First and foremost, thank you to everyone that wished me well, made me laugh, and took the time to DM me with various gracious offers. I appreciate you all keeping me company. Im feeling better thanks to resting up, and I’m still quite amazed that I didn’t break anything (except the drivers windshield, if memory serves). My memory is pretty spotty of the event and the events that followed. I’ve been in touch with family and friends back home and I’m looking forward to sleeping in my bed.
Mod Gambit PMed me early yesterday and we exchanged discord info. We chatted for a bit. Later, Mod Nav wrote me asking me where I was staying. I figured someone was going to drop off merch since Gambit asked me if I preferred OS or RS3. Little did I know that Nav brought a crew along (My Airbnb hosts were quite surprised at what was happening). We all sat in the living room and chatted. Very nice lads and I’m super grateful for their visit alone. They went above and beyond and brought me a bag of merch, offered me iOS beta access, and offered to cover my expenses to Runefest 2019.
Thank you all again for your support, u/dotmatrixman for buying me the shirt that I wanted to ship to me back in the states, and the Jmods for being class acts.
Also, shoutout to socialized healthcare.
E: packing my bag to head back in to London to run an errand, then to the next AirBnB near Gatwick for my flight tomorrow morning. Stay golden, lads.