almost 4 years ago - /u/JagexAyiza - Direct link

Originally posted by TerribleThyming

In-game announcement "Our latest Raged Meta..."

For some people, that's not inaccurate lol

Funny thing is that we're limited to 80 characters and I was so happy it all fit in!


almost 4 years ago - /u/JagexAyiza - Direct link

Originally posted by SweetRoll_Pilferer

The in game announcement said "raged meta" btw nice one

Damnit, sorry about that!

almost 4 years ago - /u/JagexHusky - Direct link

Originally posted by PM_ME_UR_STATS

Crystal rebalancing good, new bow good, bp changes pretty negligible where it actually matters, crossbow changes are fine

personally i think the crystal armor + new bow changes are the best and most critical to the proposal. having an upper-mid/high tier weapon to smooth out the gap between tbow and everything else has been a really important point to address for a while now, and its nice it will have its niche in being better than tbow in some areas too. i'm also glad crystal armor will be viable now, because its my favorite looking armor in the game

as a decent cynic over playing 15 years this is probably the most impressed I've been by the Jmods competency in communication, transparency, and understanding their game. finding these niches and actually addressing peoples concerns word for word is not something I'm used to, not just from jagex, but from any game company. we're pretty lucky to have this group

Thank you so much! (I might just cry)

As a team we worked really hard to try and get the best proposal we could to present to the community

almost 4 years ago - /u/JagexAyiza - Direct link

Originally posted by joshsumers

Honestly looks really good to me, lots of improvements over the original ideas. One thing i was curious about, and this might actually be better for the wilderness blog but thought I’d bring it up if you haven’t though about it u/JagexAyiza has there been consideration to making blessed dragon hide chaps and vambs wearable by one defense accounts ? I think it’d have a few benefits personally. If this has been discussed on one the last two streams my apologies, I’ve missed those since we moved back into the office at my job.

The changes to D'hide will be included as part of the Wilderness Changes blog yeah :)

I'll wait until then to share more about it!

almost 4 years ago - /u/JagexHusky - Direct link

Originally posted by Merdapura

It just show how out of touch they are with reality, they're taking the survey results as the absolute truth and will make bad decisions because of it. Amethyst darts are a mistake and will come back to bite them in the ass.

Sorry, it was a complete oversight on my part in forgetting about the ring slot and it is wildly inconsistent for me to use a veracs helm/archers when either armadyl/archers or veracs/suffering would've been better.

I took the time to make the table for you including a ring of suffering:

And whilst running the numbers again I found out for some reason the wrong TTK numbers are in the blog. It doesn't generally matter they're just off by a smidge but I've asked for them to be updated.

almost 4 years ago - /u/JagexHusky - Direct link

Originally posted by icehero0003

I have one question. In the write up it says crystal bow and bow of faerdhinen are 4 attack speed is this an update for crystal bow or assuming theyre on rapid?

The assumption about them being on rapid is correct!

almost 4 years ago - /u/JagexHusky - Direct link

Originally posted by Merdapura

Husky why are you nerfing ddart bp when its the most expensive item in the game to use? Arclight is on the same mindset of a very powerful weapon but a harsh upkeep.

Secondly, as a developer let me ask you how hard would it be to rework range STR bonus to only affect bolts, arrows and javelins? This would exclude chins, knives, blowpipe and crystal bow from being powered up by new range gear.

Lastly let me ask you about amethyst darts, I've done ballpark numbers on the supply of amethysts in game and it's bad, the influx of amethyst darts will be around the same if not higher than the current influx of rune darts in the game, why did you go with amethyst darts and not amethyst add on for darts to make them stronger? (as in, ironmen can use amethysts to turn their rune darts into dragon darts)

  1. Cost isn't the only issue with the Blowpipe and it's not even the most important fact about it, a basically one weapon ranged meta is never healthy for the game and the biggest reason for the change is to offer diversity in the ranged meta.

  2. Not hard at all, however, that would be a pretty significant change to how people expect the game to work and I don't see how that proposal would be better

  3. Yeah we were aware of the Amethyst darts coming into the game being higher than rune but Rune/Amethyst are still weaker than main-game so comparing them to main-game costs when the nerfed version would be weaker seems a little off, if they're weaker perhaps it's ok if the ammo is also slightly cheaper? Happy to open Amethyst darts open for suggestions though (just like anything else in this blog)

almost 4 years ago - /u/JagexHusky - Direct link

Originally posted by raids3when123

Can we see what the inferno difference is when you are not range potted or using rigour? Its weird to say you busted the myth wide open when your assuming an accuracy and range level people wont have. For a first cape most people are killing rangers without range pot or rigour for most of the inferno.

Also most people are wearing suffering/rog for ring slot, kind of small but the +8 range accuracy that you would lose when we are comparing how accuracy changes impact the inferno matters

The comparison at the Inferno was purely for the Zuk minions, yes waves will be harder but not by a significant amount, it's on average one more hit every other kill, sure it'll add up but that's not a huge deal.

However, during the waves you have a limited amount of hits to begin with as you have to keep up with the shield so that was where our focus was and I don't think it's too far-fetched to assume people will save ranged pot doses for killing the rangers/healers during Zuk

almost 4 years ago - /u/JagexAyiza - Direct link

Originally posted by DragonDaggerSpecial

The percentages feel arbitrary, why this instead of an in game poll? We don’t even know the grand total responses these percentages are taken from. 1,000 people could have replied and they’re going to make major changes based off of it? Certainly doesn’t seem beholden to the interests of the majority of the player base to me.

/u/JagexAyiza Please show the total number of responses when these surveys are done. They feel completely arbitrary and like their only purpose is to give Jagex the opportunity to overrule negative opinions or failed polls by subverting the in game polling system.

The survey was used to help direct the changes, it's not what we've based everything off. There are a few clear examples of that throughout the blog.

If you don't trust in us by providing the %'s, would you really believe us if we added a number of total respondents?

almost 4 years ago - /u/JagexAyiza - Direct link

Originally posted by Froggmann5

Is that any reason to not include the total number of respondents?

No I just completely forgot to add it to the start of the blog to be honest :D

almost 4 years ago - /u/JagexAyiza - Direct link

Originally posted by DragonDaggerSpecial

Thank you very much for reading my thoughts and for replying, I do appreciate it. Yes, I do trust Jagex, I know you guys want what’s best for the game, of course. I just think more transparency is best. Seeing the number of responses is valuable to compare the amount of responses against total players. It helps show how much of the community not only replied, but that section’s sentiment. OSRS has been built on transparency regarding changes, its origin was transparent.

I just really do not want or like unrolled changes to RS2 content, I feel it must be polled.

Again, thanks for going through these and for replying to my message.

Appreciate the reply! Well I actually forgot to include them at the start of the blog. I'll see about getting them added with the updated blog we'll no doubt upload :)

almost 4 years ago - /u/JagexAyiza - Direct link

Originally posted by BrvteRS

That's because u/JagexAyiza is a WoW nerd himself ayiza4Head


almost 4 years ago - /u/JagexAyiza - Direct link

Originally posted by HorseMeatConnoisseur

Wondered the same, but as it appears to be a completely separate weapon rather than an upgrade to the c bow, id wager not.

It would be an entirely different Ranged weapon indeed, so in this case its very unlikely unless it was added as a requirement to future Clues.

almost 4 years ago - /u/JagexAyiza - Direct link

Originally posted by jackzimms

When are these proposals presumably going into the game?

There is no ETA yet - essentially when it feels right. That being said, it's likely be sooner rather than later given other projects such as Combat Achievements are locked behind these changes.

almost 4 years ago - /u/JagexAyiza - Direct link

Originally posted by TikTok-Jad

Will you be addressing the issue with dragon dart availability? Since amethyst darts don't fill the gap between rune and dragon darts, we're still in an awkward situation where players really need dragon darts for extremely challenging content, but there is no way to grind for them.

I love grinding for the items I use in ironman mode, that's a major part of the game mode. But I need a way to actually grind for them, and right now there is no viable method for obtaining dragon darts and arrows. Instead you get a small trickle of them incidentally while doing other content. I just want a method where I can say "okay I need 1000 dragon darts so that I can do the Inferno achievement for under X minutes, I'll go grind dragon paleontology for a few hours"

Edit: Jagex, if you need ideas for the content, I got you --

Dragon Thieving
Alright so you sneak into a dragon's lair, and there's a bunch of sleeping dragons in there. You're a badass thief, so you're gonna steal the teeth straight out of this dragon's mouth, and the claws off its lil dragon hands. Boom, fun interactive thieving content where you get arrow/dart tips

Dragon Paleontology
You go running around digging up dragon fossils. Then you clean them up and receive some dragon dart/arrow tips, some big/dragon bones, and some random petty amounts of gp/alchables.

We have no plans at the moment to address Dragon dart availability at the moment. I'll happily look at suggestions to feedback to the team though.

"okay I need 1000 dragon darts so that I can do the Inferno achievement for under X minutes, I'll go grind dragon paleontology for a few hours"

Couldn't you just replace dragon paleontology for Vorkath and get the exact same result here?

almost 4 years ago - /u/JagexHusky - Direct link

Originally posted by FlyingVulpix

/u/JagexAyiza /u/jagexhusky

Just a heads up the regular crystal bow stats in the blog are incorrect. Regular crystal bow as of right now has +100 Range Accuracy, and +70 Range Strength, not +100 Accuracy, and +78 Range Strength as listed.

It's a proposed buff! From the blog:

"Lastly we want to increase the Ranged strength of the basic Crystal Bow. This small change has a big impact, providing +2 points of damage to the Bow’s max hit rising to +3 points when used with the full Crystal Armour set. A helpful little nudge to universal viability!"

almost 4 years ago - /u/Mod_Kieren - Direct link

Originally posted by raids3when123

Can we see what the inferno difference is when you are not range potted or using rigour? Its weird to say you busted the myth wide open when your assuming an accuracy and range level people wont have. For a first cape most people are killing rangers without range pot or rigour for most of the inferno.

Also most people are wearing suffering/rog for ring slot, kind of small but the +8 range accuracy that you would lose when we are comparing how accuracy changes impact the inferno matters

We'll re-review it - I'm personally more than happy for us to change things inside The Inferno if people feel justified and are happy with the blowpipe changes in general.

I think it's important for a significant aspirational challenge to not feel (or even more) out of reach.