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So I decided to get back into runescape with osrs. First played when there were 4 worlds. Last played .... 6 or so years ago? Anyway, I wanted to get into it and do the quests. Do free stuff first then maybe get into members again if I find some people to play with. I don't know if I had used my email for some account years ago but I don't know why it would give me a character with some name I had never heard of. There doesn't seem to be a way to just restart/change it either. Would I be able to just resign up with my current email and get another character or is every character locked into an email?

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over 5 years ago - /u/JagexConsuela - Direct link

Hi! To add to /u/William2692's answer, if you really want to use the same email for a new character and if you use Gmail, you can effectively have more than one character under the same email.Gmail allows you to add ...+text at the end of your email, which will be considered a new email for most websites, but the same one for Gmail.

E.g. [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected]) - one email on Gmail, one character on RS

[[email protected]](mailto:[email protected]) - redirects mails to the above Gmail, a new character on RS

Basically, anything after the + character will be ignored by Gmail and sent to the email before it. Makes sense?

You can use this to make tags and filters on Gmail too.

You don't need to create these new emails in Gmail, just when you create an account on another website.

E.g. [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected]) - normal email

[[email protected]](mailto:[email protected]) - you can add a filter to move everything with +paypal to the Paypal folder

[[email protected]](mailto:[email protected]) - another filter can be added to move those mails to RS folder

This is a great way to keep your inbox organised!

edit: words

over 5 years ago - /u/JagexConsuela - Direct link

Originally posted by BasicFail

Good advice, but does it actually matter for RuneScape?

As far as I'm aware Jagex doesn't use the login email other than for login purposes and to initiate the account recovery process.
It doesn't set your registered email, which you'll have to do that yourself. And Jagex allows the registered email to be used for multiple accounts.

In other words, you can use whatever you want. It doesn't even need to exist. Jagex doesn't verify it.

What I did was come up with an username and then throw in a @ and a . somewhere.
I'll use your Reddit name "JagexConsuela" as an example. You would be able to register an account under the email [email protected] and it works, even though the email doesn't exist.

Not sure if that is intended, but it makes accounts safer. Because normally you would use the email everywhere else, but because this email doesn't exist and is exclusively used for RuneScape. Hijackers won't obtain your login email from leaked databases.

I would personally not recommend doing this. If a hijacker somehow gets access to your account, it's harder to recover without an email associated. As always the best security is to have 2FA on your email, 2FA on RuneScape associated to that email, and have a different and unique password for both. This way you guarantee a higher security while maintaining the ability to recover your account.

over 5 years ago - /u/JagexConsuela - Direct link

Originally posted by Skankhunt43

Kind of different question: is it possible for a jmod to change your email address linked to an account?

We wouldn't do it on a blind state as there's certain processes to it, i.e. verifying the identity of someone trying to change. We have a support page for this exact situation.

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