about 1 year ago - - Direct link
Today we’re discussing rewards from Defender of Varrock, Part One of Varlamore, and a few little extras!
about 1 year ago - /u/JagexRice - Direct link

Originally posted by not_jhaycen

Just to clarify, are the Sulphur Blades meant to replace the highly contested offhand? What advantage does dual-wielding offer beyond the novelty of two hit splats? I don't think anyone would argue that Torag's Hammers have lacked some kind of identity, so any changes are welcome - I just don't really understand the thought process here or why the dual wielding weapons are deemed useful in this content specifically?

meant to replace the highly contested offhand? What advantage does dual-wielding offer beyond the novelty of two hit splats? I don't think anyone would argue that Torag's Hammers have lacked some

Not at all, they're a drop from a slayer creature in the dungeon.

about 1 year ago - /u/JagexSarnie - Direct link

Originally posted by VriffTech

Why not just give a buff to Torag's Hammers? Players have been asking since literally 2013 and John C's answer was that silly Amulet of the Damned buff, you want to give it two hitsplats, why are we dancing around just making them a bit better?

Out of curiousity, how would you like to see them buffed?

about 1 year ago - /u/JagexSarnie - Direct link

Originally posted by [deleted]


Sorry fam, here we go again.

about 1 year ago - /u/JagexGoblin - Direct link

Originally posted by Patrick_Reddit

Ah yes the ‘V’ god

about 1 year ago - /u/JagexSarnie - Direct link

Originally posted by not_jhaycen

Just to clarify, are the Sulphur Blades meant to replace the highly contested offhand? What advantage does dual-wielding offer beyond the novelty of two hit splats? I don't think anyone would argue that Torag's Hammers have lacked some kind of identity, so any changes are welcome - I just don't really understand the thought process here or why the dual wielding weapons are deemed useful in this content specifically?

No, this isn't a replacement, but something else we thought warranted coming from the content since with the introduction of a new Slayer monster a unique that helped with the content fit quite nicely. As in terms of the why, it's something you have to figure out on release :)

about 1 year ago - /u/JagexSarnie - Direct link

Originally posted by BaeTier

It's funny that the echo crystal question is essentially the same as they just asked last time, but they have to poll it again because it wasn't made clear initially that we were choosing 1 or the other in the question lol.

Yeah, I've seen this comment a lot and this will just hopefully make it a lot clearer in our intentions!

about 1 year ago - /u/JagexGoblin - Direct link

Originally posted by runner5678

I didn’t fully understand this question

Which Gods do you feel have all the prerequisites currently in-game to unlock an Alignment?

Does me checking off Seren indicate I believe that Seren’s alignment would come from SOTE or similar? And that if I said Zamorak, I believe there’s some content somewhere already that would make sense to award zamorak’s alignments?

I would say yeah, for example, if you think DT2 would satisfy an unlock for some Zaros-themed alignments, then I think you would tick 'Zaros' for this question, same as in your SOTE for Seren example. Applies to any and all of them - if you think there's already some requirement or another that might suit, then pick one out (fully expecting to see primarily Seren/Zaros for this one, but curious if people have thoughts for others too!)

about 1 year ago - /u/JagexSarnie - Direct link

Originally posted by runner5678

I didn’t fully understand this question

Which Gods do you feel have all the prerequisites currently in-game to unlock an Alignment?

Does me checking off Seren indicate I believe that Seren’s alignment would come from SOTE or similar? And that if I said Zamorak, I believe there’s some content somewhere already that would make sense to award zamorak’s alignments?

Yeah, along those lines exactly. For Seren, if you think that SOTE is a suitable place to unlock a Seren-themed alignment then I'd tick yes, on the otherhand you might think that finishing the Slug questline or the goblin questline might suit Saradomin or Bandos respectively so they don't have all those pre-requistes in-game currently.

about 1 year ago - /u/JagexSarnie - Direct link

Originally posted by BoulderFalcon

IDK if this is a hot take or not, but I really hope you don't add any prayers that augment skilling heavily (e.g., chance to save on resources or perform tasks faster) to God alignments. The meta for skilling shifting to rely on prayer isn't a good idea IMO.

Much better to have prayers that offer new PvM/PvP content.

We've got nothing set in stone yet, and exactly why we included the survey - to get an understanding of what you want to see! :)

about 1 year ago - /u/JagexSarnie - Direct link

Originally posted by Straight_6

Any idea what the intended prayer level range of these new god alignments is aimed at? Like are we talking 80s or 90s?

Nothing concrete yet. If you think that should be the case, do you think it should be the same for all of them?

about 1 year ago - /u/JagexSarnie - Direct link

Originally posted by BoogieTheHedgehog

Huh? Didn't the shield echo already pass with over 70?

As a boot enjoyer I'm not complaining about a repoll. However is this Jagex admitting the issue with slapping an A vs B behind a yes vs no styled poll question, due to inherent yes advantage?

The Shield did pass, as did the boots previously, but I think this is to make it super clear as to which item/s the Echo Crystal should be attached too.

about 1 year ago - /u/JagexSarnie - Direct link

Originally posted by chol3ric


thanks for the feedback, can confirm the axe is 1h.

about 1 year ago - /u/JagexSarnie - Direct link

Originally posted by Wambo_Tuff

So dclaws staying at cox?

Yup, I've also made it a bit clearer in the newspost.

about 1 year ago - /u/JagexSarnie - Direct link

Originally posted by BigStickStew

Zombie Axe has a 50% spec?

Nope, and I've updated the image to show that! Thanks fam

about 1 year ago - /u/JagexSarnie - Direct link

Originally posted by Bo5man

That thank-you readout in the Audio-Read made my day much more brighter, thanks! u/JagexSarnie

Appreciate it :D Didn't realise I left all my outakes at the end but you can enjoy my fumbles now haha

about 1 year ago - /u/JagexGoblin - Direct link

Originally posted by jesse30000

The phrasing of the D claws question made me think it was a head-to-head question, so that the most popular option would win. Kind of disappointed they’re not being moved myself, CoX’s drop table is so bloated.

Question read: "OPINION QUESTION: If While Guthix Sleeps is added to the game, where would you like to see Dragon Claws come from with the addition of Tormented Demons? This question is for developer consideration and is not binding."

The team weren't intending for it to be a 'this vs. this, whatever outcome is what happens'. It was moreso that the team weren't particularly fans of moving Claws off of CoX after so many years and putting something so powerful onto TDs (and shared this view in the dev talking heads segment for WGS in the Summit) but that if the consensus was absolutely massive and overwhelming then they would have changed their minds.

Agree that CoX's table feels big but also get where the team are at in that if stuff were to come off of CoX it'd preferably be some of the weaker/less useful stuff (Bulwark for example), but none of those really 'fit' with TDs either.

Hope this response at least provides some insight into the team's thinking, but wanted to reiterate that the votes on that question were still very much appreciated and would absolutely have changed their minds if consensus had been heavier.

about 1 year ago - /u/JagexSarnie - Direct link

Originally posted by ki299

thank you for repolling the echo crystals..

edit: The poll question is kind of makes it sound like the boots wont have the 3x3 aoe.. you should change it. to..

Which item/s should the Echo Crystals from the Fortis Colosseum be attched to? Combining the Echo Crystals with these shields or boots would add a 3x3 AoE recoil effect, consume a charge for each recoil activation, and add a +2 Prayer bonus.

Thanks for the feedback and a fair point which has been ammended :)

about 1 year ago - /u/JagexSarnie - Direct link

Originally posted by Crocodile1999

It seems pointless voting in polls when you're going to ignore whether or not it passed and do what you want, What was the point of polling to move claws to tormented demons if you were going to not do it anyway? It was a perfect opportunity to de-bloat COX's unique table even if it was just one item

Appreciate you might be against the direction we went with, but the Poll question itself was framed as an opinion question which Mod Goblin gives some detail on.

about 1 year ago - /u/JagexSarnie - Direct link

Originally posted by opal-snake

Im loving the mid game updates as of recent. Are there any future plans to implement weapons or armor similar to the rat weapons to make other “mid tier” weapons or armor bis at certain places?

Nothing yet, but I personally love the idea that the weapons brought and would like to see some more of them enter the game.

about 1 year ago - /u/JagexSarnie - Direct link

Originally posted by TweedArmor

Unironically, there should be a secret Brassica Prime alignment.

I did think about adding it to the list of survey questions... but maybe for another time.

about 1 year ago - /u/JagexSarnie - Direct link

Originally posted by theforfeef

One thing the Survey didn't provide is an open box to provide any thoughts on the God Alignment Prayers that the questions didn't cover.

For me, I don't think the game should have prayers based on Skilling - specifically gathering/production skills. Instead, buffs to skilling should be gained through skilling outfits (such as direct xp buffs and/or actions taking less ticks).

We already have Preserve in-game, which if you use a skilling outfit + fill the rest with correct prayer equipment, you can end up with like 50 minutes of Preserve, allowing the boosts provided from tool-specs to last longer. The only way to improve this would be to put prayer alters closer to skilling hubs - you can even provide it as a reward from minigames (example, 100 gold nuggets to unlock a prayer alter next to the bank in MLM).

That being said, there may be some skills that do benefit from prayers (example would be Thieving and Agility) - so I am not totally against the idea. I just think they don't need to be focused on "provide X% to gain double resource".

That's a fair point, and something I'll keep in mind for future surveys! It defo won't be the last survey around the God Alignment Prayers so hopefully I can give you and others that space to share more about the 'what not to do' in the future.

about 1 year ago - /u/JagexSarnie - Direct link

Originally posted by SeattleSadBoi

What god is V?

about 1 year ago - /u/JagexSarnie - Direct link

Originally posted by VanillaGorilla2012

Boo to the claws changes. Stop wasting our time with polls when you’re cherry picking which questions you’re gonna hold to the 70% threshold.

Genuine question - How do you feel we should approach something that we want just an opinion on as opposed to something that we want to be lock-in place?

The poll gives us the most amount of interaction with you all and gives us a better indication than any survey could - and I would like to think we can use the polls for those opinions if it helps us towards making a clearer, more concise decision.

about 1 year ago - /u/JagexSarnie - Direct link

Originally posted by Herpadew

Could you please update the question regarding these items? The way it reads is confusing, and it sounds like only the shields would get the effect from the echo crystals.

Done and done!

about 1 year ago - /u/JagexGoblin - Direct link

Originally posted by Player_924

" the Zombie Axe will sit as a nice upgrade for Dragon weaponry before moving on to the Abyssal Whip "

Ah yes, upgrading to the whip for -25 slash and -25 strength bonus for +1 attack speed. Nearly a 6+ max hit is a downgrade compared to the whip

I'm all for great weapons to be locked behind quests, but this line of text feels like propaganda

Perfect time to whip out the new OSRS Wiki DPS calc (because I can't embed more than one spreadsheet image in a post): https://dps.osrs.wiki/?id=ShrinkCrazedBeam

These are setups I'd expect around this point in the game for a lot of people. Would advise visualising the difference between Loadout 1 (Whip) and Loadout 2 (Axe) by setting an NPC's Defence to something like 300 just to spread out the graph below for NPC defence vs. DPS.


In this specific setup, at 80 Att/Str, SCB and Piety, a monster needs to have 292 Defence for Zombie Axe to outperform the Abyssal Whip (note: there are very few monsters with 292+ Defence).

'for +1 attack speed.' is a huge deal by the way. Max hits scale much more significantly with faster attacking weapons - so any Strength levels or Strength gear upgrades you get along the way only widen this gap.

For example, in these setups at 80 Strength/Attack, Whip does 6.77 vs. Axe's 6.37 DPS (+6.3% DPS). Increase gear to include Torture, BCP and Tassets: and Whip does 6.98 vs. Axe's 6.54 (+6.7% DPS), with this % increase widening as you accumulate more Strength bonus and Strength levels. Think this difference gets up to nearly 9% in max Strength, but you'll likely have moved on to other weapons by then.

Think it's unfair to describe the text as propaganda, because it's verifiably true, outside of very high NPC defence!

about 1 year ago - /u/JagexGoblin - Direct link

Originally posted by BioMasterZap

Are there any concerns about the Zombie Axe replacing the whip at bossing? Like if you set the DPS Calc to Graardor (250 Def but also +90 Def Bonus), the axe would better unless you had 2 DWH. I don't think it is necessarily a bad thing, just does make the poll seem a bit misleading since it only notes the Axe being between Scim and Whip when there are several bosses where the Axe can beat the Whip (e.g., Graardor, K'ril, KBD, Chaos Ele, Jad, Verzik P2, and Thermy). It also seems to beat the Hasta at KQ.

From me personally? Maybe a smidge? The team in general seem happy with where it's at though, and I agree somewhat that it's not super common for people to send significant amounts of the bosses listed before moving on to stronger weapons (e.g. Fang at Graardor/KBD, even Tent at Graardor clears Axe with 80 Att/Str in the example setups above regardless of Def reduction, Arclight at K'ril, ranged stuff for Chaos Ele, not sure why melee Jad is on here, the rest of TOB means it's probably unlikely you'd bring the axe for a marginal increase at P2 and even then I'd have to run it vs. tent, Thermy is so super unique as-is) that I'm not sure they're super worried - another tool to have in the kit without necessarily being all-encompassing, and also having some interplay with 'do I own def reducing stuff or not' is how I think it's perceived internally.