almost 2 years ago - - Direct link
Jagex Accounts have entered open beta! Modernised account security is here - so don't delay, upgrade now!
almost 2 years ago - /u/JagexGoblin - Direct link

Hey all, this post went live yesterday alongside the game update newspost, but we wanted to spend some time focusing on it to make sure as many of you as possible know that you're eligible to upgrade!

We've made a few tweaks since yesterday based on some of the more common issues people were running into. Most important of these is a list of things to make sure you're aware of before upgrading, added just above the big infographic!

I'll try to stay on top of replies where possible for a short while before a blessed 4-day weekend.

Most important messages from us on the Old School team are to make sure you've read the full post before upgrading, and as soon as you're comfortable upgrading - do it ASAP. The sooner you upgrade, the sooner you deny any would-be hijackers the chance to compromise your account or link it to another Jagex account.

Cheers everybody, hope you've had a fantastic week and have an even better weekend!

almost 2 years ago - /u/JagexGoblin - Direct link

Originally posted by Tumblrrito

I’m gonna hold off as long as I can. Not for any particularly good reason or even to protest, I’m just supremely lazy.

Process is pretty quick and painless and super worthwhile. Obvious benefit is denying anybody else the opportunity to compromise your account and move it to another Jagex Account, but also Launcher's one-click login (if you're not already using it) is a godsend and world hopping feels so much faster using Jagex Account + Launcher.

Fully get the 'cba' because I'm usually the same but cannot recommend upgrading enough if you're comfortable with it!

almost 2 years ago - /u/JagexGoblin - Direct link

Originally posted by TEAM8HYPE

Could I have more than one jagex account running at the same time?

For example if I run out of the 10 characters (or whatever they increase the limit to, specific # not relevant to this scenario), could I create another jagex account and simultaneously play osrs characters from the different jagex accounts at the same time on the same PC?

Creating new alts, Pk builds, Ironmen(reg, ult, GIM, HC and remakes), snowflake accs etc.. at some point you will run out of characters and then no longer be able to play your original 10 accs simultaneously with any other acc you create there on out

We're aware that the 10 character limit isn't enough for some players and are looking into the data for a potential (but sensible) higher cap. That being said, it's possible to swap between Jagex Accounts by signing out of the Launcher, but not currently possible to have multiple versions of the Launcher open with different Jagex Accounts signed in on each.

almost 2 years ago - /u/JagexGoblin - Direct link

Originally posted by Traditional-Effort20

Can we please have some kind of update for HDOS? I've used Security Questions, J.A.G (Jagex account guardian) and my current 2fa authenticator App.

I don't want to be forced to play on Runelite or the official client. HDOS is approved and it's what I choose to play on. This is really unfair to players who want a seperate option that you guys approved.

Addressed HDOS a little in the post. At this stage of the beta our focus is making sure the Accounts system is solid and in the best spot it can be. While we're not ruling it out at this stage, I'm not able to update with more specifics re: HDOS on the Launcher.

Hopefully we'll have more to share soon, it matters a lot to us to get as many people upgraded as possible and there are loads of others in the same boat as you.

almost 2 years ago - /u/JagexGoblin - Direct link

Originally posted by 335428017200

I’d love to live in ignorance but isn’t it already rather difficult with the account security you used to recommend to hijack an account? A two step Authenticator makes it rather difficult does it not? On top of that it’s not giving me a lot of confidence seeing a lot of people being locked out of their accounts. What does your new jagex account system provide? Seeing as I have two step, a password and a pin, surely I could retrieve my account within 7 days if it got hacked. When things like this happen I can’t help but wonder what ulterior motive you might have?

Totally get where you're coming from, think the two bigger takeaways (assuming you're already doing everything right security-wise, including securing your email) are mandatory 2FA (since there are still far too many players who don't use auth), on top of removing human error from the Account Recovery system via one-time backup codes.

almost 2 years ago - /u/JagexGoblin - Direct link

Originally posted by Noksdoks

Does moving to jagex launcher affect my mobile experience?

It shouldn't do! Only thing you'll have to do after upgrading is Sign Out on mobile and then sign back in using your Jagex Account credentials

almost 2 years ago - /u/JagexGoblin - Direct link

Originally posted by Nutteeer

Is the plan to upgrade all accounts, (both existing and new), to the Jagex Launcher? Is that correct?

Long-term yes, but there's a lot to iron out between here and then. Ultimately the whole point of Jagex Accounts is to deliver properly safe, modern account security - the end goal should be for players to understand the benefits of upgrading and be able to get back to gaming without being worried about losing potentially thousands of hours of progress.

almost 2 years ago - /u/JagexGoblin - Direct link

Originally posted by AnddehTV

Will we be able to rearrange character accounts in the drop down menu of the launcher? Currently they are listed in the order accounts are imported and cannot be modified.

The team working on Jagex Accounts and the Launcher are aware of this as a feedback point, but nothing I'm able to update you on at the moment!

almost 2 years ago - /u/JagexGoblin - Direct link

Originally posted by chaoticlight

Does the launcher still work with steam client? That's my only current hesitation.

You can continue logging in with Steam to whichever character you have linked to your Steam account. If you do though, make absolutely sure that your Steam account is secure. If at any point you're concerned about somebody logging in via your Steam, or that your Steam account is compromised - you're able to remove those connections on the Account Settings page.

almost 2 years ago - /u/JagexGoblin - Direct link

Originally posted by moosepers

I don't want to switch until I can have multiple Jagex accounts logged in on the same computer at the same time. Currently with the launcher we can switch between mine and my wife's account seamlessly.

It'd be good to know what your current set up is in terms of running two launcher instances simultaneously that have different characters attached - would be useful feedback to send back to the team working on the Launcher!

almost 2 years ago - /u/JagexGoblin - Direct link

Originally posted by Last_Low9649

So if I sign to jagex account can I still log in in multiple accounts at the same time on runelite???

Yeah, you can log in to as many imported characters as you have simultaneously. I'm usually logged on 3+ characters at once!

almost 2 years ago - /u/JagexGoblin - Direct link

Originally posted by UhaiFE

If my friends an I want to all have the spare group Ironman account linked within the jagex launcher is that possible? Or will someone linking that account make it impossible for the others to login?

Taken from the blog: 'Only import characters that you own - once a character is imported to a Jagex Account, nobody will be able to log in to the character bar the Jagex Account owner.'

almost 2 years ago - /u/JagexGoblin - Direct link

Originally posted by WastingEXP

I'm sorry if this is in an FAQ or a blog somewhere, but can you remove a character from your jagex account? dead HCs for instance?

This isn't a feature currently offered because it undermines some of the security benefits offered by Jagex Accounts. The team are aware of the request though, and the reasons that genuine players might want it, I just don't have anything concrete beyond that I'm able to share at the moment.

almost 2 years ago - /u/JagexSween - Direct link

Originally posted by loegare

Is the launcher available on Mac yet?

Yep! Check out the Download for Mac option

almost 2 years ago - /u/JagexGoblin - Direct link

Originally posted by Raven_of_Blades

I just did it but my account has no back up codes available. Just blank.

You need to be using authentication via app to be given your backup codes, check this article for more info:

almost 2 years ago - /u/JagexSween - Direct link

Originally posted by Raven_of_Blades

I just did it but my account has no back up codes available. Just blank.

Enable the 'Security codes via authenticator app' option and you'll be shown them :)

almost 2 years ago - /u/JagexSween - Direct link

Originally posted by VixaRSonTwitter

I saw a twitter post about someone's account being hijacked, and then the hackers went through the sign up process and permanently irreversibly attached the stolen account to the hackers email through the jagex accounts system.

Is this true? If your account is compromised and the hacker creates a jagex account using it - are you permanently screwed over?

Sounds like a big oversight if it's irreversible and irrecoverable, but I know that the tweet may not have accurately represented the system.

If a RuneScape account (and the email it's registered to) was already compromised, it could be added to a Jagex Account, yes.

They are not permanently screwed over though.

We haven't overlooked this, there's a bespoke Support contact route and queue to get those sorted. And once those people who have been hijacked are on a Jagex Account then this won't happen again.

almost 2 years ago - /u/JagexGoblin - Direct link

Originally posted by moosepers

I just have my wife's and my account logged into the same launcher. I guess we could use the same jagex account but I don't know about the logistics of that

If you're only using one instance of the launcher then you'd be able to use it exactly as before - you're also able to log in to the launcher on multiple machines with the same Jagex Account, if that's of any use to you and your wife!

almost 2 years ago - /u/JagexSween - Direct link

Originally posted by losthalfway

Am I the only person that's very suspicious that all this talk of security is really a smokescreen for jagex to gain massively more control over our accounts? Now we won't be able to play on alternate clients -- what if runelite gets substantially worse and now an alternate client can't exist? What if jagex acquires runelite? Is jagex going to use the launcher in the way other games companies do: to promote other games and special offers?

Also, I'm not sure if I value the additional 'security' more than I value the possibility of getting support if I lose access to my account. I'm not sure if this move really benefits players, or rather serves as an excuse for jagex to save money providing what little support it currently does. Backup codes don't really give me much comfort -- so if a bad actor got access to my backup codes, they'd be able to totally steal my account with no recourse?

I'm skeptical.

We already 'own' your accounts, I'm not sure more control we would want, really.

You ask questions about the Launcher. One thing it does fantastically well is ensure verification of people connecting to the game client (and RuneLite - whom we have a great relationship with, and are on the Launcher!), meaning we can ensure much smoother world-hopping etc. I do not envision a world in which we drown you with ads and offers. We want you to play Old School.

Having only your back-up code wouldn't give somebody access to your account, no. But do not give the back-up codes to anybody...

At the end of the day, you're going to remain sceptical. All I can do is say... this isn't a powerplay. It's an expensive initiative that costs money (via resource/time/tooling investment) rather than saving money.

almost 2 years ago - /u/JagexGoblin - Direct link

Originally posted by iCountFish

I'm currently having issues logging in due to not having access to my osrs account's email address. Would signing up here help with that? Or is is possible to "recover" my account's email address over to the new system? The account recovery system doesn't seem to be working for me right now.

You'll want to head to this article: and follow the steps it lists. If you still wind up stuck, use the 'Contact Us' button at the bottom and provide Support as much detail as possible

almost 2 years ago - /u/JagexSween - Direct link

Originally posted by EnderCrypt

This does sound promising, is this system well tested and reliable? I assume this is the login system rs3 uses and should thus be reliable

Also, can we finally have long passwords with a jagex account? I usually like to run 64 or 128 characters alphanumeric+special characters and I believe that in osrs it just truncates your password to like 20 characters and doesent even tell us

atleast thats how it was last time I registered some years back (why even limit it so low, are passwords not hashed but stored as fixed length strings in the database? Lol, I assume that's not the reason, though worries me regardless)

We J-Mods were the very first guinea pigs. I moved my accounts to a Jagex one back in December. We tried it before any players did.

And yes, password improvements are just one part of the security changes that come with Jagex Accounts.

almost 2 years ago - /u/JagexSween - Direct link

Originally posted by rolezki

Can't play HDOS with Jagex account so no thanks for now, maybe it supports HDOS, i might do it

That's fair enough, and we do try to address that in the blog.

almost 2 years ago - /u/JagexGoblin - Direct link

Originally posted by Toten_Tanz


Please try again in a few minutes.

Can't log in anymore lol

The site might be being rate limited if it's seeing particularly high usage, try again in a couple of minutes!

almost 2 years ago - /u/JagexSween - Direct link

Originally posted by throw19X

Why is the C++ client not available on the Jagex Launcher?

It will be soon. As for why, it does require some work to get it on the Launcher, and the team who do that were busy with this Beta.

almost 2 years ago - /u/JagexGoblin - Direct link

Originally posted by Akwler_rs

Once that’s been done will mobile have an easy interface to swap between the character we want to log in as?

Currently it’s arduous to swap characters on mobile and I’m hoping the jagex account character hub will resolve that.

I think this would be down to the OSRS team rather than the team working on Jagex Accounts, we're aware of it as a feedback point but there's nothing I can say right now about concrete plans unfortunately.

almost 2 years ago - /u/JagexGoblin - Direct link

Originally posted by UniquelyDefault

Put it for me simply Gob, if my account was previously compromised and I have lived in constant fear of waking up to a hijacked account, or having a small heart attack every time I’m disconnected from the game or the login takes just a little bit longer than it normally does, has migrating my account actually put me in a safe place?

Also idk which one of you Jmods forced my account to pull that solo shadow the day after I migrated my account, but thanks for ending an 8 month long rebuild :)

If your account was previously compromised and you're certain that none of the hijackers still have login access via things like Steam, then upgrading to a Jagex Account should absolutely put your mind at ease. And if you're uncertain about any potential pre-existing backdoors, you're able to sever those additional connections using the Account Settings page.

Gz on the solo shadow, absolutely mammoth for the account!

almost 2 years ago - /u/JagexGoblin - Direct link

Originally posted by UniqueVirtue

Does the Jagex launcher effect performance for those that have toaster laptops?

Game performance shouldn't be impacted, one of the only things you might notice is that world hopping feels a little faster using a Jagex Account with the Launcher!

almost 2 years ago - /u/JagexGoblin - Direct link

Originally posted by TheMcCannic

As a mobile user how useful is this to me right now?

Exactly as useful as it is for PC users (obviously you're already getting 1-click login on mobile), but the added security features aren't platform exclusive. It's absolutely in your best interest to secure your account (and your email address) properly and upgrade ASAP!

almost 2 years ago - /u/JagexGoblin - Direct link

Originally posted by Schnops

Not being able to remove 2fa ever "If you lose access to your backup codes... you will have to create a new account." makes me really reluctant to use this. The chance of getting hacked (with chance for recovery) is scary but the chance of your account basically being deleted is even worse

Understandable, I'd say that it illustrates the importance of never losing your backup codes, since they're a key part of us removing human error from the account recovery system - if you value your account, you should keep your backup codes safe always.

almost 2 years ago - /u/JagexGoblin - Direct link

Originally posted by TheMcCannic

I appreciate the response. Is this more secure than an account which uses its username to login rather than email?

Edit: I don't mean to be rude by the way, genuinely curious! Love the work you all do <3

Biggest thing is mandatory 2FA and removing human error from the recovery system - it could well be the case that your security practises are already perfect, just that they're not for a lot of players and we want to set everybody up for success when it comes to account security.

almost 2 years ago - /u/JagexGoblin - Direct link

Originally posted by RedBullRoss

I regret doing it.

Having to launch jagex launcher which then launches Runelite, wish it was just 1 software instead of adding an extra one.

Completely understand this being frustrating for some, but the Launcher is another key component of our security solution - it's not part of the process just for the sake of inconvenience, and hopefully the 1-click login alleviates at least some of the frustration

almost 2 years ago - /u/JagexGoblin - Direct link

Originally posted by OSRS_Rising

Just to confirm, there’s no way to use recovery questions, old passwords, etc. to recover an account? If someone forgot/lost all their backup codes their account would be gone forever?

I’m hoping this is the case, but I’d like to confirm it :)

This is the case. If you value your account - keep your backup codes safe, and nobody else will be able to recover your account without them.

almost 2 years ago - /u/JagexGoblin - Direct link

Originally posted by mrzablinx

How does this work with stuff like Runelite?

Simple! Upgrade to Jagex Account, install Jagex Launcher, log in to Launcher with Jagex Account, select 'RuneLite' from the dropdown on the Launcher and log in - I exclusively use RuneLite on the Launcher and have never had any issues.

almost 2 years ago - /u/JagexGoblin - Direct link

Originally posted by Gael_L

Said site is only used for the initial configuration, not every time you log in, right ? (I would hope that rate limitations won’t impact us at large when we’re eventually all using a Jagex Account)

Correct as far as I'm aware, I've never been hit with any kind of limiting and I don't think we've seen any reports of the same for people currently using Jagex Accounts!

almost 2 years ago - /u/JagexGoblin - Direct link

Originally posted by Xeni966

If I have two accounts under different emails and want them both under the same jagex account, is that possible?

Yeah, just upgrade on one of them and then you can import the other character onto the Jagex Account!

almost 2 years ago - /u/JagexGoblin - Direct link

Originally posted by RownScape73

So if we upgrade to a Jagex Account, the old password that we used to login is now replaced with the Jagex Account?

Correct, once you upgrade to a Jagex Account, you'll use your Jagex Account credentials to log in via the Launcher. It might be the case that you have to sign out and sign back in to the Launcher to get the prompt to log in with your Jagex Account (we specified as much in the blog but a couple of people have missed it so just wanted to check)

almost 2 years ago - /u/JagexGoblin - Direct link

Originally posted by Night_Thastus

If you can, I'd like to know why. How did hopping work before, vs how does it work now?

Does it boil down to that before,could were effectively logging out and in, but with an account and the launcher, a world hop doesn't need to do that?

My understanding is that hopping using token auth is quicker to process than hopping using username/password (as it works for people not using a Jagex Account).

almost 2 years ago - /u/JagexGoblin - Direct link

Originally posted by XxSpruce_MoosexX

If him and his wife ever get divorced how would you separate the two accounts if they’re both joined to the same jagex account.

This is exactly why you shouldn't import any account you're not the sole owner of to a Jagex Account!

The happier outlook though is 'Couples that 'Scape together, stay together'. My fiancée doesn't enjoy OSRS at all so it's looking dicey for me.

almost 2 years ago - /u/JagexGoblin - Direct link

Originally posted by RownScape73

And what about the authenticator connected? Are we still going to need it after every login?

Unless you sign out of the Jagex Launcher again then no, you should just be able to log in to the launcher, then open it up, select your account and one-click login.

almost 2 years ago - /u/JagexGoblin - Direct link

Originally posted by EnjoiAssault

u/JagexSween Will launching runelite from the jagex launcher get rid of my plug-ins for the plugin hub I have in the client right now? Or does the launcher launch the runelite client already installed on my computer? That answer is honestly what's holding me back from doing it. I cba to set up all my plug-ins again for the plug-ins hub

I'm not the Jmod you tagged (none taken btw) but it should find your current install and just boot as normal - I didn't have to do any painful re-organising/installing/setup when I upgraded!

almost 2 years ago - /u/JagexSween - Direct link

This will be missed by anybody not sorting by New, but I’d like to thank everybody sharing their feedback (whether you’ve upgraded, or you’re choosing not to but are explaining why). It’s a long bank holiday weekend now, so I won’t be replying too much until next week. The same goes for my esteemed goblin pal.

We’ll be presenting your feedback to the teams, and will update you on the outcome.

Time for me to log off and touch grass (stop working and log in to RS).