almost 6 years ago - Old School RuneScape - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

0s hello and welcome to this week's old
2s school Q&A I am your host mod gambit I
5s am joined on the couch this week by mod
7s keyring Europe more - hello mod wolf
11s hello and on my left out more tween
13s hello and mod Matt K we don't have oh
18s also we have the one for mod Bruno on
20s chat don't forget to send your questions
23s in the chat ax is it Rs sorry out
26s runescape old school RS old school RS
28s and he'll it is that runescape send your
33s questions to a bruise gape in chat and
34s you'll pick those up so something I want
41s to talk about well actually gonna hand
42s over to mod tween and Matt K for this is
44s that exclamation mark big big so let me
47s start again
47s exclamation mark big blog will take you
50s to the blog the other day yeah will
55s bring you to the blog that we put live
56s the other day answering some of the sort
59s of hottest topics that you guys have had
61s and plugs I'm gonna hand over to mod
64s Sweeney Matt K to talk a bit more about
65s that and some of the questions that have
67s been wrong you guys so take it away I
70s mean we covered a lot in the yesterday's
72s blog so we try to assemble the couch
76s with a few of those who contributed to
79s it we don't have anyone from a support
81s but we've spoken to them about the
82s questions and feedback you had from the
84s blog so you've got some messages from
86s them to relate to you and I think we
88s just run through the feedback they want
90s it they wanted to give us and question
92s they want answers
94s yeah they support stuff first since okay
97s so we spoke to mod Kelvin mostly W mod
99s mix and what bento to the operations
101s team to play support I guess they had
104s their kind of free main questions or
106s three main pieces of feedback you guys
107s which is the first one was you've heard
109s it all before
109s which is very much true it's the same
112s for everything in a blog really not just
114s to play support stuff but also the
115s sections we wrote all we can do is try
120s to make it right this time and make it
123s work this time we have changed our
126s approach to it's no longer isolated in
127s that we're all different teams trying to
129s do different things at once by ourselves
131s but it all falls under a large project
134s which every part of the blog moves into
137s one big working group meeting together
138s yes I guess this is gonna sound very
141s technical and boring a project managing
143s but this is that we're doing it
145s differently this time we have one big
147s project which is just called sentiment
148s how do we make sure that you guys are
150s happy it all breaks down to little
152s projects that we've been talking about
154s and that's what constructed the blog in
156s itself these are all the issues that
157s you're talking about how do we address
159s each one of those needs one of those has
160s their owner different departments are
162s owned in their own departments there's
164s no point having content development
166s owning the sentiment for account
170s security for example because they're two
172s very different things but it all comes
173s together on one big banner of game
175s sentiment which is controlled from
176s within the team so we're making sure
178s that everything whether you're whole old
180s school team whether it's community
182s management whether it's platform whether
184s it's game bad development are all
186s pushing to to doing the right thing for
188s you and making sure that we move forward
190s on all of this stuff yeah spot-on
195s questionable stuff like what about your
197s offender case delay or case sensitive
200s passwords or longer passwords or symbols
202s in your passwords are those kind of
203s suggestions you've got for account
204s security so the reason they weren't
207s covered specifically is because they
209s fall under they're like the general
211s umbrella term of account security they
214s in their blog they address that they
218s know you're not happy with account
219s security and those are parts of yeah
222s what they want to cover
223s they mentioned surveys and blogs going
226s forwards and that's one now get into the
228s specifics of what you can expect such as
230s potential for authenticated relay or Kay
233s sensitive passwords and they do want to
235s kind of iterate that this will take of
239s all the customer support stuff mention
240s in the book this would take the longest
241s to get right and it'll be the hardest
244s resolved so in terms of timeline we
246s don't have one immediately for you but
248s it is work is already underway yeah it's
251s really difficult because account
253s security and it still is very difficult
255s because there's not an awful lot we can
256s say beforehand anyway because obviously
258s if we give you details of what's
259s happening then that sort of makes
262s account security
263s less so we've got to sort of talk about
265s quite carefully and obviously want the
267s experts to talk to you as well which
268s will be the player support people and
270s they'll be on this couch at some point
272s in the coming weeks and months to talk
273s more about it to you and you can have a
275s proper conversation with them and they
276s can give you the right information there
278s yep lastly there are lots of questions
281s about what we meant by toxicity in the
283s blog and in hindsight we probably could
285s have called it player behavior or
287s something more player-friendly rather
289s than as toxicity I mean that's quite a
290s industry term for how we want to look at
293s player behaviour to answer some
295s questions like will we go back to muting
297s players how we did in the early 2000s
299s we're not going to meet you for like AQ
301s pw's we're not we're not no that's going
305s to be in a Chapman
308s we don't really know what we mean by
310s toxicity we need to understand what you
313s consider to be toxic ah
315s do you like offensive language or just
317s being cast out if you're being crashed
320s do you consider that toxic or is it
322s people at the GE spamming incessantly
324s all day long is that more pressing is
325s that more toxic for you so we to
327s understand what you can see the toxic
328s what you want to be addressed and that's
330s one again we can work on addressing it
332s and it's pretty much it from Facebook
335s spective I think that what they covered
337s was quite expensive and one too many
339s questions relate apart from the
341s specifics about kind of security and
342s stuff yeah absolutely I think when
346s conversations continue with this and
348s when player support and start talking
350s directly with you guys and I think
351s that's when you're going to start seeing
352s to get a lot more detailed a lot more
354s understanding of what's going on so yes
356s they pinpointed three different blogs
357s and and each one will have a hopefully
359s more of a timeline for when you can
362s expect to see play facing stuff you can
365s really look at yeah it's not something
367s that we've we've not heard and not been
370s working on already this entire thing
372s it's not know this is a surprise to us
374s as it's not a surprise for you so we
375s have got plans in place we started
377s putting plans in place for this year
380s it's all about six months ago so we've
382s been thinking about this quite a lot
383s even before that a lot of work went on
385s as well so yeah so we are moving forward
387s we're just gonna be more open about it
388s with you guys going forward I think one
391s of the most encouraging things for me
393s about this from the player support angle
394s is the increase in visibility and
396s communication about what
397s to be done so I think the fact that
399s we're gonna release blogs explaining how
401s we're addressing the concerns as we go
402s it's only going well reassure you guys
405s that we are working on the things you've
407s raised and it looks very positive at
409s least from that perspective which is
411s yeah it's good indeed I didn't really
414s expect the positive reaction that we got
416s through the blog because like you said
418s it's not you know you've heard it all
419s before but I think it's plain to see
421s that you weren't expecting a quick fix
423s for all these things
424s you just wanted better communication
430s other stuff contest winners
433s will go through all the crab I didn't
438s think it was relevant for the blog
440s because it's doesn't directly impact you
442s in-game and it is only a small number of
445s players but it is still embarrassing
447s it's still problem like I hate seeing it
449s is an embarrassment in the past the
453s process for handling contest winners and
455s prizes was crap there's no
456s accountability the budget holder was an
458s entirely different department we've
460s ironed all that out going forwards I'm
462s totally confident that prizes and
464s contests will be resolved they should be
466s properly terms of outstanding prizes and
471s stuff if you're still wasting anything
474s email us at old school community Jagex
477s comm revere account name contest the
480s prize as much information you can
482s provide and retroactively Lee will sort
483s out going forwards it'll be much
485s smoother I'll be some checking for those
487s people who write in saying that they're
490s gonna fall out didn't I win one of those
495s [Laughter]
497s yeah we will have the necessary checks
500s we need to do okay we were there isn't
503s really a better way of going back to the
506s historical competitions and pricing
507s we've done over the years like I said
509s the process was pretty pants there's not
510s much documentation as I understand it
513s the people who actually had the
514s authority to transfer the funds were not
516s in the community team and therefore
517s wouldn't let early do it on request and
519s wanted a lot more verification did it
522s sound like your team's got more control
524s over that quite a thing that the budget
525s is now then I mean the players do care
528s wasn't part of the community budget we
530s have to
531s approval from other departments but the
532s budget is now winning community team so
535s this is a much smoother process that'll
537s sound a lot better polling it was a big
544s one
544s lots of questions about polling came up
546s there were lots of support from the
548s players actually for increasing the
550s visibility and accessibility of polling
553s so not necessarily just the one message
556s on the login check which is in the poll
557s live from the first login and then
559s nothing else people were suggesting
561s making it upon every login some people
565s suggested making it so you don't have to
568s visit a poll booth to vote you could do
570s it via another interface lots of
572s suggestions for incentives but then also
574s there were debunked by other players who
576s said no people would just spam yes spam
578s No
579s and ruin equality so they wouldn't solve
580s that problem themselves I think forcing
582s people to express an opinion when they
583s hadn't got one is not quite the help
586s that players would be looking for it's
588s making more access and more sounds like
589s sounds rather good
590s we actually offered when we first did
592s in-game polls to various things we could
595s do like building for the game frame
596s built into the welcome screen we've had
599s a survey in the most popular one by far
600s was booths so that's where we went but
604s it would actually have been easy to
605s stick a button on the game frame table
607s thematic work and which door was just
610s happy to if you want it and then the
614s inevitable was the lots of feedback
616s regarding hiding poor results but we you
622s might say just hide them but there are
623s other things we want to consider that
625s post and other things we want to look at
627s improving so we mentioned visibility and
630s accessibility there are suggestions for
633s just restricting votes dependent on the
635s type of content that comes with other
636s problems - such as how do you just
638s categorize what piece of content is how
640s is it inherently PvP or PBM then what
643s the actual requirements would be could
645s you find them could you gain them would
648s you want more transparency about the
649s work required for content would that
651s help better inform your vote could polls
655s act as a means of suggestions rather
656s than there's like a final say over
657s yes/no loss I mean we know that the chat
662s about yeah
664s I so it boils down to it you know what
666s is the purpose of the pole system that
668s is the fundamental question that we want
671s to answer I mean we think we have a
672s understanding what it should be and it's
676s all why I mean I'm happy to design this
679s one but I'm having to have sort of a
680s discussion here about what is the pole
682s system for I think it's there for us to
684s understand exactly what the players want
686s to put in game and that's the core
688s purpose of the pole system the solutions
692s to getting that as a thing in the pole
694s system being that it's some window when
697s there at the moment I mean if we look at
698s how many people vote in a pole this less
700s than 5% of the the members community in
703s itself there was 12 percent 12 percent
705s average for the lamins
707s so it's a tiny proportion of players who
710s actually tell us what what your 20 types
713s enter we knew telling us what you want
714s us to do and to me that makes me think
717s well is this really representative of
719s the players are we really servicing the
721s players and needs servicing do 88
723s percent of you not care you know it's
726s it's it's a it's a very that's the
730s fundamental question to me and hiding
732s the poll results isn't going to solve
733s that and we need to look much more
734s deeper than that find out what the
736s actual problem is get the puck at the
737s pole so that people care about voting
739s know they can make a difference
743s what's the other one easily get to it
745s no they can make a difference and
747s actually they have something they want
749s to poll on I think that they're the
750s things that make it really interesting
752s to me that's not to say that hiding them
754s may not be a potential solution because
756s they're like you know just to respond to
758s the chat immediately there it could be a
761s potentially a solution right it's not
762s always saying it's not going to happen
763s but it's not I was saying it will happen
765s as well just uh there's a lot of
767s question marks as soon as you said no
769s there yeah it will fall under everything
771s else we want to do which me exactly it's
773s like at the point that's 12% like
776s there's that is really low something
778s that was like that's really highs like
779s no that's really really low and I don't
781s think just hiding the poll was like
783s don't get me wrong
784s hina poll results might solve what you
786s guys think you want to solve as well oh
788s god I said there you guys think thing
790s I've pulled the mobile things sorry I
791s didn't mean that but I I really don't
795s think that just having Paul was also
795s made her 12% of our active
798s you know current members vote jump to a
801s hundred or ninety all of a sudden
803s there's clearly another problem there as
804s well yeah I think the point where we're
806s making here is it's part of a wider
808s conversation about the polling system is
810s something we're taking into
811s consideration and looking at but there
813s is more to do in terms of understanding
815s like Matt okay says the polling system
818s as a whole what his purpose is and how
819s we get as many of you engaged in giving
821s your opinions on the content as possible
823s imagine right the PvP don't get what
828s they want through the polling system
829s that is one of the other fundamental
830s problems we need to solve is what is
832s that solution in there is it as you said
835s we only that PvP is to actually to
837s prolong content can we even do that can
840s we identify a PvP player or is it a
842s wider education piece PvP has this part
845s in the game if they don't get content
847s they leave which means it affects other
848s areas of the game it's it's a big
851s massive problem and and you guys have
853s your opinions obviously read it has
856s their opinions Twitter twitch chat will
858s have your opinions there's a people who
860s aren't talking to us they're really
862s scare me and that's what we need to get
863s into the into the realms of why I'm a
865s voting if they just don't want it as
868s fine we'll just carry on doing what
869s we're doing and we need to get that
873s answered like well I saw it in the chat
878s as well I have to see it yeah why aren't
880s people voting and I have seen because we
882s can see the results but again I I can't
884s really stress any further like 90% of
886s them a lot of people that aren't voting
888s and I'm not saying it's gonna be a
889s hundred percent it's never gonna be
890s hundred percent for sure but very low I
893s mean the first polls we did the first
895s one was one hundred and forty thousand
897s respondents or something of the sort it
900s was I think the first in-game poll with
903s guaranteed results that wasn't something
904s like naming a pub so seriously that was
908s a poll in our 2009 so it would get more
912s attention also nobody knew what old
914s school was going to be the first you
915s know month of it existing it was just
918s there and players all had their views
921s about which way it should go
922s and how we should run it even the 75%
925s threshold came out at the forum thread
927s yeah it's worth knowing when we're
930s talking about the number
931s players voting that it's mostly stayed
934s the same or dropped while the game has
937s grown we've you know a triple the size
940s of why we were a few years ago yeah it's
942s and the fact that new players have no
945s jump and voting means there's probably
947s more of a problem there as well of
949s course we understand that a lot of you
952s guys in the chat a lot of people that
954s are shouting on twitter and twitch to
955s you this your your reason might be well
957s I don't feel the need to vote I can see
960s its passing at night percent my votes
961s going to not change that and it might be
963s different if it's hidden of course it
965s might be but then there's more than just
968s the people in the twitch chat there's
970s more than just if you're on Twitter all
971s these new players who come into the game
972s don't necessarily watch twitch don't
974s necessarily use social media either and
977s we need a listen wire they're not
979s looking at the poor booth why they're
981s not actually voting themselves as well
983s studying we came back with we did a
986s survey on how many people actually use
988s read it and I think it's not 20 correct
990s me if I'm wrong here but 20% of plyers
993s read reddit and 5% vote on it or
996s something or post on it it's when it's
999s when it's because sometimes I'll see
1001s people tweet like oh well where do you
1002s where you find out information and
1004s they'll make a Twitter poll and Twitter
1005s will be number one like see Emily's
1007s speaking to us like this you're putting
1008s the poll on Twitter of course most
1010s people are going to respond Twitter on
1012s the Twitter poll or reddit when they're
1014s already like it's not really as high as
1017s your things I see I see hello people
1019s thing like we're trying to flex we're
1020s trying to fight we're not we yeah we
1022s just want to get the point where we
1023s actually have done research before
1025s making a call on a whim because a lot of
1028s people are showing for it yeah it's
1031s because worst case now I was in either
1034s case no could it could happen where we
1036s do just high poll results and it's going
1040s what are you hoping to achieve from
1042s those hiding poor resource is it making
1044s sure that more pvp things get through
1047s what if less went through or what if we
1048s want to get you want less of this thing
1050s through and actually gets more through
1051s by having them and stuff like that as
1053s well we we don't know how that's going
1055s to work
1055s so some things people want to achieve by
1058s hiding them include avoid people's
1061s opinions being skewed by seeing how
1063s other people feel up front
1064s now I don't know to what extent I knew
1068s as a voter when you're voting do you see
1070s lots of people feel this way I have to
1072s feel the same I have feel different I
1074s don't know if that's something that
1075s influences your thinking but hiding the
1076s results would get rid of that as a
1078s source of influence and another thing is
1082s the concern that my colleagues have
1084s covered if people choose not to bother
1086s voting say see which way the votes going
1088s already and don't feel like clicking on
1090s the thing yeah well that would certainly
1095s get rid of it as well whether it would
1097s introduce other effects I do not know
1099s apparently we have various concerns
1101s about it not helping with other problems
1104s with niche content I don't think it
1106s would help with niche content by the way
1108s if anyone's going out there to say I'm
1111s gonna down vote this because I hate that
1112s kind of content they can probably do it
1114s even without the encouragement from the
1116s existing results please don't do that so
1118s what the record is empty of that so yeah
1123s I think there was some stuff to be
1124s gained by hiding it but you understand
1127s why we're not making that decision right
1128s now we'll investigate we'll understand
1133s what's going to happen we'll understand
1135s what we're trying to achieve we
1136s understand what you guys want to achieve
1137s with the pole system and then we'll do
1139s the right thing we'll talk to you all
1140s the way through the process but let's
1142s make the right decision let's make it
1143s the pole system reflects what you guys
1146s want if that's what you want the pole
1147s system to be I think it probably is and
1150s we will get to the right solution two
1153s more sections we've got feedback from
1155s some players from yesterday's vlog and
1156s we crack on with the actual Q&A fixing
1159s how we coined it in the blog fixing old
1161s content or existing game content I think
1165s it's clear from your feedback to our
1166s section that there is a gulf between
1167s what we consider fixing existing content
1171s like you some some of the quality of
1174s life changes examples we offered you
1176s said that's not what we mean by fixing
1178s existing content so it looks like you
1180s want larger reworks to existing content
1182s a little bit much bigger projects and we
1184s envision so we need to make sure we
1186s align on what fixing existing content
1189s means weather is a call.month with lots
1192s of different changes or it's more
1193s substantial work undertaken on something
1196s specific
1198s finally PvP we spoke about our
1202s intentions for how we want to get the
1203s right game design and write changes and
1205s identify what we need to do first let's
1208s talk about what we've done wrong in the
1209s past I think we've spoken to the wrong
1213s people and we've asked the wrong
1215s questions
1215s historically always lots of confirmation
1217s bias by having the same people in the
1219s room not many players interested in game
1222s design we need to focus less on
1225s influencers and more natural players and
1227s not just people who still engage in the
1228s content that's where the confirmation
1230s bias comes from people have stopped
1231s engaging like what made them give up
1233s pvping six months ago and also asking
1237s players who have never PvP like what
1239s would be enough to entice them so talk
1242s to everybody rather than maybe a start
1244s focus on influencers we to work out what
1247s we're in trying to achieve so what do
1248s you want do you want more people to kill
1250s or do want more people to fight there's
1251s a very big difference and attacking
1253s somebody trying to get resources or
1255s someone who would be willing to fight
1257s back two very different things you want
1259s people be more accessible what you want
1261s it to just be refined with quality of
1262s life changes to make sure that the
1264s current audience can play it better so
1266s we need to find out what you want from
1268s it before we can have a piece of design
1271s really I think that's a really important
1273s point
1274s when it comes to PvP and getting more
1276s players into PvP you see a lot of
1278s suggestions where ultimately it's a
1282s little bit transparent you can tell this
1283s existing PK is you just want more
1285s targets which is not necessarily healthy
1288s for PvP overall in the long run whereas
1291s there are actual suggestions and ideas
1292s which are going to get more players
1294s excited and actually learning how to PK
1296s and fight back and that's I think what
1298s we want to focus on a bit more that's
1299s more healthy for PvP overall in the long
1302s run rather just engineer introducing
1304s incentives for example to PV amaz in the
1307s wilderness isn't necessarily good for
1308s PvP it just creates more sort of sacks
1310s of meat with the PK is to feast on
1313s rather than engage with so these are the
1316s kinds of things we're gonna start
1317s talking about and looking to fix i think
1321s that's covered it if there are still
1323s other questions you've got or feedback
1324s to give to the blog then you know how to
1326s reach us usual social channels I think
1329s there's a link at the bottom of the blog
1330s to two
1330s give your feedback all right so I guess
1334s that about wraps things up for the big
1336s blog like say it was an exclamation mark
1338s big blog in the chat will link you
1340s straight to the the blog that he puts
1341s out discussing all these sort of big
1344s questions that you guys have raised cool
1347s so I guess we'll move on then to sort
1349s the standard Q&A thank you very much for
1351s that Sween and Matt Kay hope we go into
1356s the questions
1357s there was one bit of content I wanted to
1359s ask yourself wolf about in particular
1362s which is the seed vault
1364s I know players have asked about this and
1366s sort of the progress where it's at for a
1368s while now and I think there's some even
1370s previews available if you look at
1371s Jagex Mars on Twitter she's um I think
1374s been posting about this one as let's say
1376s at Jax man has actually tweeted out a
1378s picture of the seed vault I think the
1380s other week last Friday so is development
1382s it's done development wise and now it's
1385s a waiting key way to take over we're
1387s currently just finishing off some other
1389s project stuff right now with dead man
1391s coming out and then the rework of the
1393s Sidious is being worked on and treasure
1395s Trailz as well and we have people on
1399s holiday as well so Seed Vault is just a
1401s little it's a few weeks away from us to
1403s pick up but then it will be picked up
1405s and in about three to four weeks
1410s ish maybe I don't give an exact date but
1412s around those around that timeframe you
1415s will have your seed vault that we
1416s promised thanks they go hopefully a bit
1419s closer to release we'll be able to show
1421s you guys what it looks like it is
1424s looking rather good I must say in terms
1425s of the interface work mod Mouse has done
1427s an excellent job I was really happy that
1429s you got the favorite thing working we
1430s were a bit worried she did yeah we were
1432s a bit worried that she couldn't get the
1433s we had a bit of struggle with favoriting
1436s seeds that you want to use to be at the
1437s top and she saw it out and it's it's
1440s exciting stuff what's your favorite seed
1447s favorite seed you know I haven't done
1449s much farming recently I haven't even
1450s engaged with the farming guild yet but I
1454s did used to do toadflax all the time I
1456s think I sort of the best like the white
1458s lilies okay ash what's your favorite
1461s scene um with Alec on the runner
1463s come on Kiran why we do this there you
1468s have many questions to get through today
1469s we have cool our first question is from
1476s gentle tractor who would actually like
1479s to give a shout-out to that's the player
1480s who suggested the everything well yeah
1482s everything but in particular the the new
1485s quest tab that we have the tap system
1487s within the quest tab section where you
1491s can flick between your minigames
1492s requests what are the other two
1494s minigames quest stories and the current
1497s favor that's the one so thank you for
1499s that design that's now in game it looks
1501s beautiful if I may say so fix something
1504s I know I'm not you're not forget this
1505s question answer you fix something about
1507s the embedding oh you know when you're
1509s doing a make or skinning thing you
1511s switch tabs currently it stops you
1514s skilling loop I've made it not do that
1518s coming out in tomorrow's update it's
1522s excellent
1522s so yes gentle tractor has asked what
1526s they say the OS RS team often get asked
1529s what they personally want but how about
1531s listening something you would never want
1532s to see in-game and why be it an old post
1534s oh seven piece of content a gameplay
1536s mechanic a reward etc bonus points for
1539s not the obvious answers like evolution
1541s of combat and MTX okay bonus points mmm
1546s so I like this question it's a good
1549s question but I forgot to think of an
1551s answer for it I thought oh good answer
1553s and then I totally remember don't think
1556s I'd want to see daily distractions and
1559s buy versions return I'm not a fan of
1561s feeling like I have to go and do that
1563s back on them hmm I did enjoy penguins
1567s that was a fun social that's fair
1568s I like content like necks akin to that
1573s boss type but when I think of reward
1575s spaces and stuff I definitely don't like
1577s the idea of health boosting armor being
1579s a thing that I don't like so I wouldn't
1582s want health boosting gamma to exist
1585s essentially that kind of stuff my dear
1588s mark my change was remembered summer's
1592s end came out and you had to go do the
1594s quest and
1595s to run into the core and you had to set
1597s fire to eight fires I think it was and
1599s if you got killed during that process it
1601s blew out with your fires you had to
1602s start again now it was later updated so
1605s they stayed light that really Wow me ups
1608s I never got that quest finished because
1609s it was so difficult to get those eight
1611s fires lit see how that never comes in
1614s never comes in sometimes and I'd love it
1616s but no not that part from there so I
1620s think spring to mind
1621s mod Kirin something you don't ever want
1624s to see in old school echo at three and
1627s third of our dailies mmm not a fan of
1631s feeling like I have to go through a
1632s chore list before I can play the content
1634s I want to play but I really don't like
1639s to be honest it's fair everything yes
1645s those avatars for clans so that gave
1649s benefits if you were training in their
1651s vicinity I'm okay with you know a clan
1655s Sina I would love to get a client system
1657s so we could you let you group and do
1659s what you want to do together more
1661s effectively but giving you benefits so
1664s that you get the optimal rates you must
1666s be in a clan with a group synchronized
1669s that I feel is not something I wanna see
1672s again I prefer that if you want to go
1675s and train you go train if you want to go
1678s do things together sure we should be
1680s able to give you a better system for
1682s engaging each other but not one that
1685s involves rewards for its 100% agree
1689s you shouldn't need an incentive for
1690s trying to client other than one integer
1692s clan right yeah that's fair it's worse
1695s for myself and I think it does work well
1697s in our s3 but I don't see it ever sort
1702s of working for old school is the idea of
1703s sort of elite skills whereby you have to
1705s have a minimum level in these other
1706s skills to access this new one I don't
1709s think that's that's something we could
1710s ever really feasibly do I prefer to be
1713s able to just work on any skill from the
1715s ground up from the start so that's
1718s that's my answer
1719s our second question is from
1723s kitty-kitty-kitty they asked is an
1726s appropriate username you'll see in a
1727s second okay they asked have you can
1728s opening Gertrude's cats the quest to
1731s free-to-play is a short novice quest
1733s with no requirements and cats would be a
1734s great beginner pet just as beginner
1736s clues will give free players a taste of
1738s clues cats can do the same for pets can
1741s do what's the point of having them cat
1744s you can't turn him into death rooms if
1745s you know remember that's the only point
1747s of them right well
1748s pets are fun they're just having you're
1750s having a nice follower the lumberyard
1754s you have to go into that as that members
1758s it's not a sticking point we I think
1761s we've said you made a members area
1762s because you had the cat how much did it
1763s it's not in a members area sorry it's on
1765s a free area to cut off all the fencing a
1769s stuff that's pretty quite there I don't
1771s mind playing players having kittens I
1773s like it Hello Kitty we could we could do
1778s that or we could do new content for free
1781s to play that gives them a bit more
1782s tangible benefit we talked about the
1784s agility skill as a limited thing some
1788s weeks ago on this QA at the time we were
1790s addressing the fact that it's quite hard
1792s for well you know if you've got level 1
1794s agility your energy is not a nice thing
1797s and that's why when we start up a dead
1800s man thing people probably leg it to the
1802s known stronghold area we see on the heat
1804s maps so agility with some way of
1809s training it in the free to play area but
1812s either place and suggest something just
1816s having it limits is you can go too high
1817s other said let them do it as high see
1819s like but but the only training facility
1821s is quite low level it might help with
1824s the transport thing that's so annoying
1828s if I remember rightly I don't know if we
1830s have it about years ago if you had
1833s agility
1834s still affected you're free to play game
1835s but you actually still the case or the
1838s case it's still the case yeah yeah
1840s probably not the help that are free to
1842s play people are looking for unless of
1843s course the messages subscribe mind you
1846s um if you'd like to subscribe please
1848s stick but um that's probably not what
1851s they're looking for here yeah so I mean
1853s that sort of takes away the worry about
1855s I mean limiting it's a certain X amount
1856s of level
1857s because people can use it anyway mm-hm
1859s leagues of benefits although as far as
1861s benefits going free-to-play I think
1864s generally speaking I quite like the idea
1865s of low-level content in members becoming
1869s available to free-to-play where
1870s appropriate I think things like this
1872s very nice example where it's giving a
1874s taste of something something more that
1875s is on the other side so to speak
1877s yeah I've been heat up oh because um
1879s like one of you were saying we could
1881s give him the cat thing you could look
1882s for something useful I mean the cat
1886s thing maybe happen wandering around with
1889s a pet behind you especially one that's a
1890s bit more interactive like an old
1891s Tamagotchi might be ahead hundred
1895s members those might be of interest to
1898s free-to-play but something useful I
1900s would look to the agility skill we got
1902s any free-to-play or people who only have
1904s free-to-play accounts and the chat got
1906s any idea interesting any interesting
1912s ideas what would be useful they want to
1914s know if you were in the chat I wanted
1916s you to tell me if there's anything
1917s everyone in the set I'm guessing not
1921s because nose actually talked to any
1922s ideas in there so they were farming yeah
1927s got to get them potatoes yeah absolutely
1932s dungeoneering free-to-play pvm us an
1936s interesting ones got a couple of free
1937s play boston and i would be glad to
1940s continue that the Giants series yeah
1941s partly because we don't do a lot of
1943s mid-level stuff of that nature what do
1946s you guys think about that what if we did
1947s a whole bunch of extra free-to-play
1949s bosses and maybe some mid-level paid
1951s five bosses as well would that be
1953s something that you guys all Goblin King
1955s I like that idea
1955s I Steinbach I was just thinking that the
1957s same way we introduced introduced the
1959s most iron boss a nice time one would be
1961s cool alright yeah because the Isis
1964s dungeon is paid pay isn't it's the wife
1971s and bit that's members only
1972s that's right that's right about the
1975s public haven't been a free-to-play
1976s player in probably 15 years it's the
1978s part of notes are what you do it is a
1980s little level and you're like oh yeah
1983s classic because once you go into combat
1986s you couldn't run a 4-3 tip for three
1988s rounds of combat it's funny about yeah I
1990s hear you
1990s the worst pickaxe in the world and for
1992s some reason blew right takes forever to
1993s mine purposefully for this case like
1995s come on come on come on like a knight or
1997s wonder over to you it's really trying to
1999s get them stuck on the rocks that they're
2000s not yeah it's almost a really
2001s interesting thing free-to-play
2002s wilderness boss interesting ass
2005s interesting idea I'll move on we've got
2011s one from low hend who wants to know if
2015s we can give added things to bellona's
2018s store from the mining guild like clay
2020s packs or the gem sack or something
2022s similar they noticed that and identified
2024s minerals are not useful after you have
2027s 240 of them for the expert mining clubs
2029s that makes sense
2030s it's a consumable that you get
2032s continuously even after you've bought
2034s the gloves why not hmm
2038s yeah no I mean oh if I see any problem
2040s with it I heard that suggestion yeah
2042s cool it's d cog has said can we see more
2050s unique teleport animations for the diary
2052s teleports disappearing into a self event
2055s for the Mount Kurama teleport for
2056s example hmm the Mauretania desert and rd
2059s teleports have unique animations while
2061s the others don't I
2064s my favorite quality of life all the time
2067s is the graphical stuff that we do like I
2069s don't I don't even know why but like the
2071s Zarek's teleport being up there it was
2073s the one that was cool we've got the
2075s model for a unique amulet that's cool
2077s and they're relatively small ex jobs
2078s it's just when we get the time for them
2080s but like I like that I don't like it
2082s when it's you when it uses a generic
2083s Farrell teleport for something like I
2085s like the ecto for this one we get
2086s crawled into slime mmm it's cool know
2089s what ghost first animation job was yes
2093s the cow oh yeah the amazing cow a cow
2097s teleport yeah that's the one where he'd
2101s been trained by the iris three artists
2102s on you know how to use the tools and how
2105s to come with a really cool idea but the
2108s RS three artists had not briefed him on
2110s how old schools rendering is completely
2113s different to RS 3 so he got this great
2115s idea for a size 3 animation with a
2117s dancing cow walk around you and then was
2121s stuck with so how do you make one of
2122s those in a game where
2124s only things in your tile can render
2126s correctly and that's not the ideal way
2130s round to go about it using any other
2132s cool stuff other plant goes when the cow
2135s Keys following yeah that's what you
2138s should do because you know regular cow
2140s is something all games need yes dude
2143s anyway yeah I've got a question what I'm
2146s look like the clip yeah somebody got
2150s intelligent out there well done and the
2153s crap blue community yeah you've been
2155s defeated in record time sorry I'm quite
2160s having it is quite nice to actually see
2162s it solved because even though you know
2164s there is this great feeling of watching
2166s people get frustrated when they're not
2168s getting towards the answer having it
2171s solved it's like well it worked that was
2173s a thing a year this year yeah I think we
2179s need to do a stream on one of these
2181s don't go through the how you solve it
2182s because they very forced a few things
2184s here and there
2184s didn't quite solve it also give another
2186s couple of weeks link and maybe do
2188s something on here well show you the
2189s answer how it's supposed to be done as
2191s goods the correct the clue community
2193s grew massively this time around as well
2194s then we set a good precedent and we
2196s actually tried to plug where this court
2198s tried to plug this up right yeah
2199s absolutely it's such a positive place to
2202s be I think for the last sort of six
2204s weeks or so when they're all working
2205s towards something even talking to
2207s martyrs like I made loads of new friends
2208s now and just that aspect of people
2210s coming together to solve something and
2212s all working towards that map solution
2215s was just great to watch wasn't quite
2216s sick but yeah it wasn't quite a bit it
2218s wasn't quite a month oh he looks like
2220s February next time we'll just have to be
2225s a bit will be at Sparta next time I
2227s think I think the reason it took so long
2229s previously compared to this one is that
2231s we kind and you this time you need
2232s objects and you go to a location do will
2234s be somewhat different this next time
2235s well it's the first time we've had them
2237s do multiple u-boats in a row yes we also
2240s it's the first time that like I believe
2242s it's us and that we had it so like we
2244s tried to live in brute force you know
2245s you can't wear that stuff and only have
2247s this stuff and yeah to try and stop it
2248s but it's still there wasn't enough so
2250s next time we'll have to do something
2250s entirely different no objects something
2252s completely different that you won't even
2253s have any clothes oh okay maybe there
2257s will be object
2257s I don't know I don't know a few threes
2259s gonna be I'll definitely be objects I've
2263s got some ideas but I have a couple as
2265s well but I doubt a serie up the devious
2268s meter yes the next one animal a sticks
2273s wants to know if the collection log and
2275s boss logs can be accessible via menu
2278s rather than an item yes if we've got to
2283s find our menu place to put say poll
2285s booth button then it could have other
2289s things as well
2290s I believe the suggestion originally from
2292s general tractor when we updated that
2293s interface with potentially pop it not
2297s the poor one B&O collection of there
2300s yeah all we could add it to the account
2302s section yeah I think laughs in that
2304s account want to be a player profile type
2307s thing so you can we collection logs on
2309s there you can have your voting's thing
2310s on there you have your count stuff on
2312s there as well but maybe repurposing out
2314s probably the right way to go make a bit
2316s more useful sure and I do like the idea
2318s of doing it that I mean while it's
2320s called to have the item it makes it
2321s slightly less obvious to find the
2324s players I think it's a worthy thing to
2327s have in the interface absolutely
2329s team wants to know our thoughts on
2331s buffing the Charis dagger to be best in
2334s slot against insect monsters similar
2337s sort of Arclight for demons sure be
2341s laughs previous suggestions were having
2343s the dagger is an attachment to some sort
2345s of spear one they even had that weapon
2347s well being able to use it on the
2349s cardfight queen's flying form which I
2351s think have been part of that cuz she's
2354s up there but yeah and you can't hit her
2356s with a normal spear if you stick this
2358s wiggly dagger thing on the end of the
2359s spear then you can just about where it's
2361s just about rings it's man again I think
2364s I think my wife's we put it in game in
2365s wagon sin in the mid skills somebody's
2368s holding the weapon wit sorry I can
2370s actually make the items of people's
2372s house oh no the models knows what I mean
2374s he sure does like his foreshadowing mmm
2376s he does look up volleyball what are you
2378s about it didn't I say I'm some some
2384s ninja film type things
2386s a massive knife on the end of a massive
2389s long chain
2389s people were using some sort of hidden
2391s crap hidden tiger traps and dragon-type
2393s for film well in daredevil season one
2397s there's a episode in which you reel up
2398s against the guy who's got a really big
2400s spiky hook thing on the end of a chain
2402s which looks quite painful from what
2404s happens that episode I don't know the
2407s word fail was part of the taste of Hope
2413s question oh we did yeah what sort of
2417s line is it a long one with also it's
2419s just got the little thing on the end of
2420s it rather than long shank oh yes it's a
2423s stick with a chain in the hook on the
2426s end I'd like to go down the whole
2427s Morningstar room and have that sort of
2428s weapon going on as well I don't like
2431s bendy weapons they're not the best
2434s animated things in our games have you
2436s ever remember they do not remember when
2438s we were first introducing the wilderness
2440s mace what it calls the gorras the Gora's
2443s and the original animation who like it
2445s was bendy and everybody hear it yeah
2449s that's why we don't do things unchanged
2450s usually moving on our next question is
2457s from cloud tears I'm gonna start being
2461s more selective with the questions I
2462s realize we're actually running out of
2463s time very quickly this person asks if
2465s chatting publicly on agility courses
2467s could be made so that you're hearing
2469s other players wherever they are on the
2471s course rather than having to have them
2472s within your sort of vision range just to
2475s make the Genesee a bit more social so of
2478s course different levels if you climb up
2479s with yeah I think levels also just sort
2483s of increasing like like I say that the
2485s range because current if you can't see
2486s them on your screen they won't quote
2488s unquote hear you in the public chat well
2491s the engine lets us do it for an entire
2493s instanced area agility courses are
2496s currently not an instanced area and it
2497s would be yeah quite a big deal to try
2501s and make it turn into one because
2502s especially when you walk to the edge of
2504s it yeah I'm not optimistic about that
2506s one sorry about the floors costs
2510s different floors as well well this is
2512s the thing like that CPT sensor yes okay
2516s even items like do you respawn them when
2519s you join the instance so it does the
2520s instance even exists if lots of people
2522s aren't there because it
2523s each instance instantly disappear if
2525s nobody's in it there's a lot of tech
2526s problems okay all right I'm probably not
2528s going to be able to get that one done a
2529s rice and net it asks if we can have
2533s different colored Mac escapes for each
2536s Ironman mode so then we have an image
2540s for this which we're going to be showing
2542s there it is
2543s looks so good it's an Ironman
2545s suggestions so there's gonna be floods
2547s of nose in the chat but I actually think
2548s these look very cool she wants our
2550s sorting out the pole system it looks
2553s very cool what do we think about how
2555s many maxed ultimate Iron Men are there
2558s enough to warrant how cool that in game
2562s that is one of those you know what
2566s happens if you do and you lose it
2568s yes you would well we already do that
2571s with the with the stuff so it's not
2575s unreasonable I think they're really cool
2576s I think they look great particularly the
2578s hardcore one I think probably my
2580s favorite verse 17 much the ultimate
2585s 17:17 people that have a really cool kit
2587s then yeah that makes it extra
2589s prestigious but it's fair enough for ya
2592s you want strawpoll it yeah if we can do
2595s a strawpoll mod Bruno it's not a lot to
2600s object to yeah I mean people there's a
2604s lot of max caps and we even ourselves
2606s sometimes complain there's a lot of them
2607s buy especially when it's locked and
2608s anyway you'd have taken away from you if
2610s you were on that kind of account it
2611s would automatically be removed it
2613s wouldn't appear in your other things as
2614s well I wouldn't appear in your player on
2616s houses you can't get this as a regular
2617s player we'd probably take it make it
2619s take up the slot or the max cap and
2620s stuff so it wouldn't be intrusive to
2622s regular players we can make that the
2623s case it looks cool cool sounds like we
2628s very cool we generally like it like a
2630s max alone scape yeah yeah I really like
2635s the ultimate IMM one a lot enough to
2639s play altameyer man max would you lock it
2642s in our reel it takes us like what seven
2644s thousand hours I think
2645s dude what altima tie a mentor in her
2649s blow the painful experience right so
2653s while that straw polls going I'm gonna
2654s move on to the next question
2655s from
2656s safety first hold my beer I think good
2659s name they ask are you guys going to
2662s address the issues with the bottomless
2663s compost bucket firstly you get two
2666s charges per bucket if you add bucket of
2668s compost individually but if you try to
2671s take it from the compost bin
2672s you only get one charge secondly when
2675s using the bottomless compost bucket
2677s while the Attis plant is growing it
2679s seems to produce fewer herbs than a
2680s normal run would with ultra compost I
2683s thought you already fixed that first one
2685s longer yes the first one I'm pretty sure
2687s he did but maybe not not going in the
2690s chair yeah please
2693s okay what in terms of the other thing
2696s you should certainly shouldn't be
2698s getting less herbs okay
2700s they're completely two separate systems
2701s mod Rock and I went looking for that bug
2703s a long time a while back and we couldn't
2706s find it I couldn't find it in the code I
2709s put in some debug and still couldn't
2710s find it he tried it with in-game and
2713s while he thought he'd found it by
2714s setting his variables the right thing
2715s turned out that was not the right thing
2717s so and so I think you've looked at the
2720s code soon I'm afraid I got left on that
2723s one so far we've had a we've had a few
2725s quite a few apart from that one it's
2727s just if we can't like consistently
2731s replicate it we can't find the issue
2735s we've come Scout cold so I got some
2737s extra data players whatever about it
2738s like to confirm use the bucket on the
2741s thing did you could you please inspect
2744s it see whether it thinks it got
2745s composted because if it hadn't been that
2747s would tell us so that the bucket didn't
2749s compost it and that's why you're not
2750s getting what you should be but they've
2753s confirmed for me that no it really did
2754s compost it with Ultra compost as well so
2758s that means it must be something like the
2760s patch but I still can't find it though x
2763s is just well difficult and like take the
2768s cydia strange being too good I couldn't
2772s find out other devs when looking forward
2774s and couldn't find it eventually given
2775s was rewriting all of cooking and spent
2779s long enough on that code they actually
2780s did work out what was going on there but
2782s you know I could have looked it for a
2784s year not found it
2788s on the subject of farming our next
2791s player towel cat I think is one of the
2793s editors for the Oscar wiki wants to know
2796s if we can get the disease and yield
2797s rates of each farmable herb and how they
2799s scale with level is that complicated
2804s question I'll use it I'll use the stat
2806s random well they're awful weird rates
2809s don't understand what they're trying to
2812s do right the numbers they've chosen
2814s originally but yeah so it wouldn't be
2817s easy to present that info doesn't even
2820s have a random calculator that we have
2824s play look familiar with there being a
2826s chance at wonder the chance of 99 into a
2828s place in between yeah because we've told
2830s them that kind of thing in off times we
2832s could give them eternal rest I guess but
2834s it's a lot of lots of it so thing
2839s doesn't translate into a number of herbs
2841s I though from it you could calculate
2843s what youth was what your statistically
2846s likely to get is a distribution but we
2848s should be able to export them with quite
2851s a bit of trawling the chance level one
2854s the chance at level 99 and let them
2856s interpolate for themselves they're good
2858s at that
2858s hmm okay so that's something we might be
2860s able to sort out for you guys yeah
2862s direct but the reflux cells our next
2868s question is from that one guy and he
2871s asks if we'll ever bring back fan
2873s favorite mini games such as Sol Wars and
2875s stealing creation with revamped rewards
2877s and a second part of the question is how
2879s do you think the community would respond
2881s and how it might affect old school we
2883s had exactly that conversation a few days
2886s ago didn't we so we constantly look at
2889s new updates that we could do in the
2890s future and we try and assess them and
2892s see what's worthwhile doing we looked at
2894s stealing creation didn't we yep and the
2901s I think the biggest issue that came to
2903s us from that and again jumping if I get
2905s this wrong sleek new to the bacon very
2907s winning was that we have to do stealing
2911s creations significantly differently
2912s because what happened last time was it
2915s turned into a almost like
2918s you have to do it in the most efficient
2920s way possible to get the best benefit
2923s from it and almost manipulate the game
2924s to get to get the rewards you want from
2926s it which some people do enjoy absolutely
2930s as some cohort players do really enjoy
2931s that but it turned it off for the rest
2933s of the players larger group of players
2935s who wanted to play it for the farm and
2937s found out they no longer became fun and
2939s of course I mean the big biggest issue
2941s with it is that you could pickpocket one
2943s Brom potatoes from people watching this
2960s who knows we might accidentally spawn a
2964s twisted bug yeah the issue is that if
2967s the rewards the clay tools aren't good
2971s enough you probably won't play it if
2974s good enough to warrant playing then
2977s you'll probably try and play it in a
2978s most efficient way and we're playing a
2979s mini game for fun mmm just kind of
2983s defeating a point of the update so we'd
2985s have to change the rewards and the
2987s gameplay massively then does it not
2989s become stealing Croatians anymore and
2990s it's something else
2991s doesn't have the nostalgic factor and
2993s won't be as impactful yeah I wonder I
2996s wonder how many of the requests of these
2998s a really popular one that comes up a lot
2999s I wonder how many people are suggesting
3001s it because they remember the nostalgia
3003s and the feeling of playing stealing
3004s creation back in the day but not
3006s necessarily realizing that the player
3008s base has changed since then they have
3010s less time to play and they're doing
3011s other things so it is more about
3013s efficiency than it was and less having
3014s fun playing minigames and that that
3016s might change how players actually
3018s interact with the content now so it's
3020s hard to know that kind of thing and he
3021s definitely has to be considered when
3023s we're looking at designs for this sort
3024s of thing I didn't come here for the feel
3027s if I came with a question well we're
3031s hardly gonna tell the place you think
3032s you want that minigame but you don't
3034s however we genuinely would have trouble
3037s getting the assets recreated for it soul
3039s Wars is a bigger problem for that it had
3041s so many more elaborate models and
3043s animations but stealing creation had
3045s quite a few and its
3048s we found before that if we give players
3050s back some contents and say we've given
3052s you back what you had in the free EOC
3054s days I don't look like it did they do
3057s not like it I mean they knew we've tried
3061s this and the feedback was overwhelmingly
3063s negative and we've done that kind of
3064s thing so it does seem expected that we
3067s try and get the look right and that is a
3068s problem because recreating the Corp took
3073s several weeks which consists of two NPCs
3078s a couple of projectiles and we didn't
3081s actually recreate the cave accurately we
3083s just used an existing cave mod cave wall
3085s model and copied the shape credit the
3088s mod reach for that he'd come hop in the
3090s shape precisely right up to the western
3094s wall which was a great big line because
3095s that's the edge of the map square but
3098s apart from that I do not think we could
3101s make a soul Wars that looks that you
3104s feel with soul wars and even if we could
3107s do it receiving creation give or taking
3109s a bit where it had familiars back in the
3110s day the reward design can be awkward
3115s because I've had a lot of people clear
3117s when they say we want the minigame they
3118s also say at the time they don't want
3120s those rewards we're happy to give them
3122s different rewards with like some peel
3126s it's like you might have got for another
3127s mini game we haven't got I don't know
3129s but it'll thinking about I would rather
3135s do musics idea in the chat there which
3137s is a stray dog quest free to play by
3140s Frank me Vicky's members have cats yeah
3143s so they can have the dog dogs got
3146s different dogs different stray dogs then
3148s Garen saving all the stray dogs and feel
3150s very little fuzzy inside if anything
3151s feed Blakely have the cats and members
3153s we have the dogs because dogs are we're
3154s better than cats I think I grew me you
3157s know when you're shooing away the stray
3159s dog what is the sound that you actually
3162s make how would you go about you know the
3165s yeah that the sound got imagined sir the
3169s boss like it's very yeah alright let me
3172s sorry about that no it's fine don't
3175s worry you might want to harm again
3177s looking after White Wolf so the results
3179s of the straw poll that we held our in we
3181s you guys if the special Ironman Mack
3183s escapes that we showed earlier should be
3185s added to game or police if you guys
3188s liked the idea and 84% of you said yes
3191s which is Mike amazing see you know the
3195s new cosmetic that takes away nothing
3197s from anybody
3198s well I'll move on to the next question
3208s then I appreciate we're running short on
3210s time
3212s so I've got a couple questions here with
3215s pre-written
3216s answers I just want to get out quickly I
3218s say pre-written from other mods that I
3221s wanted scripted in the chat there we go
3224s so one of the questions was from crazy
3227s Shane and he asked a few players who
3230s want to know about this they said can we
3232s get more player mods and an application
3234s system would be nice so Steve W mod
3237s Steve W one of the player support
3239s managers wrote an answer to this I just
3241s want to get it out there he says I agree
3243s that we could do with more P mods in
3245s old-school particularly to help us
3246s tackle some of the disruptive behavior
3248s such as scamming games of chance fake
3250s giveaways doubling and fishing too often
3252s plagued high-traffic areas such as the
3254s ground exchange we currently have 1641
3257s player mods and 32% of them which is 514
3261s are in old school we're actively
3264s recruiting right now and carrying out
3266s all our checks about sorry and our about
3268s 100 old school specific new P mods will
3271s be joining next week and all of our
3273s immediate recruitment over the coming
3274s weeks will also be for all school only
3276s until we get to around 900 or so in
3279s total in terms of an application system
3282s we have looked at that in the past and
3283s didn't find it very effective in a
3286s like-for-like comparison we actually
3287s found more people who were suitable to
3289s be a p-mod just by random selection than
3291s if taken from a recruitment thread that
3293s we ran on our forums as a trial I guess
3296s it's something about a type of person
3297s who applies for it isn't necessarily
3299s what we're looking for as well who asks
3302s the VP's not the sort of person who
3303s ought to be P mod in general I think we
3307s tried the application process for at jag
3308s exposes to it
3314s what Modric said on stream it seemed a
3318s remarkably dick move the W goes on to
3322s say if anyone wants to maximize their
3324s chances of being selected for invitation
3327s to be a team on J's Ronan always gonna
3332s respond instead he says make sure you
3335s have your Authenticator enabled as
3337s that's one of the requirements or
3338s something that we look for otherwise you
3340s won't even make it to manual review and
3342s that's something to bear in mind so
3344s that's that since he didn't mention his
3347s reason for it I think it's because they
3349s don't want to give player mod mutes to
3352s people who then might lose their
3353s accounts and yeah then half of the hi
3355s Jackie go around muting which might
3359s relate to other topics on this stream of
3361s course but that's why he he's doing it's
3363s not just to plug the Authenticator that
3378s you can't be talking all the females we
3381s have in chat crash people would
3389s understand it when they do get a new P
3391s mode they don't just give them the mute
3393s and send them out running I believe
3395s there's a sort of probation it's a
3397s Muslim yeah yeah so that might be why
3401s they don't just appoint 20,000 all at
3402s once and let them go wild yeah although
3406s P mods gone wild on the on the intrinsic
3407s it might be a different thing altogether
3410s there is just a comment on that there is
3413s a quite a thorough process before I
3414s understand I used to handle the P mode
3416s stuff myself but now it's mod Mouse in
3418s support if they are proper now the spam
3422s there I think that's on you more than me
3427s but yes so they there is a thorough
3431s process mod Mouse vets the marseilles
3434s applications the people that are being
3435s considered to invitation and then like I
3438s said there's sort of probation period
3439s before they're allowed some use anybody
3441s so we archive quite thorough making sure
3442s no one does go on a sort of rampage
3444s muting spree and that's
3445s although mod Steve W Samsa didn't cover
3449s it it's probably why he's not just going
3452s with a session of let's have lots of
3453s them that will help because he knows
3455s what happens if you get lots of them
3457s they go out of control everyone is a P
3459s mode but no one whose beacon that we
3461s know toxicity like full top-level IQ
3464s that is so I'm gonna move on to the next
3468s question which also has an answer from
3471s one of our artists I wanted to get this
3472s in before the end of the stream just a
3474s random uno asks what are the challenges
3476s when it comes to good name right it's a
3480s good name we haven't said anything no
3482s they asked what are the challenges when
3484s it comes to creating art assets for old
3486s school presumably you can't follow
3488s conventional standards for modern games
3490s while fitting the old school aesthetic
3492s so this is an answer from mod Rai and
3495s I'm gonna try and go through it is quite
3497s a paragraph that he's written but I'm
3499s gonna try and squeeze in he says the
3501s challenge in creating old school assets
3503s mainly comes down to the limitations we
3504s face with our tools alongside the unique
3506s way the game is rendered but on the flip
3508s side
3509s these actually help to influence and
3510s reinforce our core art style by
3512s providing hard lines that we can't cross
3514s with our designs I could easily write a
3516s whole essay on this but one example of a
3518s challenge we face on basically every
3520s asset is working around the very low
3521s resolution vertex grid we have relative
3524s to modern games which can be seen when
3526s bits of geometry seemingly snap about
3528s during animations this gives all
3530s movement or not oh sorry this gives all
3532s movement in old school a very distinct
3534s look that no other game replicates as
3535s far as I'm aware we mainly take this
3537s into account when designing worn items
3539s and NPCs so the details and silhouettes
3541s aren't lost if some close proximity
3543s vertices move to different positions
3545s this is less of an issue on props and
3547s environment models because of their
3548s static nature but it's still enforces
3550s limits for example the level of detail
3552s and smoothness of curve services they
3553s can't be created so there you go anyone
3556s who sort of knows more about art and
3558s game design sorry game graphics than I
3560s do was well before the understand that
3562s better that was a really good answer
3567s guys that was a good question you missed
3570s it go back and have another listen I got
3573s distracted by the turtles I kind of
3574s quite entertaining exhibition what
3577s people just
3579s relaxing like a screensaver I'm aware
3583s we've hit six o'clock just before we
3585s wrap things up we have an announcement
3587s to make we've actually been nominated
3588s for an award don't want to give more
3590s details on that mod sweet exclamation
3592s mark BAFTA in the chat very exciting
3595s we've been nominated for the EE mobile
3597s game of the Year at the BAFTA Game
3600s Awards you can vote by following that
3603s link there we're up against some pretty
3606s tough competitors but yeah I think
3610s remember a shout yeah a so the release
3613s is strong hmm I think I'm right in
3616s saying if you vote it gives you a chance
3618s to win win yeah win tickets there was
3623s himself well everybody is eligible voter
3627s yeah that you have to be a UK resident
3629s or at least I know UK phone number yeah
3632s right yeah so I guess that just about
3637s wraps things up so we didn't have time
3639s to get round to your chat questions I'll
3640s make a note of them and include them
3641s next time thank everyone in the chat for
3645s watching and and listening and thank you
3648s to everyone on the couch with me this
3649s week and we'll catch you in the next one
3653s bye bye bye bye
3660s [Music]