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almost 6 years ago - /u/Jagex_Weath - Direct link

Just to clarify, we have a policy of not returning names to accounts where the player has been hijacked through their own doing. This is to prevent people from faking hijackings in order to sell names and then recover them at a later date.

The lack of Authenticator is relevant in this case because the name was changed from within the game. It also helps to highlight that OP had not taken advantage of the security advice and systems that we have in place

almost 6 years ago - /u/Jagex_Weath - Direct link

Originally posted by Sinternet

"Hijacked through his own doing?" What do you mean by that, and how is that determined?

He gave the hijacker his username and password

almost 6 years ago - /u/Jagex_Weath - Direct link

Originally posted by Shaharlazaad

How is it that you know that? Why should we trust you saying he did when Cigarscape is saying he didn't?

If you'd like to avoid this he-said-she-said nonsense post up some proof mate.

The hijacker logged into the account without changing the password so whether OP did it knowingly or not, he did give out his login info

There's no proof I can post without giving out sensitive information

almost 6 years ago - /u/Jagex_Weath - Direct link

Originally posted by He_Ma_Vi

If your password database got hacked do you think it would be proper for journalists to say "Jagex gave the malicious party their database"? How do you reconcile the use of the word "give" with the use of the word "hijacker"? Which is it?

Do you have some credible proof that there was intent involved?

Saying libelous shit is probably not in your employee handbook.

You can unwillingly or unknowingly give something away, I haven't at any point said that the account owner did so with the intent of allowing third party access. If our password dadabase was accessed by someone who has the admin username and password, it would be a fair statement that someone gave it away somehow

almost 6 years ago - /u/Jagex_Weath - Direct link

Originally posted by kmcgurty1

Not to pile onto the shit you're dealing with already, but I certainly hope that's not a possibility (plaintext passwords).

I genuinely have 0 knowledge of how they're stored or secured so wouldn't even be able to guess

almost 6 years ago - /u/Jagex_Weath - Direct link

Originally posted by He_Ma_Vi

If your password database got hacked do you think it would be proper for journalists to say "Jagex gave the malicious party their database"?

If our password dadabase was accessed by someone who has the admin username and password, it would be a fair statement that someone gave it away somehow

If someone hacked into your systems and gained access to a database would it be fair and proper to say "Jagex gave the malicious party their database"?

That question was neither convoluted nor complicated, and the very fact that you tried to skirt around it demonstrates that you know damn well it's unfair and improper to say "give" without evidence of intent.

If you have evidence to demonstrate intent then that's fine. But don't pretend it's not needed.

No but it would be fair to say that the "hacker" was given the password if they used it to access the database

almost 6 years ago - /u/Jagex_Weath - Direct link

Originally posted by diregna

If OP got phished by clicking on suspicious link like you mentioned wouldn't that explain how they had his login info?

Yep that's what I mean by unknowingly giving them his login info