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My defence level has randomly reset to level 1 and my combat level has dropped 23 levels... I can no longer wear the gear I am currently wearing in the photo...


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about 6 years ago - /u/JagexGambit - Direct link

Hi there - if you've been affected by this, please stay online and meet us at Lumbridge on W310, we'll get this sorted for you.

about 6 years ago - /u/JagexGambit - Direct link

Hi guys - we identified all the accounts that accidentally had their Defence reset. This was caused by an unexpected error from looking at resetting the pures affected by the XP bug a few weeks back. We can confirm that 24 accounts were affected and that over half of them have already been fixed. We'll reach out to the remaining 10 players via inbox message and return their Defence XP as soon as they are available (they need to be online for us to do this).

about 6 years ago - /u/JagexGambit - Direct link

Originally posted by tomblifter

Imagine not dealing with this shit using data analysis...

We did - there was a list of all the players affected right away. However, to fix the accounts quickly it needed to be done in game which is a lot easier if they're all in one place.

about 6 years ago - /u/JagexGambit - Direct link

Originally posted by 0078456

Can you sign my phat if I come?

You're late to the party, I'm afraid. We already sorted out the majority of players affected and will contact the remaining ones individually