over 3 years ago - /u/JagexLight - Direct link

Originally posted by drasko321

/u/JagexSarnie There's a small error in the blog: "Bank space is purchased in sets of 20, with a total of 9 sets available" should be sets of 40

Have fixed this! Sorry about that :D

over 3 years ago - /u/JagexAyiza - Direct link

Originally posted by flickerstop


As mentioned in our Economy Blog, the additional Bank spaces you get for having a PIN and Authenticator set up have increased from 8 to 20.

You get 8 bank slots for PIN and 8 more for Authenticator, 16 total. So does this mean you get 20 for PIN and 20 for Authenticator so 40 total? Or 10 for PIN and 10 for authenticator and 20 total?

It's 40 in total, so 20 for each!

over 3 years ago - /u/JagexLight - Direct link

Originally posted by OopsIBlunderedAgain

This GIM drop thing is a bit annoying. Mine is broadcasting every sand crab drop I get, surely it isn't supposed to do this?

I believe you can change the threshold for notifications in your Settings Menu