

26 Jun


Hi, thank you for reporting this - I'm especially sorry given the nature of this issue... dung being flown in your face 2x faster is not pleasant!!

This doesn't look intentional and it appears to be related to a change in our engine which was launched today. At the moment, we're prioritising a fix for another high priority issue (see this post: https://x.com/OldSchoolRS/status/1805997823902515515 ).

As soon as we are able to, we will be investigating this issue and letting you know news on a fix. There are a number of unintentional affects from this week's update. We haven't been able to discuss them all in detail yet. But we will keep you updated on fixes as soon as we have info to share.


Hi, thank you for reporting this - this wasn't an intentional change. At the moment, we're prioritising a fix for other issues (see this post: https://x.com/OldSchoolRS/status/1805997823902515515 ).

As soon as we are able to, we will be investigating this issue. I haven't been able to discuss it with the team just yet as we've been focusing our effort on fixing the above problems. Hope to get more news for you soon!


Hi, thank you for reporting this - this wasn't an intentional change. At the moment, we're prioritising a fix for other issues (see this post: https://x.com/OldSchoolRS/status/1805997823902515515 ).

As soon as we are able to, we will be investigating this issue. I haven't been able to discuss it with the team just yet as we've been focusing our effort on fixing the above problems. Hope to get more news for you soon!


Hi, firstly thanks for reporting this. As I mentioned in another thread, this appears to be an issue from a recent engine change we made. The team is in a call right now working out a fix, which may require a game reboot. We will of course let you know as soon as we have more information and we apologise for any inconvenience caused.


Hi all, thanks for reporting this. This appears to be an issue from a recent engine change we made. The team is in a call right now working out a fix, which may require a game reboot. We will of course let you know as soon as we have more information and we apologise for any inconvenience caused.


Thank you for raising this! I've asked our Publishing Platform team about this issue. They have said they're aware of the issue and have recently pushed out a fix, so you should be able to reconnect within an hour. Apologies for any inconvenience caused.


Thank you for raising this! I've asked our Publishing Platform team what the deal is here. They have said they're aware of the issue and have recently pushed out a fix, so you should be able to reconnect within an hour. Apologies for any inconvenience caused!


Hey, thanks for raising this to us. We're currently in a call investigating this issue, it appears to be related to an engine update which was released today.

The fix might involve a reboot, we're not sure when it'll happen so keep an eye on the game status page for more information (https://secure.runescape.com/m=news/game-status-information-centre?oldschool=1 ).

29 May


Originally posted by PrePro2

Hey, I may have missed it in a blog if it was mentioned, but will we be able to sail to the Wushanko Isles (aka the Eastern Lands)? In the lore, it has always been an interest to me from the tidbits we're able to find out via npc dialog. Also, in the fighters guild, it's hinted the Cyclops hail from the region? Opportunity for some fashsionscape clothing and maybe a unique cyclops boss. Thanks!

This is a great question! There are lots ties to the Eastern Lands in-game already, and it's reasonable to assume that at some point we will expand over there, but we're not planning to go there with Sailing for launch. In order to do the content justice, it would need significant time spent on it as it's probably as big as Varlamore in scope. We want to focus on making Sailing good for the existing game world initially for launch and then look at expanding in future.


Originally posted by Classydudee69

Hello there !

Hope you guys are well. I was wondering, how do you think sailing will affect other skills ?

Will fishing have new viable methods and if so will you be getting good sailing or passive sailing experience at the same time?

Will there be a way to train slayer through sea creatures or creatures that are on some islands?

Also is there anything new coming to woodcutting/fletching/crafting/construction or any other skills thay would come from gathering ressources for sailing/your boat?

Thanks a lot!:)

Hi there! :)

Great question. We published a blog during refinement on Sailing gameplay (Adding A New Skill: Sailing Core Gameplay (runescape.com)), which includes 'secondary gameplay' activities. Secondary activities involve existing skills and Sailing, so you'd be getting XP in two skills. The amount of XP though is yet to be determined and the activities themselves would need to be polled separately.

We've also talked about islands and the content found there in this blog (...

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Originally posted by humerusSSA

You've previously mentioned that the running plan is to avoid rescaling waterbodies already present in the game, yet AFAIK did not elaborate on the reasoning behind the decision.

From what we've seen to date I personally fail to imagine how, even after the previously mentioned vessel downscaling, boats could look adequate within the present geometry inbetween the game's vast landmasses. Our supposed great seas feel comically claustrophobic, and the previously anchored ships' scales gives even more of an off-putting feel to the whole thing, it's almost like one of those city-map carpets that kids are supposed to play with.

What a comparison! Thanks for the question. :)

When you're sailing a small boat, we think it feels appropriate but we definitely see the concern when we look at large boats in comparison to the scale of the existing game world. During refinement, we looked at scaling up the world and moving landmasses.

When we investigated further, we felt it was apparent that we were trying to apply a real-life scale to a world that isn't trying to be at scale.

We have mansions larger than mountains, we have entire kingdoms you can travel between, on foot, within a minute or two, trying to enforce this sense of a realistic scale with Sailing just felt very against the grain for this game.

In light of this feedback, we've instead looked to focus our efforts on trying to control the size of the boat and try to tailor that to the environments at sea, for example, the areas around Crandor, Catherby, Port Sarim might be shallow waters which favour smaller boats whe...

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Hey everyone,

The Sailing team are here to answer your questions on our most recent progress update blog. We'd love to answer questions and share a little more insight into what's going on behind the scenes with Sailing.

Get your questions ready, and be sure to upvote the questions you want answered.

Please note, the team have already answered a few topics in our recent Sailing Q&A here. We'd like to run more regular AMAs as we understand that we can't fit all of the questions into our Twitch streams, so we're experimen...

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16 May


Originally posted by Plebsaurus

So is the actual sailing part going to be instanced? I don't see how this is going to work with multiple ships in the same area at once without it looking like an absolute mess

Hey Plebsaurus, I love your name btw!

We know that players really resonated with Sailing being NON-instanced as a skill, like most other skills are, so that it feels like it's part of Gielinor and not a minigame or silo'd off. The development team would like to re-affirm that it's non-instanced much as possible.

We mentioned having time-based challenges, like Barracuda Trials, for Sailing and those absolutely need instances where it makes sense as players would experience griefing if they are competing for a certain time.

The "mess" part is harder to answer with absolute certainty at the moment. We're not far enough in development yet but certainly we'll be looking to limit the amount of ships that are visible in an area at a time to avoid those problems.

15 May


Originally posted by [deleted]


I’ll try to also include this as a discussion point in our next Q&A as I think you’d prefer a dev to answer this rather than a CM. I think we do want Sailing to feel integrated with the game world but there is a balance which we will need to have so that it still feels familiar for players and doesn’t completely change how you play. Off the top of my head, I know that we won’t be adding retroactive requirements for existing quests, but there might be come retroactive rewards from existing quests. Outside of that I also know you would see minor changes to Ports to accommodate Sailing. But yeah that’s all I can think of right now. So will ask for more thoughts


Hi, we're looking into this right now - thanks for raising. It looks related to contribution changes we made this week following last week's update. Last week's update had accidentally nerfed loot gained by certain group sizes at Zalcano, so we released a fix this week but it's a bit too generous with shards. A hotfix is being prepared to make shards less consistent and we'll keep monitoring it.


Originally posted by radtad43

How's sailing going? Is it fun to develop for? I dont want specifics just want to know how well it's jellingling with the staff

Honestly it is lots of fun :D We also have a lot more teams that we're working with. The team scaled up significantly - we are now basically 2 scrum teams with dedicated art, QA, CM, dev and engine devs. I'm very optimistic about it all and it looks like we'll have progress update for you guys very soon :) And I really appreciate everyone's patience on this as I know it has been a while since we last talked about Sailing. The team is just genuinely so excited and honoured to be working on something as big as this. There is some pressure that we put ourselves under because we know how important it is to players to get right. It's a massive thing for the game and we know not everyone is sold on Sailing so we're trying our best to figure out what we can do to make it the best possible at every step. But we're having lots of fun with boats right now and I genuinely can't wait to talk about it more with you guys and get your amazing feedback. The community is mostly always on point with...

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Further details:

Competition closes at 4PM BST May 16th! T&C's can be found here: osrs.game/Plushie-Giveaway-May2024-T&Cs

For more chances to win, you can also tune in to our livestream at 4PM BST on Friday, May 17th!  http://twitch.tv/oldschoolrs

The full range of these RuneScape iconic outfit plushies are only on sale until 23:59 on the 18th May - don’t miss out! ...

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