about 2 months ago - Old School RuneScape - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

0s go into East verac to the fancy clothes
2s shop buy a pink skirt and equip it this
5s was step 79 of fo's League's 5 route but
8s it wasn't even a task so if you see
11s anyone in a pink skirt in the league
12s it's cuz they're using my guide
14s 43,149 people got tricked into buying a
17s pink skirt and
19s 41,45 of those people equipped it
21s helping to create a more colorful start
23s to this leagues if you were one of them
25s don't be shy now own up to it in the
27s comments hey guys I'm coxy here to get
30s you the second week of raging Echo
32s leagues statistics if you missed the
34s first video hosted by soup make sure to
36s go check it out let's keep talking tasks
39s if you've played for more than 10
40s minutes you probably recognize these
42s ones they're the most commonly completed
44s tasks all with over 80% completion no
47s surprises here since most of these are
49s completable without going too far from
51s the lumbridge spawn now for the rarest
53s tasks that have at least one completion
56s only 24 people have obtained 50 million
58s herblore XP with two of them going all
61s the way to 200 million hopefully with
63s the help of friendly forager and for
65s those that took Corner cutter instead
67s only 14 people so far have completed the
70s task to obtain 50 million agility XP
72s only 18 players have completed the elite
75s Western Province diary which makes sense
77s because only 69 people in the entire
79s game have chose the three regions
81s required for it Tywin asgarnia and
83s kandarin 17 people have done the tombs
85s of a masket at least 100 times and 15
88s players have completed all of the T a
90s combat achievements since last week's
92s video only nine more people have gotten
95s their hands on the helmet of the Moon
96s from the Moon Chest putting it at a
98s total of 11 players to complete this
100s task only 10 total players have killed
102s the Whisperer 300 times for those 200
104s points two people have obtained at least
107s 750 collection log slots for the huge
110s 400 Point task and only one person at
113s the time of this recording has completed
115s all the chambers of zerich combat
116s achievements well done last year I did a
119s stats video for Trailblazer reloaded and
122s gave you guys the amount of pets that
123s have been roaming around in the leagues
124s Worlds the total number was just over
128s 130,000 now it's up to
147s 430,000 Scurry pets this league so far
150s Echo soul is a great way to farm the
152s small hered it pet since you don't have
154s to worry about the first 11 waves thanks
156s to that they're up to
158s 2,363 of them running around in the game
161s all of the new vlore pets are much less
163s common Huber is around
165s 334 Moxy is at
167s 326 and Quon 269 funny feelings now for
173s the most common ones Rocky is still far
175s ahead as the most common pet
178s 76,1 18 of them in the game that's over
182s 50,000 more thieving pets than there
184s were at this time last year dodgy
186s dealers enjoy your easy pet Haron is up
189s next
191s 53,56 4 a
194s 49,000 bump from last leagues thanks to
196s animal Wrangler and the Beautiful views
198s of Musa Point Soul Wars is a little less
201s popular this time around but the little
202s Creator pet is still in third place at
206s 19578 Scotto is in fourth at
210s 98 Abyssal orphan is in fifth
213s 18068 followed by pet Kraken Rock olum
216s Jad and then Beaver The Gauntlet pet is
219s another one that got a nice boost thanks
220s to the echo version of the boss
222s significantly speeding up your kill
224s times as of right now there are
227s 11,240 young lifts in the game desert
230s Treasure 2 bosses provide a bit more
232s incentive to farm since they now drop
234s the full rings and all four pieces of
236s the sorer axe Leviathan is the most
238s common at 1,9
240s 66 Butch coming in second place at
244s 1,556 Baron in third at
247s 549 and Whisper only at 142 Pets only 20
253s more Penance Queen pets have entered the
255s game since this time last year putting
256s it at a total of 95 the least common pet
259s in all of leagues now let's get into the
262s regions and their respective Echo bosses
265s the fenic provinces have jumped up to
267s first place since last week showing up
269s in 30 30% of region combinations the
272s echo daganth Kings have been slain over
274s 1.8 million times with the highest
277s individual casy at
279s 174 there are over 51,000 Emperor rings
283s and amulets of monarchs in the game
285s morania is seen in 29% of area Combos
289s and the echo grotesque Guardians have
291s been taken down almost 2 million times
293s with
294s 6,295 players obtaining their gloves of
296s the Damned Ken and asgarnia are tied at
299s a 17% pick rate but which Echo boss has
302s been killed more Echo hpor has been
304s chopped
306s 54,8 40 times with
309s 38549 nature reprisals in the game Echo
312s serus is up next
327s 389,000 times the very power ful
330s sunlight spear has been obtained 11,200
333s times and the sunlight bracers a little
335s bit less common at
337s 10,843 someone out there must be really
339s dry for the pet because there is one
341s person who's done Echo Soul fight 500
343s times the desert has been unlocked by
345s 15% of the players with all three
347s regions with the echo Cal fight Queen
349s being slayed
351s 765,7 63 times there are
354s 35,44 drag Gore blow pipes flying around
357s out there tanwi comes in at 14% with
360s Echo huni being completed 2.5 million
363s times the amount of Crystal blessings
365s being obtained is at
366s 36,800 a lot of players are choosing to
369s fight the echo variant while going for
370s their enhanced weapon seed and one
372s player has
374s 645 completions all we can do is hope
377s that they were having fun with this
378s incredibly unique boss fight to all my
380s Wilderness lovers out there sleep well
382s tonight knowing this is the first League
384s ever well Wilderness has not been the
386s lowest pick sitting comfortable at our
388s eighth most picked region at 8 % the
391s echo King black dragon has been slain
401s 576,000 Dragon wart has been obtained
404s 16,43 4 times candin is of course in
408s last place at a measly 5% pick rate
411s throwback to Trailblazer reloaded it was
413s the fourth most popular region thanks to
415s the like of a Colt necklace xenites and
417s pet the echo variant of thery has only
420s been killed
421s 22229 times with 830 Devil's elements in
425s the game the ratio of echother kills to
428s Echo hun kills is sitting at 1 to
431s 110 insane the most popular region
435s combination is fonic Tywin and morania
438s this isn't too surprising since these
440s regions provide the strongest possible
441s gear for melee builds the least popular
444s region combination kandarin vmore and
447s Wilderness to whoever the 17 te players
450s in the entire game that have picked
451s these regions keep doing you the world
454s is your oyster now let's talk relics and
457s masteries the tier five favorite is
460s Slayer Master at
461s 48.3% followed by treasure Arbiter at
464s 37.4 3% and production Master only being
467s chosen by
468s 14.27% of players I am proud to say that
471s I am in the
473s 6.05% of people taking Total Recall for
475s tier six with Bankers note reigning
478s Supreme at 93
481s 3.95% grimoire is incredibly powerful as
483s a tier 7 choice and the players agree
486s 60.3 7% of people chose this over the
489s other two tier eight is another blowout
492s Last Stand by far the most popular at
494s 83.3 5% for combat masteries ranged is
498s the most popular Style with players that
500s have unlocked six tiers in any of the
502s three melee is a close second and
504s magicians are much less common this
506s season keep in mind the distribution
509s does not include 55 builds so let us
511s know down below if you went that route
513s and chose to not unlock a tier six
514s combat Mastery here's some more fun
517s random stats for you there's a global
519s task to make a pineapple pizza for 30
521s points maybe that's why
525s 103,6 pizzas have been cooked so far in
528s this RuneScape leagues almost 37 million
531s Clues have been completed during leagues
533s 5 roughly 19 million Abyssal demons have
536s been killed in
538s 350,00 four of their Superior variant
541s the greater Abyssal demon Mega rare
543s vouchers are new to this leagues and
545s they could be turned in for any of the
547s three big raids rewards the Twisted bow
549s being the most popular choice at
552s 19,300 close second being our lovely scy
555s of vider at
557s 18,6 129 following up in third tumin
560s Shadow only being chose
563s 7,311 times runescape's leagues always
566s bring some interesting posts to the
568s community subreddit let's quickly
569s highlight a few naos stumbled upon a way
571s to get infinite special attack using
573s their zerak crossbow and TOA requiring
576s specialist Relic and lowering the range
577s level to zero if you do find this video
580s on Reddit adjust the volume at your own
582s risk and don't say I didn't warn you
584s always keep an eye on how long you've
585s been logged into the game this clip from
587s Shufflin will tell you why oh I called
590s it Emperor ring dropped oh my god oh man
594s I got six hour logged as soon as it
596s dropped there's no way raving Punk found
600s an amazing way to train agility the only
602s requirement you did need to pick last
604s recall Shifty to boss participated in
607s their Clan competition to do a budget
608s Inferno on leagues 5 no Echo items
611s allowed Shifty managed to do it with
615s 4,638 GP worth of gear and food well
618s done Jon 4 got three different rings
621s from one Echo DK's kill the true Lord of
624s the Rings dry streaks are something
627s every RuneScape player loves to talk
628s about and with hard mode top being the
630s most popular option to obtain a mega
632s rare voucher during this league we have
634s a lot of data to pull from as of
636s December 11th there exists one poor
638s unfortunate soul with
640s 138 hard mode top purples still looking
643s for their voucher this player is in the
646s 9.96 percentile and over 7.5 times the
649s drop rate of this item I do love me some
651s data analysis so I'm going to take 20
653s seconds out of your day to Deep dive
655s into this probability I created a
656s simulation to theoretically Force 10,000
659s Escape players to obtain 138 purples
662s from hard mode toab and I recorded how
663s many mega rare vouchers they received as
665s you can see most players are obtaining
667s between 5 and 10 vouchers which is great
669s because a scythe is one in 18 purples
671s and 138 purples divided by 18 drop rate
674s is roughly 7 and 1 half size in the
676s stats world this is brilliant because
678s our simulation analysis agrees with the
680s expected drop rates in the end only four
683s players out of the 10,000 total did not
685s receive a mega rare voucher in 138
687s purples one very lucky on the other side
690s of the coin managed to obtain 21
694s vouchers that will be an insane drop
696s party at the end of this league that's
698s it for me today thanks for watching and
700s enjoy your time left with raging echoes

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