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Originally posted by Rewnzor

I went into the royal titans disliking the idea of being "forced" to duo. But it was very well designed as being solo friendly but duo being a net positive in all cases.

Is this the same intent for this boss, or will there be ways your duo partner could worsen/hinder the fight for you?

If so, please reconsider that philosophy, you hit duo just right with the giants, keep it up!

Same intent as for Titans - duoing should always be better, soloing will always be tough. Obviously if your duo is running it down then your worst-case scenario is that you'll be left soloing.

Originally posted by SoAndSo_TheUglyOne

Given the way that the horn was clarified to work, does that mean that even though the Scythe and DDS wouldn’t fully benefit from the horn, that the Abyssal Dagger would, since the 2nd hit is predicated on the first hit landing?

If so, could be very interesting to see the Abyssal Dagger having a sudden use case in a ton of end game PvM.

To some extent yeah - similar with DClaws where subsequent accuracy rolls rely on the first. Happy to ask the team for more specifics but I'm 90% confident that in this scenario, using Horn -> Abyssal Dagger would guarantee the first hitsplat, which in turn guarantees the second.

Originally posted by not_jhaycen

Y'all nailed this one, if you put this type of energy into the delve boss rewards rework, I think we are in for a treat.

Also, wanted to say that I love the idea of "supply catalysts" and I think they are a great idea. Would love to see something similar for moonlight antelopes, maybe some type of demonic carving knife? Cheers!

Watch this space for Delve boss updates, will leave you in Mod Blossom's capable hands!

Agree on the supply catalysts! It's space that RuneScape have a fair bit of (Stone spirits, for example) and putting our own spin on could open up new reward avenues while cutting back on some of the devluation that modern drop tables have on Skilling.

Originally posted by Catacendre

For Irons, we'll be experimenting with a system where you can benefit from somebody's Soulflame Horn, but only if you've obtained one for yourself. We don't want the case to be that you can't raid with your friends if you're an Iron, but equally we'd like to prevent abuse-cases like Soulflame Horn → Crystal Halberd Special Attack spam at Nechryaels to speed through Melee training in cases where your character isn't already well-progressed.

Would it be possible to do something similar at cox for sharing potions if you have 90+ herb? Not being able to share potions is a huge handicap when mains are able to share tekton potions/prep for each other.

Could raise this as a separate suggestion for some point in the future!

Originally posted by Frafabowa

Are you intending for all the common drops the boss will have to be locked to just this boss alone forever, or is there some potential for having stuff like the spec pot secondary, abyssal worms, or the cosmic soul mat on other drop tables that need filling? It's nice for bosses to have their own reward space identity, sure, but it'd also be nice if you could help wean dangerous stuff off of other new tables without having to reinvent the wheel every time.

Absolutely potential for the catalyst, worms or other rewards to wind up on other Abyss-coded (meaning demonic) enemies in the future!

Originally posted by Cyberslasher

I feel like the armor should be the abyssal armor set rather than the soul armor set.

Long term players will always associate "abyssal" with slash, because of the iconic abyssal whip. Soul armor makes me think "obtained from soul wars" or worse, that miserable quest near the earth altar.

No other notes, this reward set feels good.

Not a bad shout!

Originally posted by eimankillian

Any ideas when group venge and maybe some spell buffs on lunar spell book instead of death charge? People seemed to be concerned with lots of % spec restore going to be provided with these rewards.

I think you could have gone with upgrading lunars as compared to Arceuus as it is pretty weak.

E.g. removing delays on some lunar spells Potshare being more efficient etc?

I'd love to see Lunars given some love, as much as Arceuus is cool I do miss the more interactive/reactive way that Lunars delivers its power vs. 'click button, gain 0.625DPS for 60+ seconds'. Probably beyond the scope of this project, but rife for future reward space or QoL improvements for sure!

Originally posted by witchking782

i'll say this, the beauty of OSRS over any other MMO is that I can do almost all content solo and enjoy all the reward solo. The horn being useful only when you have allies near is not a good design.

Similarly, we feel it's important for a boss aimed to be taken on as a duo to provide some kind of a reward that suits group content. It's fine for things to have niche uses in a game that's full of content you can take on as a group - I'd challenge that it's 'not a good design' while appreciating that it's not well-suited to players who aren't interested in group content.

Originally posted by Scared-Wombat

Have you guys ever thought of a weapon that gets increased stats if its counterpart (different combat style?) is within let's say 5 tiles of the player?

Example, a mage staff and melee weapon, when within 5 tiles or whatever, the weapon goes close to pre nerf fang accuracy and the staff gets accuracy buff or DMG buff.

Probably a terrible idea lol, thought of it when I was in the bathroom. Duo boss = first duo weapon thing? Lmao

Not something I've ever been privy to chats about, but it does sound neat!

Originally posted by reinfleche

I am very happy to see that horn won't work with scythe fully, because that version of it was utterly broken. This is a lot more balanced and feels in line with the vision of it being mostly used for boosting special attacks rather than for spamming scythes.

I also think the implementation for irons is good. Obviously this item has to work for irons in some way, but I think this is a good way to prevent it from just being an early game boosting item.

Yeah this has always been the case, just something I perhaps didn't articulate very well in the first pass - glad to have cleared it up!

Imagining the Iron implementation for the Horn might prove contentious, appreciate you sharing your thoughts!

Originally posted by hrukzt

Can we expect the soul armor to be good at Yama or is it intended to be good only at other content?

Anywhere you use Slash it'll be good, whether or not Yama is weak to Slash - I couldn't say!

Originally posted by AssassinAragorn

Is the mining activity meant to be worthwhile to do independently of the boss, or is it pretty much only going to be worth doing if you're also fighting the boss?

Maybe this isn't as big of a question right now since the blog mentions other changes to the chasm of fire down the line though. It would just be neat if this was an alright training method for mining or the ore had an additional use beyond just the armor. Depending on the rarity, having 1 of this new ore count as 2 coal for all smelting purposes could be pretty interesting. Just thinking out loud.

Should be worthwhile on its own, that's sort of part of the point in the Armour Shard approach alongside conventional drop mechanics. Making uniques from armour shards requires new ore, somebody's gotta provide the ore etc. etc.

No doubt we could add extra uses too, but some of that value could eat into the value of uniques (just depends on how much value is added by alternate uses).

Originally posted by [deleted]


You can still solo it, it'll just be tougher!

Originally posted by Erased_Yogurt_Mayo

Scythe already down 100m LMAO

Speculative markets gonna market speculatively or something!

Originally posted by Crocodile1999

I think everything is perfect rewards wise except the information you clarified on the horn regarding the special attack only affecting the first accuracy roll. I understand it sounds insanely broken on paper but it would make this weapon require very high skill to use efficiently in raids/bossing (think p2 verzik for example, you would have to stand underneath verzik during her attack for 4 of your teammates to get a 100% accurate scythe, where you can get hit up to 80 if you mess up your positioning or timing (also you wont have 100% spec anyway because of dawnbringer p1)). I feel like the information provided removes the team-oriented aspect of this, and would end up just being a super niche tool like the ralos.

I don't even think it's 'on paper', something like horning before webs and having one person horn each time would be an absolutely astronomical damage boost, or suddenly enabling Scythe at Nex for example. To some extent the intent is for this to have a niche in group content, while the other rewards on offer are strong in a huge number of scenarios!

Originally posted by AllDogIsDog

Try to keep in mind the drop is coming from a demon and could make sense for future demon-coded enemies

I'm curious as to the logic behind this sort of lore-based drop idea? A similar defence was made of not having the Abyssal Lantern available from the GOTR shop initially, but it always seemed - as it does with this - that it could easily be "this thing was taken from these other people". The demons stole the Cosmic Soul Rune from some non-demonic enemies; the Wizard's Tower apprentices took the lantern from the abyss; Zilyana stole the Armadyl Crossbow. This approach of "demonic, therefore must be demon" is a bit linear.

In this instance it's not runes that you're getting as drops, it's a catalyst that's the result of Yama's own tinkering. Obviously we could always use the excuse of 'X NPC stole this from Y NPC so it doesn't matter if it fits', but I feel we're trying to do a more consistently solid job of having drops really suit their sources and getting better at worldbuilding beyond just quests to supplement the overall narrative!

Originally posted by WasV3

Allowing alt spam because you own a horn is not a good idea for irons.

It should also be locked to instances where it makes sense to group and you're able to share drops (Nex, Raids, Yama, Wildy Multi Bosses... etc)

Team's absolutely open to disabling it outside of PvM encounters where you're choosing to group up with others, though it's a little tougher to do that 'out in the world' at places like Wildy bosses than it is at Nex/Raids/Huey etc.

Originally posted by Kibbium

Some suggestions for the cosmic soul rune are Eldritch rune or Lovecraftian rune. These seem like the best combination of demonic/cosmic/soul to me.

Lovecraftian's perhaps a little too fourth-wall break-y but Eldritch seems pretty cool!

Originally posted by RsMistilteinn

How much faster are these abyssal worms planned to be? If the endgoal is to remove these supply drops from pvm, Im hoping its a very drastic catchrate increase rather than 10 or 20%

So fast that Anglerfish will be falling out of your pockets for years to come, they'll be coarse and rough and irritating and get everywhere!

In all seriousness, we don't have specifics like that just yet - but if they pass a poll and wind up being super underwhelming then we can always re-assess. I imagine they'll prove better than the numbers indicated in your comment.

Originally posted by Zelsaus

For armor shards: How will the self craft version interact with the Collection Log?

I'd imagine that they wouldn't fill out clog entries, similar to other crafted items. If you're clogging, you gotta collect it rather than just buy all of the stuff that you need and make it!

Originally posted by WastingEXP

Really hoping this mining method is something like was teased in game jam

Mod Rice never stops cooking... 👀

Originally posted by Izmona

Make irons be able to use the ge for items after you’ve obtained a collection log slot

gz on the fishing level!

Originally posted by Shot-Cheek9998

Why dont people like toa invo? I feel the opposit, damn love the invocation mechanics wished all raids had that, best god damn thing. What is the cons people raise about them?

In general it's a feeling that individual invocations (short of some highlights like Insanity) don't really do all of that much and that higher Raid Levels are mostly tougher because of higher enemy Defence/HP/damage dealt rather than fundamentally more challenging fights.

Originally posted by quenox

Actually I do have one note

Slightly worried that the meta for ToB speeds etc will become waiting 5 mins outside each room for your Adren pot CD. Idk if it would be better if it just didn't cool down between rooms (similar to spec in Colo) or whether room completion should reset it (which sounds quite busted). Have you thought about this at all?

Something I'll add to the blog tomorrow but I imagine those cooldowns should reset on using a pool or a room reset etc., could be wrong but anywhere that an Imbued Heart resets would likely also reset Surge pot CD.

Originally posted by Soft_Yellow_5231

For the rune, Soul+Cosmic = "Darkness Rune". The Mark of Darkness Arceus spell is 1 cosmic 1 soul, so you could cast it with 1x Darkness Rune

Just jumped off for the evening but this is cooking