11 months ago - /u/JagexGoblin - Direct link

Originally posted by GladSecretary1534

Will elder maul spec be guaranteed on tekton? It’s not mentioned in the blog unless I missed it

Yeah it will be, should've been the case during beta but wasn't included in error on our end.

11 months ago - /u/JagexGoblin - Direct link

Originally posted by Dee-Colon

Announcing no voidwaker nerf right after setting this subreddit on fire with the kebbit nerf is gonna give some people whiplash

Whiplash extends to me too, but we'll be talking internally about today's update (particularly the Kebbit changes) likely tomorrow to get a clearer sense of what we want to come back with. For now though, gotta get this one out and try to juggle the two!

11 months ago - /u/JagexGoblin - Direct link

Originally posted by xHentiny

Oh boy back again for part 3 (Italics = Partially addressed):



  • Ghrazi Rapier, Blade of Saeldor and Inquisitor's Mace need a stat buff to be a meaningful upgrade over the Tentacle Whip
  • CoX/CM purple rates should be improved (too long to obtain uniques compared to ToA/ToB, plus Ancestral/Augury being buffed and vital to mage progression, Elder Maul being buffed to a worthwhile megarare)
  • Chromium ingots (remove them from the game or only require 1 per ring, they undermine the whole reason for the vestige drop mechanic)
  • Imbued Heart droprate is too rare for such a vital piece of magic progression
  • All 3 Cerberus boots should be worthwhile upgrades over their predecessor -- (Primordial Boots are barely an upgrade over Dragon Boots, Pegasian Boots need some ranged strength)
  • Tonalztics of Ralos have almost no use cases and are in need of a buff
  • Justiciar set could use some changes as it's almost useless currently


Magic Changes



  • Nightmare droprates are still way too rare and take too long to obtain even with the proposed increase -- (This further buff still isn't enough, uniques from Nightmare/PNM need to be 3x more common to suit its place in the current gear progression. See this post by C2theM for a detailed analysis)
  • Buff Inquistor's Armour overall (it should sit between Bandos and Torva), don't tie its power to the Mace
  • Lower Scythe's crush accuracy (or remove the crush option) to allow Inquistor's to be buffed without increasing the Scythe's power on a secondary attack style (similar to Osmumten's Fang devaluing other slash weapons)
  • Increase the droprate for the Slepey Tablet, possibly add it to normal nightmare at a much higher droprate


Elder Maul

  • Allow it to work as a hammer in CoX (Crabs/Chest) and GWD Bandos Door (keep the funny animation)


Edit: I worded this last section poorly before.

I appreciate all the things Jmods do for this game and I want it to thrive now and in the future. My main gripe is seeing the list be acknowledged but not being addressed in this balance blog and left till an unknown date in the future. I understand things like a Shadow rework is difficult and I don't think anyone's expecting every single thing on this list to be added to the game straight away, but even just some of the easier things being changed now and giving a set date in the future to discuss the rest would be better than what we've been left with now.

Partly touched on this towards the end of the update - we know there are other things people want to see thrown into the mix, but we don't want to get into a loop of 'getting there' with what we've got and then adding 'just a few' more things, winding up in and endless feedback loop where the information becomes harder to keep on top of and we run into even more blog fatigue (which is something we're growing increasingly conscious of at the moment).

I actually think I have a copy of this list (which I'm grateful for you putting together, in case it's not clear!) in my notes to discuss once the dust settles a little in terms of things that might make more sense as more ad hoc changes, or just in a manner that doesn't tie up the devs working on the current list to the point that it pushes other updates down the road further.

EDIT: Editing to include a reply from Mod Ayiza that touches on some of the sentiment expressed in some replies to this one!

11 months ago - /u/JagexGoblin - Direct link

Originally posted by crodr014

When will the toa changes happen? I don’t want to learn how to bug baba to try 450 or 500 raids lol

Alongside the other stuff, which is hopefully on the books for May!

11 months ago - /u/JagexGoblin - Direct link

Originally posted by SesVerona

Are you considering any further changes to the elder maul or are you happy with the proposed changes?

Consensus among the team for now is that we'd like to see what the feedback is like once people actually get around to using it in a bunch of spots and treating it as post-release feedback much like we would with 'new' gear.

11 months ago - /u/JagexGoblin - Direct link

Originally posted by [deleted]

Question. If you could pick a magical weakness for goblins, which element would you choose?

Whichever element blogposts are

11 months ago - /u/JagexGoblin - Direct link

Originally posted by jacobcmi

Can we get a voidwaker animation update instead? A shame it's a copy paste

Mod Hend is actually working on some miscellaneous animation stuff for their Game Jam, I think a fair few people have requested a look at the Voidwaker - think it could benefit from something a little flashier for sure (though the purple lightning is still sick imo)

11 months ago - /u/JagexGoblin - Direct link

Originally posted by Frafabowa

Any chance the Blue Moon Spear could get adjusted to 4-tick melee attacks? It's really not important at all but it could be a nice upgrade for some ironman progression paths - it would help make Perilous Moons more of a path to start Tombs of Amascut, and it would still be a lot worse than the Zamorakian hasta, especially on account of no offhand slot. The other bladed staffs are 4t, I don't see what it'd be hurting.

Think it's a little 'fresh' for this project but I'll raise it as a feedback point with the team and see how they feel about it, though I can't promise any outcomes or responses!

11 months ago - /u/JagexGoblin - Direct link

Originally posted by [deleted]


We're still very much working through the chargescape stuff in the background, the post from Kieren (which I presume is what sparked this) featuring Rice's fab proposal was more intended as a casual info-gathering preliminary conversation than committing to making imminent changes - when we have something more concrete then we'll absolutely surface that stuff in a more 'official' capacity!

11 months ago - /u/JagexGoblin - Direct link

Originally posted by CerberusDoctrine

The occult necklace is the gift that keeps on causing massive headaches I see

We feel the headaches are worth it for the long-term benefit, and we'd rather be talking about them and iterating on things than just shooting in the dark!

11 months ago - /u/JagexGoblin - Direct link

Originally posted by powahplay_

Why is Ahrim's still in the same tier of improvements as Infinity even though its 30 levels higher?

Think it's largely because the only current separator is their accuracy/defenses and they still occupy different spaces. Ahrim's is still the same improvement over Infinity, but we steer clear of issues like widening gaps between builds and homogenising PvP further. Also if somebody really wants to grind out full Infinity at the MTA then they still get something worth using, and only a few nightmares to go along with it.

11 months ago - /u/JagexGoblin - Direct link

Originally posted by Gunnarrrrrrr

u/JagexGoblin any thoughts on my proposed suggestion to item weight rebalance as a means of opening up new reward opportunities through already in game mechanics related to item weight?

Haven't chatted about it with the team, I saw it and thought it was neat but also worried a little about it adding an extra layer of complexity or feeling 'bad' in cases where you might be punished for not just bringing your outright BiS to stuff.

11 months ago - /u/JagexAyiza - Direct link

Originally posted by xHentiny

The main issue is when is when is the next time we'll get a chance to discuss all these changes? Project Rebalance seems like the perfect time time hit the nail on the head with all these major balance changes now rather than waiting another 1-2 years for more changes.

There's so much more we can, want to, and will do, but we do not have the resource to include any more at the moment. The additional points we're seeing raised (as Goblin mentioned we already knew about most of them too) will surface when there is availability in the roadmap for them.

The team can only work on so much at once, and we're already at capacity with what we've included within Project Rebalance as a whole so far (especially with adding Run Energy changes back into the mix). Whilst this is definitely a perfect time to hit everything at once if resource wasn't a concern, the reality is we do have to consider how much we're able to deliver and how soon we're able to deliver it.

I hope players feel like we've been doing a pretty good job so far of delivering meaningful updates in addition to the staple content releases you've come to expect, so I don't imagine we'll be sitting on making further changes for years. That being said, it's important that we don't overdo it and burn out the team by forcing more work into their hands than they can handle and I hope you can understand where we're coming from with this.

11 months ago - /u/Mod_Kieren - Direct link

Just want to jump in and say it's been awesome to see the engagement back and forth as we've done iteration after iteration. To me this is one of the things that really makes OSRS special. It makes sure we tweak, adjustments, compromises and ultimately do something as aligned with what the community want as much as possible. Ideally we'd be as spot on first iteration, but if we aren't it's amazing that we can do this and find better solutions.

I know we haven't addressed quite EVERYTHING we could do with such a project, but it's not quite feasible for us to get to every problem be it minor or major in one go! We're doing what we can now and in future it's good to know there's scope for further improvement.

These sort of tweaks - buffs/nerfs and such are always so hard to do. There's so much emotional investment from everyone and so many views to consider. Personally happy with the amount of positive change we've managed to talk about across these blogs and I'm looking forward to seeing em get released.

Keep being awesome <3