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Appreciate there's some negativity about Surge potions in here, and I just wanted to write a bit of something around it.

I think Surge potions as currently proposed should be quite low impact, a 5 minute cooldown is quite hefty for most content, and most specs aren't so so powerful that getting an extra one or two specs in a trip/raid will be worth the slot.

But maybe you just don't need that extra bit of food or prayer, so this might be a nice option to bring instead.

However if we DO find the potion ends up being overly dominant, to the point where they feel like an auto include in every setup, and people aren't enjoying it. In true OSRS fashion, we can change it!

I've seen a couple of worries in this thread specifically around the cooldown being unfun to wait out between ToB rooms or Colosseum Waves, and will be making a change so the cooldown doesn't decrement in these situations. This should avoid people feeling like they need to wait it out to maximize their dps etc.

In PvP we'll try and make them as clear as possible when they have been activated so there's some sort of feedback that you can react to, but if this ends up being degenerate we can add delays before the effect applies in PvP (More time to react), or even flat out disable them (We obviously dislike this arbitrary difference in pvm/pvp but if it's better for the game, we can do it.)

Try them out on launch, see how metas change, if it's a positive change, then great! If not, we can iterate :)

Originally posted by jp326122

Highly appreciate the colo/tob change, everything else is fantastic in this update.

I appreciate you x