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over 3 years ago - /u/Mod_West - Direct link

Originally posted by morasarvinen

I knew that osrs team recycles assets, its fun/interesting to find when/where that happens! I tried searching who designed the actuall boss but only thing i found was that mod husky designed forthos dungeon. I wanted to give my post some depth by adding the mod who created/designed it and give some props 😁

This comes up often but it’s honestly just a coincidence. I sat next to Mod Gee when she made it and I don’t recall chompy birds ever coming up and highly doubt it’s something she would’ve done intentionally.

You are correct that we do re-use a lot of graphics, though usually in - hopefully - more subtle ways. For instance the animations and rig of Sarachnis borrow from the Nylocas from ToB. I also repurposed the base mesh and animations of Tarn Razorlor for the Shaeded Beast. There are also times where we re-colour assets or add to existing wall-kits, the one used in Forthos Dungeon is a combination of a kit created for dragon slayer and another which was made for the mine under myerditch :D

it’s all part of optimising the process as remaking everything from scratch for every update would take too long.