over 3 years ago - /u/JagexLight - Direct link

Any questions about Group Ironman for tomorrow's livestream? Tag me and leave your questions for us here!
We'll be live on Thursday 2nd September (tomorrow) at 17:00 BST (UK time) with our weekly Q&A live stream, and we'll be discussing the Group Ironman Blog with your questions. πŸ˜€

over 3 years ago - /u/JagexLight - Direct link

Originally posted by Embarrassed_Berry570

Release date?

We'll be ready to announce that soon!

over 3 years ago - /u/JagexLight - Direct link

Originally posted by paulthegreen

u/JagexLight Typo 'you will need to find players to join your gang on the Node, a recruitment hub off the cost of Tutorial Island'

Thanks, this has been sorted. Much appreciated!

over 3 years ago - /u/JagexLight - Direct link

Originally posted by oostemaat

no release date set right? i need to ask off work for it :D

Not just yet, but we'll be ready to announce it soon!

over 3 years ago - /u/JagexLight - Direct link

Originally posted by Kyloman

u/JagexLight There's a mechanic in the game that notifies Ironmen that they won't receive loot when they kill an already attacked monster. This only happens when the monster is killed, so it is basically useless. Will this be fixed for group ironman so it notifies you as soon as you attack an ineligible target?

We're working on something to help you spot that much earlier. It's still quite experimental, but we hope to be able to preview it soon. :)

over 3 years ago - /u/JagexLight - Direct link

Originally posted by crabvogel

Question about untradables: will things like a charged blowpipe, ornamented armour/weapons (for the zenyte jewellery for example), avernic defenders etc be considered untradables?

Elena has kindly answered this question! Untradables: Yes, those are untradable. Basically, if it can't currently be traded between mains, GIM can't trade it. Some items have alternative ways of trading it, for example the avernic defender can be traded as an avernic hilt, but not as a defender.

over 3 years ago - /u/JagexLight - Direct link

Originally posted by Lolirepicwin

Can we enter the POH of someone else in our group even if they're not online/inside the house? Would be useful to funnel Construction onto one player for teleports etc!

Hey! It's a great idea in principle and we're aware that players want the functionality to be able to do this, but we're not planning to allow entry to others' POH when someone is not at home.

We're actually restricted by the tech to be able to do so. Sorry about that. :(

over 3 years ago - /u/JagexLight - Direct link

Originally posted by Volkert97

Would you guys consider having one single POH for the whole group? That would be so awesome. That way we could store clue items together and have like a central hub u/JagexLight

Hey there! We're aware of the demand for players to teleport to each others' houses while offline, but we won't be able to offer this as we're restricted by the tech to be able to do so. Sorry about that!
In regards to a single POH, I've added it to our questions for the livestream tomorrow. I'm not too sure on that one but I imagine it's also restricted by tech. Let me know if you have any other questions for the team :)

over 3 years ago - /u/JagexLight - Direct link

Originally posted by Nyan_Catz

Meh, wanted to make a HC, but none of my friends that ill play with want too :(

Welp, time to find yourself some new friends then!

over 3 years ago - /u/JagexLight - Direct link

Originally posted by RuneHughez

Cool blog.

But does this mean yet another week without an actual update?

There will be a game update tomorrow, we're just getting the blog out so that you lovely people get a chance to read up on it and let us know your feedback. :)

over 3 years ago - /u/JagexLight - Direct link

Originally posted by Nadirin

u/jagexlight Thanks so much for this! I haven't played my main in months out of boredom, but have been buzzing for group ironman.

One question - you mentioned boss uniques are locked behind 1kc of that boss. Does this include things like Dragon Hunter's Lance? The claw is the boss unique but you obviously don't equip the claw, so would the Lance be locked behind 1kc or not?

That is so great to hear! Can't wait to see you rocking that new GIM Armour. :P

Ash has kindly answered this one for you. The lance appears to require 1 Alchemical Hydra kill. I hope that helps!

over 3 years ago - /u/JagexLight - Direct link

Originally posted by Rjm0007

Damn you really need to trust the people you’re with for hardcore or someone could just suicide 5 times and get rid of the hardcore status

TRUST βš” NO βš” ONE

over 3 years ago - /u/JagexLight - Direct link

Originally posted by -Makishima-

TIL: Group iron was never polled

We'll release a Poll following the Blog, once we've looked at feedback. Hopefully see you at the voting booth my friend!

over 3 years ago - /u/JagexLight - Direct link

Originally posted by Jackson7410

will you be in my party? <3

Sure, I can fish you some food while I'm replying to comments on Reddit. Pls no kick

over 3 years ago - /u/JagexLight - Direct link

Originally posted by opop901

There will be a shared storage (see the blog) where you will be able to put a certain number of stacks of items. Think of it like the Cox private chest and Cox public chest whereby the private is your normal bank account, and the public is as an example a 100 slot shared storage

Correct! Please note, we're aiming for the shared storage to be available on launch but this *may* not be possible, we'll have to see where the tech is at. We'll keep you updated on the blog. Thanks for being helpful and answering questions!

over 3 years ago - /u/JagexLight - Direct link

Originally posted by Gengar0

Does anyone know a place to start looking for a group? I'm super keen to get into it, but my hours are kind of limited and I would rather play with people who have ariund abouts the same availability as me

When Group Ironman releases, we'll make a section in our Official OldSchool Runescape Discord to help you guys find a suitable group. I'm sure there are also some other awesome communities out there that can help! :)

over 3 years ago - /u/JagexLight - Direct link

Originally posted by peppes_pizza

When is the release date of the group ironmanmode? cant see that its released yet, or is it not avaliable in f2p worlds? u/JagexLight

We haven't announced a release date yet, this is just the blog :)

over 3 years ago - /u/JagexLight - Direct link

Originally posted by FifaKillsMySoul

That's kind of really annoying.

There's a group of 5 of us planning to play and 2 maybe 3 of us will definitely grind the highest levels (we'll be playing a lot more - thanks WFH job) but the others wanted to piggy back off us doing the high level grind/PVM to use the gear. DHL is a good example - we'll have have 95 slayer a long time before the rest of our group do, if they ever even get it at all, but I couldn't lend them a lance in the mean time even if I get a dupe?

IMO this restriction brings the mode much closer to a group of individual ironmen rather than group ironman.

I've received some clarification from Mod Elena on this want want to clear up something from the blog! So, the 1kc requirement applies to you if you've left your group and joined a new one, or if you join an existing group (i.e you are not prestiged anymore). If the entire group started on the node as fresh accounts you will not have the 1kc requirements. I will review the blog and clarify this as it's unclear, thank you.

over 3 years ago - /u/JagexLight - Direct link

Originally posted by RSenseiJP

/u/jagexlight there is a lot of feedback about the 1kc requirements to prevent boosting.

A simple solution would be to only have the 1kc requirement for non-prestige groups, allowing groups of friends who start together to still specialize in content to share with the group. What do you think about this idea?

Hey there! I can confirm that the 1kc stuff only applies to you if you've left your group and joined a new one, or if you join an existing group (i.e you are not prestiged anymore). If the entire group started on the node as fresh accounts you will not have the 1kc requirements. Sorry if that wasn't clear in the Blog I will update it accordingly.

over 3 years ago - /u/JagexLight - Direct link

Originally posted by Binda33

My team is disappointed about the restricted items. We had already planned to split up all game content so we didn't each have to do every boss to get those items.

I thought the point of GIM was that we could trade freely and normally among our team, the same way we would trade as a regular account. You don't make sure that normal accounts kill a boss to be able to use an item.

I'm betting you won't restrict who can eat a shark if they don't have 76 fishing (pretending that they only come from the skill). :(

Hey Binda! The 1kc requirement applies to you if you've left your group and joined a new one, or if you join an existing group (i.e you are not prestiged anymore). If the entire group started on the node as fresh accounts you will not have the 1kc requirement, or the wealth transfer cap. Hopefully that clears it up? Sorry if it wasn't clarified properly in the blog. :P

over 3 years ago - /u/JagexLight - Direct link

Originally posted by Brajopie

u/JagexLight I see the point you guys are trying to make to avoid boosting within the group, especially when new players join for a new group. 1 high level account could supply for all the new, low level, accounts.

But could you please remove the 1kc restriction from the Prestige groups? Forcing everyone within a group to get 85 slayer to equip a whip makes no sense, same goes for things such as eating food, drinking potions, using jewelry, etc. This makes no sense since all accounts start at the same time as fresh accounts. It also removes a very large portion of the group-aspect of the GIM-mode. Why even bother creating a group when everybody needs to level up to even use items another group member has gathered?

Yes what u/DivineInsanityReveng said. :) The 1kc requirement applies to you if you've left your group and joined a new one, or if you join an existing group (i.e you are not prestiged anymore). If the entire group started on the node as fresh accounts you will not have the 1kc requirement or the wealth transfer cap. I've added this into the blog as it wasn't clear enough originally. Thanks for raising

over 3 years ago - /u/JagexLight - Direct link

Originally posted by sir_gwain

u/JagexLight Content Restrictions as they've been laid out in this blog go against what GIM is and what it should be. There should be ZERO restrictions of a player using the gear available to them within a group (outside of the usual stat or quest requirements - eg. attack level for a godsword / Quest req for proselyte). These restrictions force all players within a group to focus on and go bossing, slayer etc. when the point of GIM is to allow players to split up tasks with everyone reaping all of the rewards TOGETHER as a GROUP. PLEASE hear our voices and remove this restriction.

Hey there, I'd love to clarify. The 1kc requirement applies to you if you've left your group and joined a new one, or if you join an existing group (i.e you are not prestiged anymore). If the entire group started on the node as fresh accounts you will not have the 1kc requirement, or the wealth transfer cap. I apologise if this wasn't clear in the blog originally but I've added it to the blog to clarify. Let me know if you have any other questions and I'll put them to the team

over 3 years ago - /u/JagexLight - Direct link

Originally posted by Doebbalapoent11

Prestige groups will be able to use all their gear without having to get a kc for the boss the gear is from right?

Yes, sorry if this wasn't clear in the blog originally, I've added a note to the blog about that now. :)

over 3 years ago - /u/JagexLight - Direct link

Originally posted by skellyton3

Perhaps remove the boss kill requirements for prestige groups?

The 1kc requirement will only apply to you if you've left your group and joined a new one, or if you join an existing group (i.e you are not prestiged anymore). If the entire group started on the node as fresh accounts you will not have the 1kc requirement. I've added this to the blog to clarify. Thanks for raising this!

over 3 years ago - /u/JagexLight - Direct link

Just want to say a huge thank you for the amazing feedback and all your questions so far. The response to this blog has blown us away!

We're currently reviewing your feedback and we'll be addressing your questions on our Twitch livestream tomorrow at 17:00 BST with J-Mods Elena, Husky, Tide and Skylark who have all worked directly on Group Ironman.

Please keep the questions coming, and we'll answer as many as we can. If we can't get through them all this week, please don't worry - we'll address them in an updated version of the blog, or in additional livestreams following. :)

over 3 years ago - /u/JagexLight - Direct link

Originally posted by Wahtnowson

Some more clarity in the blog would be helpful. I didn't get this impression by my first read.

Have added this in the blog now and updated it. Thank you :) How did you find the rest of the blog? :)

over 3 years ago - /u/JagexLight - Direct link

Originally posted by DivineInsanityReveng

No worries, tryna reply to a bunch of people cos mods have confirmed this so people don't get disheartened. It definitely bummed out my mates until I joined the call and suggested I read it entirely different as to only affect new joiners.

Tysm! Sorry for any confusion that's our bad ^^

over 3 years ago - - Direct link
Group Ironman is Old School's all new Co-Op Ironman Mode. Create Standard and Hardcore teams and set new records together.