 100% accuracy if you have a minimum threshold of crush accuracy

Same as the DWH yeah, needs to 'hit' to reduce Defence.


Originally posted by gmars

Here to voice that voidwaker doesn’t need a nerf in PVM as it fills a good niche in the special attack space with claws. The special attack always hitting is the fun part of the weapon, so any nerf that’s looked at should be to its max hit as the balancing lever, not what’s most enjoyable about using it. That said, in PVM at least, it doesn’t need a nerf to its max hit right now either.

Completely on board with this feedback and expect to see a lot of it, same reason we made clear that we're open to adjusting or taking parts out in line with feedback!


Originally posted by FenixSoars


Edit: and occult. tf?? Are we getting a better magic ammy then? Basically every mage setup aside from max has been nerfed..

I think the team are open to a better Magic amulet or an Occult upgrade from content in the future that befits the power it offers, which still tie in well with the reasoning outlined in the post!


Originally posted by Foultarnisheds

Way to ruin occult neck, I f**king got 93 slayer just for it to be nerfed on my iron lol

It's still a mammoth upgrade with all of the same use-cases, you'll be using it everywhere you use mage and it's still BiS by a massive margin - your grind isn't in vain!


Originally posted by Frafabowa

To clarify, do the Infinity Robes buffs include buffs to Infinity Boots and Gloves as well as Eternal Boots, or just the top/bottom/hat?

Just the top/bottom/hat at the moment!


Originally posted by [deleted]


The buff/nerf/adjusted summary image was effectively a mini-recreation of what LoL do for their patches tbf, I like the visual element of it


Originally posted by ImWhiteTrash

How would th minimum hit change work with splashing? If someone is intentionally trying to not deal damage by wearing the wrong gear would they still hit zeros or will the minimum always be 1 regardless of gear?

Minimum hit only matters if you hit the NPC, Splashing means you cast the spell but never pass an accuracy check, so you'll still hit for 0 because you're missing every time!

12 Apr


Originally posted by Environmental_Ad9017

4 times more common now at 1/275

Didn't the wiki calculate it at something like 1/20k? There's no way it was 1/1200 or something.

To clarify: what this means is that if you kill pirates and use every key you obtain, you'll likely have to kill about a quarter as many pirates as you would have beforehand, assuming you use the keys.


Originally posted by aryastarkia

I really don't think magic changes are great for the iron player base without some tweaks.

Some pain points are around wrath runes being very hard to acquire for irons, it's pretty slow from bossing or slow to kill rune dragons, or requires 95 runecrafting, one of the slowest skills in the game.

The other is around the harmonized nightmare staff. Nightmare with its current drop rates is just absolutely terrible in respecting the player's time. Honestly anything that makes nightmare uniques more important without addressing that is painful. I know irons chose to limit themselves, but part of the joy in that game mode is a smooth progression curve, wrath runes and nightmare heavily break that for magic. Currently strong early with fire strike to ibans to warped Sceptre to slayer grind for trident, then shadow, all of which feels pretty good. A 400 hour nightmare grind in there does not.

I don't think the things you're outlining here are issues with the system as much as the interplay with other parts of the game. It could make a stronger case for adjustments to the things you're mentioning, but also might be alleviated by other reward space down the line.

Would also add - as somebody who currently jumps between an Iron, 2 GIMs and a UIM - that they don't harm Iron progression in any way and probably don't warrant holding stuff up to try and bundle in other changes that impact the economy beyond the Iron playerbase.

Totally get where you're coming from fwiw, just wanted to offer up a $0.02 on why they feel like slightly separate issues. Would also add that if you're still progressing on an Iron and in the early stages of the game, these changes probably would be beneficial in spots as-is - the lategame/endgame stuff applies beyond Irons too!


Originally posted by ElFtador

Hey Mod Goblin! Thanks for your time and effort! What's your favourite type of Goblin?

Goblin potion transmog 5. You're not getting a 'mind goblin' out of me.


Originally posted by Nyaco

The app gets frozen when I try to log into a beta world on mobile. Is that an issue on my end or with the servers? I've already updated the app

Can drop me an RSN and I can pass it on to have a look, we want to do loads more with betas so ironing out stuff like this is really useful!

In the meantime, can you try logging in to a maingame world, searching for 'Beta' in your Settings and using the 'Convert save to Beta Worlds', then trying to log in to a beta world again and seeing if the issue persists?


Originally posted by CaptaineAli

As someone who cannot be bothered reading and struggling to understand this post, Will this make Magic BIS anywhere? Or does it just make it equally as strong as other current methods (range/melee)?

My read is that in some scenarios at some stages of progression, you might be better off using Magic than other stuff. Like it might be the case that you're better off using Water spells on a Pyrefiends task than some other gear setup, but that's not massively applicable to a lot of the players who are likely to vocally contribute to discussions like this.

But in terms of how it impacts existing 'established' metas, I don't think a whole lot really shifts immediately - the primary motivator is opening up future reward space so that we could release items or NPCs that switch things up down the line.


Originally posted by Proof-Cardiologist16

Skeletons feel like they should be earth weakness for the same thematic reason as crush weakness IMO.

Also I'd love to know the numbers of water spells dps versus demonbane dps, demonbane spells are already pretty niche I'd hate to see them completely outclassed.

Imagine a really windy day, except you have no skin and your walk along Brighton Pier leaves your ribcage in Stoke-on-Trent. Still not convinced?


Originally posted by AmbitiousMobile7168

Didn't see it stated anywhere, but Monster Examine or some variant of it should be added to the standard spell book because who's going to be switching to lunar just to find an elemental weakness then switch back?

We chatted about this a little but didn't land anywhere specific, still something I think we'd be interested in though! I was tempted to try and learn RuneScript and make some kind of a bestiary for Game Jam but CM often have other stuff to do during Game Jam and I'm not sure I'd be able to make something cool that wouldn't be criminally expensive (it's a lot of data to store on an item per account I think)!