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about 16 hours ago - /u/Mod_Grub - Direct link

Pretty sick, I'm a fan of bringing chainmail into BIS too

Edit: seems like we'd have some serious tech constraints doing this in 3D due to how chainmail works with render order. 😮‍💨

about 12 hours ago - /u/Mod_Grub - Direct link

Originally posted by Pharphuf7nik

Perhaps a silly question, but will runetek (or whatever the new rendering thing is) make it less of a problem? I know Yama is slated to release months before the new rendery doohicky, but perhaps for a later set? 🤔

Unfortunately not. We had to retain the render order system for player characters even in the new runetek renderer due to the sheer volume of player kits that would need fixing. I'm hopeful we'll find a solution for this in the future, but currently we don't have it on the roadmap.