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So the LMS/Mage Defence beta had multiple USA worlds, and on RELEASE there are no competitive USA servers to see. Only F2p Servers and then suddenly a world that has 150+ ping for ANY non-EU player. This is a huge disadvantage and is completely unplayable. You can be the best brid in the world, hit everything off-prayer and be a general god but still lose because you're 150ms behind your opponent. Please Jagex, when are we gonna get a world for USA that isn't just lag city, like am I missing something? It's so frustrating, please.

Edit: JMod blindly stating that F2P worlds are the same without even checking for bots or activity. Just give us an actual USA Competitive World, for f*ck sakes.

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about 5 years ago - /u/JagexRoq - Direct link

The minigame is exactly the same in members and free to play and you can still earn points in competitive mode to spend in the store all worlds with LMS enabled are exactly the same for the minigame and gameplay inside it. So it makes no difference whether the world id f2p or not for the minigame.

about 5 years ago - /u/JagexRoq - Direct link

Originally posted by Stonic_reddit

Ikr it alnost seems like he is trolling us but maybe he is just extremely disconnected.

Merely pointing out the information to the player. We had member and free to play worlds located in almost every region on launch and found people still flocked to the UK members world to play regardless of where they were. At some point, im not sure when, these were removed to funnel players into fewer worlds for more games.

about 5 years ago - /u/JagexRoq - Direct link

Originally posted by Stonic_reddit

Dude... have you even played lms in f2p recently. Legit 80% bots. Its a game of who can kill the most bots first.

I was merely pointing out the information. Mod Weath actually spoke to me this morning about the bot detection and banning at LMS in free to play., he said improvements had been made to it.