Original Post — Direct link


over 8 years ago - /u/Mod_Archie - Direct link

Originally posted by JagexMerchant

I personally think the streams are well balanced and answer a lot of the questions, there's always improvements to be made sure, but at the end of the day we love what we do and look forward to the stream every week, so we tend to enjoy ourselves.

If we do get derailed, which can happen, myself and others frequently field questions here or on twitter in a much drier manner.

To add something,

Those of who you have seen your share of these streams know I once hosted with the intentions of getting through as many questions as possible. I received a lot of heat for this and many people thought I didn't enjoy the Q&As because I took them too seriously. It seems to be the case that we simply won't be able to please everyone. We have to find a balance between being informative and entertaining.