What’s choakon?????
Chaokon these nuts am I right?
What’s choakon?????
Chaokon these nuts am I right?
Hey all, I know this isn't ideal at all but our team are looking into it. It appears to be due to global outages rather than something directly in our control, but they're trying to cook up solutions to get everyone back online ASAP! Really sorry about this, hopefully we'll get you all back in soon...
Anyone watching any good series on YT in the meantime?
Edit @ 21:33 GMT - Seems like things are now looking more stable. The team are still investigating but you should be able to log in again as normal. If you're still experiencing issues and use the Launcher, please try restarting it before logging in again (as in go into task manager & end process OR right-click the launcher icon and exit).
Full credit, this is a pretty damn good response that doesn't hide away from directly addressing specific community concerns while avoiding just vaguely gesturing at issues and giving non-specific assurances. This was enough for me to put my membership back to auto-renew.
Obviously need to see this attitude continue and be acted on consistently, but this gave me a lot of hope and for the time being makes me willing to extend back a lot of the goodwill that was lost with the recent mess.
Welcome back. Here's to hoping there's not another reason for you to change your membership again!
I was trying to listen to the conversation through a critical lens and even still I feel that he was able to at least speak very directly about the concerns that the community was having, so I'm looking forward to him following through on that vision!
I'm glad it came across that way. We purposefully did not want this to be scripted - yes we prepared questions in advance, but all of the responses are authentic and from North directly.
If only all game developpers were half as passionate about their work as you guys are, the gaming industry would be so much better for players. Keep up the good work! Jagex mods are the reason why I still play this game after 10 years
Thank you for the kind words. At the end of the day, none of us would be here if it wasn't for people like yourself who not only play the game, but have faith in us too!
6:48 - "It shouldn't need to be said out loud, but there will never be microtransactions in Old School Runescape. Ever."
That's all I needed to hear. I have no doubt OSRS will continue to be as great as it has been for the past 12 years.
Also, the tob stream with Ayiza, North and 3 other mods would be an amazing stream. Hope it can happen sometime soon!
I will make the stream happen one way or another!!
Honestly a much more honest and open interview than expected. If they stick to what is said here then the community seems to be in good hands!
It's certainly looking positive!
Looks like I can start my farming and slayer runs back up.
Go get those gains
"...I actually think there's no reason why these communities can't grow healthily for the next sort of 5, 10 years. And to be honest, in the case of Runescape 3, I think we need to think longer than 10 years, it needs to be 25, 50 years in the future. There's no reason why these games can't have another 25 years in the case of a game like Runescape 3."
Great answers overall, but I'm curious why he singled out Runescape 3 as being a game that would live another 25 years, twice. Am I alone in interpreting this as him believing there's something about OSRS that would make it not that way?
I think it was just the way the conversation went - OSRS isn't going anywhere and we all feel that! If you look at the numbers, it's quite apparent we're in a really good spot so most likely just a case of providing reassurance for RS players.
It was great meeting you, thanks for sharing the pics I really wanted to get this one! Hope to see you and the cosplay group next time :)
Leak his boss log so we can judge him purely based off of his OSRS bossing achievements.
I'd be screwed if you asked for mine then LOL
Hey all, just wanted to say while not everything is being replied to, we are listening. We think its completely valid you'd have questions regarding Mod North's professional background given how important the role of a CEO is. In the coming days we will be updating you all with a Q&A that covers this and much more of what has been raised so far. We're checking across all platforms but it'd be huge if you could direct specific questions via our survey, it really helps us in making sure the most asked ones get prioritised.
With recent world events it’s hard to take any “trust me” at face value
We’ll be watching
I'd expect nothing less, all I can ask for is patience as that trust can hopefully be built up over time
Please grace us with 0% APR on annual mortgages… i mean memberships
Can we do both?
"What This Means for the RuneScape Games...this transition does not signal a change in monetisation strategy".
Wise of them to address that right away, lol.
Anyway, thank you Mod Pips for helping to get OSRS to where it is today, I absolutely love this game! Obviously some stumbling along the way, but nobody is perfect.
I hope you enjoy whatever it is you do next, and ignore all the negative little goblins that inevitably leave horrible comments in this thread.
Thank you for the kind words, he'll likely see it himself anyway but I will share it as I'm sure it'll be much appreciated!
He worked for Jagex roughly 3 years until 2018, then went to 6 different companies before finally ending on CVC.. 6 companies in 7 years is a lot. He is not a loyal Jagex employee, his last role was a loyal CVC employee who got put in a position of power.
I can completely understand scepticism, I think its fair to be so given the nature of the change! But after personally spending time with Mod North I can safely say I do not believe this change will be at the detriment of either games. He is very passionate about both RS and OSRS, and maintaining what we've been doing until now is definitely a key priority.
I urge you to share any specific concerns you have via the form in the blog as I'll use it to guide the next update North is due to provide!
Pips was a major reason MTX never entered OSRS and he oversaw the game during its most successful period.
I hope North continues this and isn't some shill put into place by the owners. He does have a long history with the game so that's good at least.
I just wanted to say that after personally spending time with Mod North, it's clear he has a huge passion for the games and maintaining what we're doing on both OSRS and RS is a priority. I have faith that this change will not be at the detriment of either games.
If you'd like to share any particular concerns please fill out the form in the blog as I'll use that to help guide any questions and answers in the next update North is due to provide :)
Thank you so much for being there, and for sharing your experience. I'm glad you had a great time, it sounds like you certainly made the most of it!
It was an awesome event made possible by you and everyone else in the community - we owe you all one and I can't wait for the next one <3